Inscription from Khao Rang (K. 505), 561 Śaka

Editors: Kunthea Chhom, George Cœdès, Sotheara Vong, Dominique Soutif.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK00505.

Hand description:

The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.

Languages: Old Khmer, Sanskrit.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (cc7c3b4), last modified (53e01d7).


I. Anuṣṭubh

⟨1⟩ ⟨Column a⟩Iṣa-trayodaśa-dine


⟨Column b⟩kr̥ṣṇe candra-rasendriyai[ḥ]


⟨2⟩ ⟨Column a⟩bhukte śaka-pater abde


⟨Column b⟩hastendur vr̥ṣabhodaya[ḥ]


⟨3⟩ kñuṁ Aṁnoy· sināhv· pragat· Āy· ⟨4⟩ ta vihār· jmah· ge vā sir· kantai ⟨5⟩ ku yoṅ· ° kon· ku lāṅ· si ° vā pār· ⟨6⟩ kantai vā ku sol· ° kon· ku lāṅ· tai ° ⟨7⟩ vā raṅeh· (°) ku ceh· ° vā joṅ· ° kantai ⟨8⟩ vā ku mās· ° ku cuṁ ° kon· ku der· tai °⟨9⟩ṅ· tai ° pau tai ° ku sralañ· ° kon· ku ⟨10⟩ lāṅ· tai ° pau tai ° caṁdak· vā thar· °⟨11⟩ din· ° vā dharmmalābha ° daṁriṅ· Āy· ⟨12⟩ tnon· ° slā ta gui 200 7 ° toṅ· tneṁ 20 cma(ṁ) ⟨13⟩ gui vā men· ° kantai vā ku laḥ ° kon· ku lā⟨14⟩ṅ· sī ° pau sī ° daṁriṅ· Āy· ñiṅ· vihā⟨15⟩r· slā ta gui tneṁ 100 20 III toṅ· tneṁ 100 20 ° cmaṁ ⟨16⟩ gui vā kdok· ° sarvvapiṇda savālavr̥⟨17⟩ddha kñuṁ phoṅ· droṅ· cmaṁ daṁriṅṅa 20 10 II ⟨18⟩ glaṅ· vihār· klas· saṁrit· IIII thās· II ⟨19⟩ srageḥ 20 ° pallaṅka ° taṅ· toṅ· taṁpo⟨20⟩ṅ· ° canlek· Ula[.](v/dh)a jlī yau 7 ° ka(ṁ)vār· ⟨21⟩ yau 7 ° kāpaṭa jlī yau 20 7 ° k[.]ac· ⟨22⟩ yau 10 II kaṁvār· yau 10 ° pnaṅ· ° tripā⟨23⟩da I tmo pi [3+] āy· car· ku sa⟨24⟩nre I kanlaḥ ti [° tmur·] [1+] [10 °] (kra)pī dneṁ ⟨25⟩ 7 ° poñ· vu [7+] (°) ⟨26⟩ k(ñu)ṁ Aṁnoy· sināhv· añ(·) ai ta vihā⟨27⟩[r·] [5+] (t)· (°) kantai vā ku (v/dh)au ° kon· ⟨28⟩ [ku] [5+] lāṅ sī I pau tai I thā⟨29⟩[5+][lla]ṅka I daṁriṅ· I slā [tn](e)[ṁ] ⟨30⟩ [7+] (d/t)n(eṁ) gui 10 ° gui saṁ ⟨31⟩ [8+] Āy· vihār· ruṅ· °


⟨1⟩ -rasendriyai[ḥ]-rasendriyaiḥ GC; -rasendriyaiḥ SV.

⟨2⟩ vr̥ṣabhodaya[ḥ]vr̥ṣabhodayaḥ GC; vr̥ṣabhodayaḥ SV.

⟨7⟩ vā raṅeh· ⬦ va raṅeh GC; va raṅeh SV. — ⟨7⟩ raṅeh· (°)raṅeh GC; raṅeh SV. — ⟨7⟩ ku ceh· ⬦ ku cih GC; ku ceh SV. — ⟨7⟩ joṅ· °joṅ GC; jon SV.

⟨8⟩ ku cuṁ ⬦ ku cū GC; ku cuṁ SV.

⟨10⟩ caṁdak· ⬦ caṁdak GC; caṁ-uk SV.

⟨12⟩ 200 7100 5 GC; 100 100 7 SV. — ⟨12⟩ cma(ṁ)cmaṁ GC; cmaṁ SV.

⟨13⟩ ku laḥ °ku laḥ ° GC; ku laḥ SV.

⟨16⟩ sarvvapiṇda ⬦ sarvvapiṇḍa GC; sarvvapiṇḍa SV.

⟨20⟩ Ula[.](v/dh)a ⬦ uladdha GC; ulahv SV. — ⟨20⟩ 7 °7 GC; 8 ° SV. — ⟨20⟩ ka(ṁ)vār· ⬦ kaṁvār GC; kaṁvār SV.

⟨21⟩ yau 7 °yau 7 GC; yau 5 ° SV. — ⟨21⟩ yau 20 7yau 20 7 GC; yau 20 8 SV. — ⟨21⟩ k[.]ac· ⬦ ksac GC; ksac SV.

⟨23⟩ da I tmo ⬦ dhā vartma GC; da I tmo SV.

⟨24⟩ [° tmur·] [1+] [10 °][6+] GC; […] [tmur dneṁ 10] SV. — ⟨24⟩ (kra)pī ⬦ [kra]pi GC; krapi SV.

⟨25⟩ 75 GC; 7 SV. — ⟨25⟩ [7+] (°)[8+] GC; [8+] SV.

⟨26⟩ k(ñu)ṁ ⬦ kñuṁ GC; kñuṁ SV.

⟨27⟩ [r·] [5+] (t)· (°)[r] [7+] GC; [r vā] […] SV. — ⟨27⟩ (v/dh)au ⬦ dhan GC; dhau SV.

⟨28⟩ [ku] [5+][8+] GC; [ku] […] SV. — ⟨28⟩ pau tai Ipau tai ° GC; pau tai I SV.

⟨29⟩ [5+][lla]ṅka I[10+] GC; […] [ńka 8] SV. — ⟨29⟩ [tn](e)[ṁ]tneṁ GC; gui SV.

⟨30⟩ (d/t)n(eṁ)tneṁ GC; dneṁ SV. — ⟨30⟩ saṁ ⬦ saṁ GC; saṁ […] SV.

Translation into French by Cœdès 1937–1966

Dans l’année du roi des Śaka écoulée, [marquée] par les [5] organes des sens, les [6] saveurs et la lune [= 1], le treizième jour de la lune décroissante d’Iṣa [= Āśvina], la lune dans [la mansion] Hasta se lève dans le Taureau.

(3–11) Esclaves donnés par les précédents Sināhv au Vihār. Noms de ces gens (suit la liste).

(11–14) Plantations à Tnon : 105 aréquiers, 20 cocotiers. Gardiens (suivent les noms).

(14–16) Plantation près du Vihār : 123 aréquiers, 120 cocotiers. Gardien : vā Kdok.

(16–17) Total général des esclaves adultes et enfants et des gardiens de plantation : 32.

(18–23) Trésor du Vihār : 4 klas de bronze, 2 plateaux, 20 srageḥ, 1 lit, […].

(23–25) […] à Car Ku, 1 parcelle de rizière […] 5 paires de buffles. Poñ Vu.

(26–31) Exclaves donnés par moi Sināhv au Vihār (suit la liste). 1 plantation : […] aréquiers […] 10 arbres […] à Vihār Ruṅ.


According to Kunthea Chhom ([2023] 2021–2022, p. 237, n. 17), the last line (line 31) of the inscription which contains the term vihāra ruṅ has a lacuna of about eight syllables. In his edition (Inscriptions du Cambodge, vol. 5 (Hanoi, Paris: École française d’Extrême-Orient, 1953), 23–24), George Cœdès writes: ... āy vihāra ruṅ “... at the large monastery.” This line cannot be verified with the EFEO estampage n. 1321 because it has probably been made when the stela had been fixed in a pedestal hiding the last line. Based on the restituted copy of the estampage of the inscription published in George Cœdès, “hlăk dī1 119 śilā cārịk khḁm nai praḥdeś daiy [119th Plate, Khom Inscription in Thailand].” In praḥjum śilā cārịk bhāg dī1 4 [Collection of Inscriptions. Part 4] (Bangkok : The Committee on the Publication of Historical Documents, Office of the Prime Min- ister, OPM, 2513, 1970), 225–228, Vireakput Yeang, Silācārịk kambujā samăy mun aṅgar bhāg dī 1 [Pre-Angkorian Inscriptions of Cambodia (vol. 1)] (2018, manuscript), 140, restitutes the last line as follows: gi saṁ paribhoga pragat āy vihāra ruṅ “which was combined to support the large monastery.” This restitution seems implausible, though, for two grammatical reasons which cannot be explained at length in the scope of this article. We would propose instead the three following phrases: gui saṁ paribhoga ta vraḥ āy vihāra ruṅ or gui saṁ paribhoga ai ta vraḥ āy vihāra ruṅ or gui saṁ paribhoga droṅ vraḥ āy vihāra ruṅ “to combine wealth with the deity at the large monastery.” The term droṅ means “including, with, and” which appears with the verb saṁ paribhoga “to combine wealth” in several pre-Angkorian inscriptions such as K. 137 (7th century).


Edited by George Cœdès (1937–1966, vol. 5, pp. 23–24) with a French translation, re-edited by Sotheara Vong (2003, pp. 91–98), re-edited here by Dominique Soutif from the estampage EFEO n. 1321.


[GC] Cœdès, George. 1937–1966. Inscriptions du Cambodge I-VIII. Collection de textes et documents sur l'Indochine 3. Hanoi; Paris: Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient. Volume 5, pages 23–24.

[SV] Vong, Sotheara. 2003. Pre-Angkor Inscriptions of Cambodia 1. Phnom Penh: Editions Angkor. Pages 91–98.


[KC] Furui, Ryosuke, Arlo Griffiths, Annette Schmiedchen and Kunthea Chhom. [2023] 2021–2022. “Vihāras in ancient Cambodia as evidenced in inscriptions.” BLS 7 (Special volume on Epigraphic Evidence on Patronage and Social Contexts of Buddhist Monasteries in Medieval South and Southeast Asia), pp. 231–273. [URL]. Page 237, note 17.