Stela from Prasat Preah Nan (K. 89), 924 Śaka
Editors: Kunthea Chhom, George Cœdès.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK00089.
Hand description:
The lettering is characteristic of the eleventh century CE.
Language: Old Khmer.
Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).
Version: (cc7c3b4), last modified (8b42bac).
⟨1⟩ || 924 śaka nu vraḥ kamrateṅ Añ bhagavan ṇāma vraḥ kamrateṅ Añ śrīprathi⟨2⟩vindrapandita sruk Āy ramani thvāy śrībhadreśvarāśrama ◯ ta vraḥ pāda kamrateṅ kaṁtvan ⟨3⟩ Añ śrīsūryyavarmmadeva ◯ kalpaṇā ta dau liṅgapūra liṅgaśodhana ◯ ti vī 10 2 gomaya vī 10 ⟨4⟩ 2 lṅo je I santek je 2 svai je I vacā jyaṅ I vraḥ curu liḥ 2 pratidina khñuṁ 5 bhūmi man ⟨5⟩ jauv nu padigaḥ jyaṅ 5 bhājana jyaṅ 5 mvāy śata vroḥh prāk 6 nu duk liṅgaśodhana ⟨6⟩ bhājana nu dut mvāy ◯ prāk nu duk kruc mārgga I svok I kathor I neḥ kalpanā Āy kamra⟨7⟩teṅ Añ liṅgapura ◯ || kalpanā Āy kamrateṅ jagat śrījalāṅgeśvara ◯ vraḥ curu pūrvvā⟨8⟩ḥhna liḥ I maddhyāhna vraḥ curu liḥ 2 ti taṁtāṁ nu cat sneha ◯ vraḥ yajña liḥ 4 Aparāhna vraḥ caru ⟨9⟩ liḥ I saṅkrānta je I bhikṣā Ācāryya ta Aṅgvay ta Āśrama liḥ I vraḥ vleṅ liḥ I sarassuti li I vraḥ ⟨10⟩ bhikṣā caturmmāsa liḥ I ◯ bhūmi jaigrāma ti duñ nu vaudi piy padigaḥ vyar ta loñ sat mūla paṁcāṁ ⟨11⟩ bhūmi thkval It ti khloñ vala kaṁluṅ kaṁveṅ ta jmaḥ loñ bhīma Oy dakṣiṇā sthāpaka ◯ bhūmi travā⟨12⟩ṅ rek ti khloñ vala kaṁluṅ kamveṅ Oy dakṣiṇā phle yajña teṅ tvan kaṁluṅ kaṁveṅ ◯ bhūmi ca⟨13⟩ndranan ti teṅ tvan vraḥ Aṅkoñ Oy dakṣiṇā man nāṁ cval Āy liṅgapūra ◯ bhūmi vijayeśvara ti vraḥ pā⟨14⟩da kaṁmrateṅ kaṁtvan Añ śrīsūryyavarmmadeva Oy vraḥ karuṇā prasāda pre sthāpaka vraḥ viṅ ◯ saṁ gaṇa nu ⟨15⟩ kaṁmrateṅ jagat liṅgapūra ◯ neḥ vijayeśvara punya vraḥ kaṁmrateṅ Añ śrīvijayendravarmma ta gurujana vraḥ ⟨16⟩ pāda sūryyāga śivapada ◯ ta pandval pi Oy prasāda vraḥ kaṁteṅ Añ śrīsamarādhipativarmmaḥ ta pratyaya ⟨17⟩ mratāñ khloñ bhavapūra ◯ bhūmi bhavasthāna ti Oy dakṣiṇā sthāpakaḥ ti duñ bhūmi noḥ sot nu pa⟨18⟩padigaḥ jyaṅ 5 ta loñ sān bhavasthāna ◯ tai kansoḥ ti duñ nu canlyak yau 10 prāk liṅ 4 ⟨19⟩ ti duñ ta loñ śaktiśiva paṁcāṁ kraloṅ ◯ tai sralit ti khloñ vala trvac paṁcāṁ sruk Āy ⟨20⟩ kaṅke gi ta Oy ◯ tai gañjū loñ vās vīragrāma paṁcāṁ daśādhikr̥tta Oy ◯ tai kañjā ⟨21⟩ nu gho kansrāc ti khloñ vala khloñ srū Oy ◯ tai kaṁvai ti duñ nu padigaḥ jyaṅ 5 ta teṅ ⟨22⟩ tvan dvāravati ti jmaḥ teṅ dharmma ◯ tai kaṁprvat ti teṅ tvan dvāravati Oy dakṣiṇā sthāpa⟨23⟩ka vraḥ kaṁmrateṅ Añ parameśvara ◯ tai kaṁvai ti duñ nu padigaḥ jyaṅ 6 ta loñ ⟨24⟩ Ap dvāravati ◯ tai gaṁprvat sot ti loñ vās salā Oy dakṣiṇā thve yajña teṅ ⟨25⟩ tvan vnur jās ◯ tai panhāṅ ti teṅ tvan vnur jās Oy dakṣiṇā phle thve yajña ⟨26⟩ khloñ vala parohita ◯ tai qulikk ti loñ Ap O[y] dakṣiṇā sthāpakā nā vi⟨27⟩dyāvīraloka ti Oy viṅ ta vraḥ noḥ ◯ kvan noḥ mvāy jmaḥ kanqin ti ⟨28⟩ pre res raṅko Āy vnaṁ ◯ qme kaṁvis nu kaṁviss ti duñ nu vaudi I jyaṅ 5 kadā⟨29⟩ha mvāy jyaṅ 5 ta yā loñ jū ramyāgrāma ◯
Translation by Arlo Griffiths
(1–3) In śaka 924, V.K.A. Bhagavan called V.K.A. Śrī Pr̥thivīndrapaṇḍita of the Sruk at Ramani presented the Bhadreśavrāśrama to His Majesty of the Matriline Śrī Sūryavarmadeva.
(3) Offerings which will go to Liṅgapura [for] lińga purification.
(3–4) Per day 12 vī of earth; 10 vī of cow-dung; 1 je of sesame; 2 je of beans; 1 je of cabbage; 1 jyaṅ of vacā; 2 liḥ sacred gruel. 5 slaves.
(4–6) Land which he bought with [one] spittoon of 5 jyaṅ; one platter of 5 jyaṅ; 100 vroḥ, 6 (unspecific units of) silver to be devoted to the liṅga purification; one platter to be devoted to [it]; 1 (unspecific unit of) silver to be devoted to kruc mārgga; 1 plateau; 1 spittoon (?).
(6–7) These are the offerings to My High Lord of Liṅgapura. The offerings for the High Lord of the World Śrī Jalāṅgeśvara.
(7–10) 1 liḥ of sacred gruel in the morning; 2 liḥ of sacred gruel at midday, cooked with the addition of 4 liḥ of oil for sacred sacrifice; 1 liḥ of sacred gruel in the evening. At saṅkrānta 1 je. 1 liḥ of alms for the teacher who resides at the Āśrama. 1 liḥ [for] the sacred fire; 1 liḥ for Sarasvatī; 1 liḥ of sacred alms for the Trimestrial Celebrations.
(10) The land [at] Jayagraama bought with three vaudis; 2 spittoons from Loñ Sat the Chief Steward.
(11) Land at Thkval It (Mound of Bricks) given by the Chief of the forces inside the wall called Loñ Bhīma by way of dakṣiṇā to the Founder.
(11–12) Land at Travāṅ Rek given by the Chief of the forces inside the wall by way of dakṣiṇā, reward for / resulting from sacrifice to the Elderly Ladies inside the wall.
(12–13) Land of/at Candraananda given by the Elderly ladies of the Sacred Aṅkoñ by way of of dakṣiṇā, which they took and submitted to [the god of] Liṅgapura.
(13–15) Land of Vijyeśvara given by His Majesty My High Lord the Sacred Śrī Sūryavarmadeva, through is grace, directing the Re-establisher of the God to join the Gaṇas with the High Lord of the World at Liṅgapura.
(15–17) This Vijayeśvara is the pious work of V.K.A. Śrī Vijayendravarman, who is/was the Guru of His Majesty Śivapada who has gone to heaven who had commanded [him] to give [the pious work] as a gift to V.K.A. Samarādhipativarman, a reliable of the Chief Lord of Bhavapura.
(17–18) Land at Bhavasthāna given by way of dakṣiṇā to the Founder, who bought that additional land with a spittoon of 5 jyaṅ from Loñ Sān of Bhavasthāna.
(18–19) The femal Kansoḥ bought with to yau of cloth; 4 liṅ of silver, bought from Loñ Śaktiśiva, steward of Kraloṅ.
(20) The female Gañjū given by Loñ Vās of Vīragrāma, steward responsible for 10 (unspecific unit).
(20–21) The female Kañjā and the male Kansrāc given by Khloñ by the Chief of the Forces, Chief of Paddy.
(21–22) The female Kaṁvai bought with a spittoon of 5 jyaṅ from the Elderly lady [of] Dvāravatī named Teṅ Dharmma.
(22–23) The female Kaṁprvat given by the Elderly Lady of Dvāravatī by way of dakṣiṇā for the founder of V.K.A. Parameśvara.
(23–24) The female Kaṁvai bought with a spittoon of 6 jyaṅ from Loñ Ap of Dvāravatī.
(24–25) Another female Gaṁprvat (read Kaṁprvat) given by Loñ Vās Salā by way of dakṣiṇā for the performance of sacrifice to the Elderly Lady of Vnur Jās.
(25–26) The female Panhāṅ given by the Elderly lady of Vnur Jās by way of dakṣiṇā as reward for the performance of Sacrifice to the Chief of Forces, the Purohita.
(26–28) The female Ulikk given by Loñ Ap by way of dakṣiṇā to the Founder of the sanctuary of Vidyāvīraloka, given again to that same divinity. One chield of her, bearing the name Kan’in assigned the task of sorting milled rice on the (temple?) mountain.
(28–29) The mother of Kaṁvis and Kaṁvis bought with 1 vaudi of 5 jyaṅ and one cooking pan of 5 jyaṅ from Yā Loñ Jā of Ramyagrāma.
Translation into French by Cœdès 1951
(1–3) 924 śaka, V.K.A. Bhagavan, nommé V.K.A. Śrī Pr̥thivīndrapaṇḍita du pays Āy Ramani offre le Śrī Bhadreśvaraśrama à S.M. Śrī Sūryavarmadeva.
(3–6) Fondation en faveur de Liṅgapura et Liṅgaśodhana : 12 vī de terre, 12 vī de bouse de vache, 1 je de sésame, 2 je de haricots, 1 je de moutarde, 1 jyaṅ de vacā, 2 liḥ pour l’oblation quotidienne, 5 esclaves, une terre achetée à prix d’un crachoir de 5 jyaṅ, un récipient de 5 jyaṅ, cent volées [de paddy?], 6 [unités] d’argent nu duk [pour] Liṅgaśodhana. Un récipient nu duk, argent nu duk, 1 kruc mārga, 1 plateau, 1 crachoir : telle est la fondation en faveur du K.A. Liṅgapura.
(7–10) Fondation en faveur de K.J. Śrī Jalaṅgeśvara : 1 liḥ pour l’oblation du matin, 2 liḥ cuits et préparés à l’huile pour l’oblation de midi, 4 liḥ pour le sacrifice (yajña), 1 liḥ pour l’oblation du soir, 1 je au nouvel an, 1 liḥ pour l’aumône des maîtres résidant dans l’āśrama, 1 liḥ pour le Feu sacré, 1 liḥ pour Sarasvatī, 1 liḥ pour l’aumône des quatre mois ;
(10) Terre de Jaigrāma : achetée pour [le prix] de 3 vaudi et de 2 crachoirs à Loñ Sat, chef des paṁcāṁ ;
(11) Terre de Thkval It : le Khloñ Vala Kaṁluṅ Kaṁveṅ ("chef de population à l’intérieur de l’enceinte") nommé Loñ Bhīma, la donne comme cadeau [en qualité] de fondateur ;
(12) Terre de Travāṅ Rek : le Khloñ Vala de Kaṁluṅ Kaṁveṅ la donne en cadeau comme honoraires pour le sacrifice de la Teṅ Tvan Kaṁluṅ Kaṁveṅ.
(13) Terre de Candranan : la Teṅ Tvan de Vraḥ Aṅkoñ la donne en cadeau ; elle est incorporée à Liṅgapura.
(13–17) Terre de Vijayeśvara : S.M. Śrī Sūryavarmadeva l’accorde gracieusement, y fait ériger le dieu à nouveau et réunit son personnel à celui de K.J. Liṅgapura. Ce Vijayeśvara est une fondation de V.K.A. Śrī Vijayendravarman, maître spirituel du roi qui est allé à Śivapada (= Jayavarman IV) et qui avait ordonné de l’accorder gracieusement à V.K.A Śrī Samarādhipativarman, homme de confiance du Mratañ Khloñ de Bhavapura.
(17–18) Terre de Bhavasthāna, donnée en cadeau de fondateur. Cette terre a été achetée à nouveau pour un crachoir de 5 jyaṅ à Loñ Sān de Bhavasthāna.
(18–19) Tai Kansoḥ est achetée pour 10 yau de vêtements et 4 liṅ d’argent à Loñ Śaktiśiva paṁcāṁ kraloṅ.
(19–20) Tai Sralit est donnée par le Khloñ Vala, inspecteur des paṁcāṁ du pays de Āy Kaṅke.
(20) Tai Gañjū est donnée par Loñ Vās de Vīragrāma, paṁcāṁ chef de dix.
(20–21) Tai Kañjā et Gho Kansrāc sont données par le Khloñ Vala [qui remplit les fonctions de] Khloñ Srū ("chef du paddy").
(21–22) Tai Kaṁvai est achetée pour un crachoir de 5 jyaṅ à la Teṅ Tvan de Dvāravatī qui a nom Teṅ Dharma.
(22–23) Tai Kaṁprvat est donnée par la Teṅ Tvan de Dvāravatī en cadeau de fondateur à V.K. A. Parameśvara.
(23–24) Tai Kaṁvai est achetée pour un crachoir de 6 jyaṅ à Loñ Ap de Dvāravatī.
(24–25) Tai Kaṁprvat, à nouveau, est donnée en cadeau par Loñ Vās Salā pour faire le sacrifice de la Teṅ Tvan de Vnur Jās.
(25–26) Tai Panhāṅ donnée en cadeau par la Teṅ Tvan de Vnur Jās comme récompense pour avoir fait le sacrifice du Khloñ Vala Purohita.
(26–27) Tai Ulik que Loñ Ap avait donnée comme cadeau de fondateur à Vidyāviraloka, est de nouveau donnée à ce dieu.
(27–28) Un enfant nommé Kan-in est envoyé trier du riz dans le temple (vnaṁ).
(28–29) La mère de Kaṁvis et Kaṁvis sont achetés pour 1 vaudi de 5 jyaṅ et 1 chaudron de 5 jyaṅ à la grand’mère de Loñ Jū de Ramyāgrāma.
First edited by George Cœdès (1951, pp. 164–169) with a French translation.
[GC] Cœdès, George. 1951. Inscriptions du Cambodge, volume III. Collection de textes et documents sur l'Indochine 3.3. Hanoi, Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient. Pages 164–169.