Inscription on the doorjamb of the structure BY 11 of Bayon Temple (K. 293-29), 12th century Śaka

Editors: Kunthea Chhom, George Cœdès.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK00293-29.

Hand description:

The akṣaras are of square form which is characteristic of the script belonging to the reign of Jayavarman VII.

Language: Old Khmer.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (0db0cc3), last modified (25c6f3e).


⟨1⟩ vraḥ bhaga[vatī pā]rvvatī


⟨1⟩ vraḥ ⬦ vraḥ GC. — ⟨1⟩ bhaga[vatī pā]rvvatī bhaga[vatī pā]rvvatī GC.


First edited by George Cœdès (1928, p. 111); reedited by Kunthea Chhom (2020, p. 56) in Khmer language.


[KC] Chhom, Kunthea. 2020. សិលាចារឹកលើមេទ្វារតាមប្រាសាទក្នុងរាជ្យព្រះបាទជ័យវរ្ម័នទី៧ [silācarịka loe me dvāra tāma prāsāda knuṅ rājya braḥ pāda jayavarman dī 7 (Inscriptions on doorjambs in the temples belonging to the reign of King Jayavarman VII)]. Siem Reap: APSARA National Authority. [URL]. Page 56.

[GC] Cœdès, George. 1928. “Études cambodgiennes, XIX: La date du Bàyon; XX: Les capitales de Jayavarman II; XXI: La tradition généalogique des premiers rois d'Angkor d'après les inscriptions de Yaçovarman et de Rājendravarman; Appendice: L'inscription de Tùol Koṁnâp Tà Kiṅ.” BEFEO 28 (1-2), pp. 81–146. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1928.3117. [URL]. Page 111.


[GC] Cœdès, George. 1913. “Les inscriptions du Bayon.” BCAI, pp. 226–252. [URL]. Page 87.

[BPG] Groslier, Bernard Philippe. 1973. “Inscriptions du Bayon.” In: Le Bayon. Paris: Publ. de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, pp. 83–322. Page 91.