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· <title>Stela from Ban Hin Khon (K. 388), 6th century Śaka</title>
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15 <forename>Kunthea</forename>
· <surname>Chhom</surname>
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20 <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
· <persName ref="http://viaf.org/viaf/66465311">
· <forename>George</forename>
· <surname>Cœdès</surname>
· </persName>
25 <persName ref="part:kuch">
· <forename>Kunthea</forename>
· <surname>Chhom</surname>
· </persName>
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30 </titleStmt>
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· <authority>DHARMA</authority>
· <pubPlace>Siem Reap</pubPlace>
· <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSCIK00388</idno>
35 <availability>
· <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
· <p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.</p>
· </licence>
40 </availability>
· <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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45 <msIdentifier>
· <repository>DHARMAbase</repository>
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50 <msContents>
· <summary></summary>
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· <physDesc>
55 <handDesc>
· <p>The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.
· </p>
· </handDesc>
· </physDesc>
65 </msDesc>
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· <projectDesc>
70 <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
· under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
· agreement no 809994).</p>
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· ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
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85 </encodingDesc>
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· <change who="part:kuch" when="2024-06-07" status="draft">Adding paleographical remark</change>
· <change who="part:kuch" when="2021-09-15" status="draft">Initial encoding of the inscription</change>
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95<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="A1"/>Āsīt śrīrājabhikṣuḥ pravara-nara-śirā <seg met="+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> sa<lb n="A2"/>dājuṣṭapādā</l>
·<l n="b">-mbhojāḥ kurvvīta sīmāḥ pravara<lb n="A3"/>maniśilā varddha-śobhāḥ catasraḥ</l>
·<l n="c">vīsarjja<lb n="A4"/>d bhūṣitāṅgān sugata-tanu-yutān kṣetra-dā<lb n="A5"/>sādi-yuktān</l>
·<l n="d">vīhārān sāṅghikānāṁ <lb n="A6"/> daśa ca sakathine cīvare dve sacaityaiḥ <g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
100<lg n="2" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita" xml:lang="san-Latn">
·<l n="a"><lb n="A7"/>sarvvānāṁ jagatāṁ hitāya divase kurvvīta dānaṁ sadā</l>
·<l n="b"><lb n="A8"/>vastraṁ cīvara-dānam annam aśanaṁ pānaṁ satāmvūlakam<unclear>·</unclear></l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="A9"/>Ārāmaṁ vividhāvaropita-taru-puṣpaiḥ phalair nna <seg met="-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> kaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><lb n="A10"/>śrīmat-saṅgha-niṣevitas surataruḥ śrīrājabhikṣur yy <seg met="-+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg></l>
· <lg n="3" met="anuṣṭubh" xml:lang="san-Latn">
·<l n="a"><lb n="A11"/>cāturjjātyai <seg met="+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> dattaṁ me</l>
·<l n="b">cālayanti durātmak<supplied reason="lost">āḥ</supplied></l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="A12"/>narakaviṅśan te śeṣaṁ</l>
110<l n="d">santānair yyānti saptabhi<supplied reason="lost">ḥ</supplied></l>
· <lg n="4" met="upajāti" xml:lang="san-Latn"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="b"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
·<l n="a"><lb n="b1"/><seg met="++"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg> tri-konā narakā sughorāḥ</l>
115<l n="b"><lb n="b2"/><seg met="+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> ṇyacatū-kona-kr̥tā sugāḍhāḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="b3"/><seg met="+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> pañca-<choice><sic>ś</sic><corr>ṣ</corr></choice>a<choice><sic>ś</sic><corr>ṣ</corr></choice>sapta-daś<choice><sic>a</sic><corr>ā</corr></choice>ṣṭa-konāḥ</l>
·<l n="d"><lb n="b4"/>pāpiṣṭhavāsāya pare pare syuḥ</l>
· <lg n="5" met="vaṁśastha" xml:lang="san-Latn">
120<l n="a"><lb n="b5"/><seg met="-+-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/></seg> sāyantra-samanta-saṅgatāḥ</l>
·<l n="b"><lb n="b6"/><seg met="-+-++--"><gap reason="lost" quantity="7" unit="character"/></seg> māṅsa-medhakāḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="b7"/><seg met="-+-+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="4" unit="character"/></seg>ḥ jīvatihiṅsakādhamāḥ</l>
·<l n="d"><lb n="b8"/>savisphuriṣṭhā narakāḥ pare kva cit<unclear>·</unclear></l>
·<lb n="b9"/>neḥ gui ru puṇya Upādhyāya śrīrājabhikṣu
· <lb n="b10"/>tel<unclear>·</unclear> sthāpaka Āy<unclear>·</unclear> srau brā man· sanme
· <lb n="b11"/>ni <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> tal<unclear>·</unclear> bra kyāk· śrīvr̥ddheśvara Indravarmma ca<lb n="b12" break="no"/>kkrāvartti <g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g> nu braḥ kaṁmratāṅ· Añ<unclear>·</unclear> śrī
· <lb n="b13"/>soryavarmma ta kuruṅṅa <unclear>ñuṁ</unclear> Āy· mr̥ doṅ·
130 <lb n="b14"/>vraḥ kaṁmratāṅ· Añ· śrī cakkrāvarti ti Ā<lb n="b15" break="no"/>y· taṁraṅ· steṅ· kaṁmratāṅṅa <supplied reason="subaudible">A</supplied>ñ· śrīvikkra<lb n="b16" break="no"/>marudra ti Āy· sro brā <g type="ddanda">.</g> neḥ gui Aṁno<supplied reason="lost">y·</supplied>
· <lb n="b17"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/> ri dravya ti man· O<supplied reason="lost">y·</supplied>
· <lb n="b18"/>ta vraḥ daṁneppra jeṅ<unclear>·</unclear> den· tek· ta
· <lb n="b19"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/>dra raṅgaḥ tek· Āstharana
135<p><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="C"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
·<lb n="C1"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>yā <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> parddamāna kalaśa śaṅkha dro<gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/> la<lb n="C2" break="no"/>ṅgau <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> carā dhūpa <unclear><g type="dotMid">.</g></unclear> <gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/> kaṅśa <seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg>ārnna <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> taṁpoṅṅa <g type="dotMid">.</g> daṁ<lb n="C3" break="no"/>riṅ· moy· slā teṁ <num value="20"><g type="numeral">20</g></num> sre ber· sanrey<unclear>·</unclear> dau
· <lb n="C4"/>ta gui tnalla lvoḥ jassa Aṁrāt ti jeṅ· vihāra <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C5"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> <num value="100">100</num> tmur· tap· dneṁ snāṅ· yār· <gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C6"/>lāniyya neḥ gui kyuṁ vraḥ vodhigana kantai gui kon<unclear>·</unclear>
140 <lb n="C7"/>piy<unclear>·</unclear> vodhipriya kantai gui kon· ber<unclear>·</unclear> <g type="dotMid">.</g> kaḥ <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C8"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> kantai gui kon· ber· <g type="dotMid">.</g> hr̥dayarakṣa kantai gui kon<unclear>·</unclear>
· <lb n="C9"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/>śīlagana kantai gui kon· piyya kdat· kantai
· <lb n="C10"/>gui kon· moyya kjaiy· kantai gui moyya dvār· ka<lb n="C11" break="no"/>ntai gui moyya <g type="dotMid">.</g> manudharma <g type="dotMid">.</g> vidyāgupta <g type="dotMid">.</g> ya <gap reason="lost" quantity="4" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C12"/>kanyeṅ· <g type="dotMid">.</g> vodhiśīla <g type="dotMid">.</g> bhadra <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> paḥ vodhigupta <g type="dotMid">.</g> vo<lb n="C13" break="no"/>dhipāla <g type="dotMid">.</g> māṅ· tma<gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> vodhisambhoga <g type="dotMid">.</g> balaya <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
145 <lb n="C14"/>canhoy· mās· canhoy· prāk· <g type="dotMid">.</g> taṁmrr̥ moy·
· <lb n="C15"/>neḥ gui Aṁnoy· <supplied reason="lost">Upā</supplied>ddhyāya kaṁmrateṅ· Añ· śrī rā<lb n="C16" break="no"/>jabhikṣu ta vraḥ <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C17"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C18"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
· <lb n="C19"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
· <lg n="6" met="anuṣṭubh" xml:lang="san-Latn"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="d"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
·<l n="a"><lb n="d1"/>sūnuś śrīnr̥pendrādhipati<lb n="d2"/> <seg met="--"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg> varmma<supplied reason="lost">ṇa</supplied>ś śrīnr̥pendrā<lb n="d3"/>dhipativarmmā</l>
·<l n="b">yaś ca śrīrā<lb n="d4"/>jabhikṣuḥ bhuvi bharita-yaśa<lb n="d5"/> <seg met="+-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg> hā <seg met="+-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> yās te</l>
·<l n="c">pra<lb n="d6"/> <seg met="+++-+"><gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/></seg> rvvo 'dhisakaṁ <lb n="d7"/> <seg met="--"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg>taye lavdhavantan devai<lb n="d8"/>r dikaṁ</l>
155<l n="d">śrīmad-dāsādi-yukta<lb n="d9"/>vahu-vividha-dhanaṁ bhūmi <seg met="++"><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg> naṁ <lb n="d10"/> kṣitīndrāt· <g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· <p>
· <lb n="d10"/>stuk· svāy·
· <lb n="d11"/>vāyavya nā <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> paścima <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
160 <lb n="d12"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> caratire <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> bhūt· <supplied reason="lost">Ī</supplied><lb n="d13" break="no"/>śane tu srau patitaḥ da<lb n="d14" break="no"/>kṣiṇato yas tavan upā<lb n="d15" break="no"/>dhyāyaḥ <g type="ddanda">.</g> pūrvve tu travāṅ parasa
· <lb n="d16"/>nair̥taye yaḥ punaḥ chpar· <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/>au
· <lb n="d17"/>saḥ ete dhvānaḥ vivudhaiḥ srau
· <lb n="d18"/>vrā deve viśanti vijñeyaḥ <g type="ddanda">.</g>
· </p>
165 </div>
· <div type="apparatus"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="b"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
· <listApp>
· <app loc="b12">
· <lem>braḥ</lem>
170 <rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">vraḥ</rdg>
· </app>
· <app loc="b13">
· <lem><unclear>ñuṁ</unclear></lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></rdg>
175 </app>
· <app loc="b14">
· <lem>śrī cakkrāvarti</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">śrīcakkrāvarti</rdg>
· </app>
180 </listApp>
· </div>
210 <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="A"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">Il y eut un Śrī Rajabhikṣu dont les pieds-lotus étaient continuellement honorés par <gap reason="lost"/> de la tête des hommes éminents; il fit quatre bornes en pierre de la meilleure qualité, splendides; il donna à la Communauté dix monastères ayant leurs membres ornés, pourvus du corps du Sugata, dotés de champs, d'esclaves, etc., et deux <foreign>civara</foreign> accompagnés de <foreign>kaṭhina</foreign>, avec des <foreign>caitya</foreign>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="2">Pour le bien de toutes les créatures, ce Śrī Rājabhikṣu, honoré par la Communauté, a, tel l'arbre du paradis, fait don chaque jour de vêtements, <foreign>cīvara</foreign>, nourriture, aliments, boisson, avec du bétel <supplied reason="explanation">et a donné</supplied> un jardin <supplied reason="explanation">orné</supplied> des fruits et des fleurs des divers arbres qui y sont plantés.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="3">Que les malintentionnés qui enlèvent ce que j'ai donné aux quatre castes, aillent en enfer, tous sans exception avec sept générations de leur famille.</p>
· </div>
215 <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="b"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
· <p rend="stanza" n="4">Que les enfers <gap reason="lost"/> triangulaires très effrayants, <gap reason="lost"/> les enfers <gap reason="lost"/> quadrangulaires très serrés, les enfers penta-, hexa-, hepta-, octogonaux et tous les autres, servent de séjour aux plus mauvais.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5"><gap reason="lost"/> rassemblés et entourés d'instruments <supplied reason="explanation">de torture</supplied> <gap reason="lost"/> <supplied reason="lost">les consommateurs de</supplied> viande et de boissons fermentées, <gap reason="lost"/> les mauvais faisant du mal aux êtres vivants <gap reason="lost"/> les enfers où qu'ils soient.</p>
· <p n="b9-b16">Voici l'œuvre pie de l'<foreign>upādhyāya</foreign> Śrī Rājabhikṣu, fondateur <supplied reason="lost">du temple</supplied> à Srau Brā, offerte à parts égales aux Bra Kyak Śrī Vr̥ddheśvara, Indravarma Cakravarti et V. K. A. Śrī Soryavarma régnant à Mr̥, ainsi qu'à V. K. A. Śrī Cakravarti à Taṁraṅ, Steṅ K. A. Vikramarudra à Sro Brā.</p>
· <p n="b16-b19">Voici les dons <gap reason="lost"/>. Les biens qui sont donnés au dieu, à commencer par un chandelier de fer <gap reason="lost"/> <foreign>raṅgaḥ</foreign> de fer, un lit de repos,</p>
220 </div>
· <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="C"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
· <p n="C1-C5"><foreign>vardhamāna</foreign>, flacon, conque <gap reason="lost"/> en cuivre, <foreign>carā</foreign> à encens, <gap reason="lost"/> bâton; une plantation de 20 aréquiers, deux <foreign>sanrey</foreign> de rizière allant <gap reason="lost"/> la route jusqu'à <gap reason="lost"/> au pied du <foreign>vihāra</foreign> ; 100 <gap reason="lost"/> ; dix paires de bœufs; <gap reason="lost"/>.</p>
· <p n="C6-C13">Voici les esclaves du dieu <supplied reason="explanation">suit une liste de noms d'esclaves avec ceux de leurs femmes, <foreign>kantai gui</foreign>, et le nombre de leurs enfants, <foreign>kon</foreign></supplied> ;</p>
· <p n="C14"><foreign>canhoy</foreign> d'or, <foreign>canhoy</foreign> d'argent, 1 éléphant.</p>
225 <p n="C15-C19">Voici les dons du maître K. A. Śrī Rājabhikṣu au dieu <supplied reason="explanation">la suite est ruinée</supplied>.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="d"/><label xml:lang="eng">Face</label>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">Śrī Nr̥pendrādhipativarman, fils de Śrī Nr̥pendrādhipati<gap reason="lost"/>varman, fut sur terre le glorieux Śrī Rājabhikṣu , <gap reason="lost"/> <supplied reason="subaudible">il a donné</supplied> une terre <gap reason="lost"/> pourvue d'esclaves fortunés, etc., et de biens nombreux et variés <gap reason="lost"/> du roi.</p>
· <p n="d10-d18"><supplied reason="explanation">Limites de la terre de Stuk Svay dans un contexte sanskrit défiant toute traduction.</supplied></p>
230 </div>
· <div type="commentary">
· <p n="b15">Regarding the term <foreign>y· taṁraṅ·</foreign>, the <foreign>virāma</foreign> which is applied on the <foreign>y</foreign> in the beginning of the line and the <foreign>ṅ</foreign> of the word <foreign>taṁraṅ</foreign> is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320B does not contain these words.</p>
· <p n="b16">Regarding the term <foreign>Āy·</foreign>, the <foreign>virāma</foreign> on the <foreign>y</foreign> is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320B does not contain this word.</p>
· <p n="C14">Regarding the term <foreign>moy·</foreign>, the <foreign>virāma</foreign> on the <foreign>y</foreign> of the word <foreign>moy</foreign> is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain this word.</p>
235 <p n="C15">Regarding the term <foreign>Aṁnoy·</foreign>, the <foreign>virāma</foreign> on the <foreign>y</foreign> is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain this words.</p>
· <p n="C15">Regarding the term <foreign>kaṁmrateṅ· Añ·</foreign>, the <foreign>virāma</foreign> on the the <foreign>ṅ</foreign> and the <foreign>ñ</foreign> is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain these words.</p>
· <p n="d16">Regarding the term <foreign>chpar·</foreign>, the <foreign>virāma</foreign> on the <foreign>r</foreign> of the word <foreign>chpar</foreign> is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320d does not contain this word.</p>
· <p>The passage from <foreign>stuk svay</foreign> to the end of the face d which is understood to be a prose here can also be an unidentified stanza.</p>
· </div>
240 <div type="bibliography">
· <p>Edited by George Cœdès (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">6</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">74-77</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from estampage EFEO n.1320.</p>
· <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="GC">
·<ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/>
245<citedRange unit="volume">6</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">74-77</citedRange>
· </listBibl>
· </div>
· </body>
250 </text>
(b15) Regarding the term y· taṁraṅ·, the virāma which is applied on the y in the beginning of the line and the ṅ of the word taṁraṅ is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320B does not contain these words.
(b16) Regarding the term Āy·, the virāma on the y is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320B does not contain this word.
(C14) Regarding the term moy·, the virāma on the y of the word moy is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain this word.
(C15) Regarding the term Aṁnoy·, the virāma on the y is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain this words.
(C15) Regarding the term kaṁmrateṅ· Añ·, the virāma on the the ṅ and the ñ is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain these words.
(d16) Regarding the term chpar·, the virāma on the r of the word chpar is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320d does not contain this word.
The passage from stuk svay to the end of the face d which is understood to be a prose here can also be an unidentified stanza.