Bình Định royal gate doorjamb (C. 47), 1323 Śaka

Editor: Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00047.

Language: Old Cham.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (e60a27c), last modified (6f3ac53).


⟨1⟩ svasti | nī trā madā br̥ṣu⟨2⟩vaṅṣa sidaḥ yām̃ pom̃ ku śrī jayasi⟨3⟩ṅhavarmmadeva śrī harijātti vīrasi⟨4⟩ṅha campapūra pu-pom̃ ku dram̃ṅ· rāja pari⟨5⟩pūrṇna dvādaśa varśa kā jīvaṅgatta nau śi⟨6⟩vasthāṇna di bhūm¿a?⟨i⟩ yām̃ (vavaḥ) (kr)auṅ· yām̃ ⟨7⟩ pom̃ ku śrī vr̥ṣuviṣn[ujātti] (vī)rabhadra⟨8⟩varmmadeva Ātmaja nan[·] dra[m̃][·] rāja

he⟨9⟩ttu pītā mātā mvāttuleya A⟨10⟩gniḥ-praveśa di bhūmmi nī si Upak· su⟨11⟩kha kā tok· humā si rājapītā ⟨12⟩ pu-pom̃ ku parok· di luvūk· myau | 50⟨13⟩0 vijaiḥ ṅan tandom̃ rayā |

śvam̃n· pirak· sa ⟨14⟩ vauḥ 15 thil· kamandalū pirak· sā 5 ⟨15⟩ thil· | kalauk· pirak· sa thil· | klau⟨16⟩ṅ· pirak· {thilaśa} sa thil· | hastiḥ sa ⟨17⟩ drim̃ | hulun· dvā drim̃ Aviḥ nī lumvaḥ śi⟨18⟩liḥ yauṁ śaśāṇna bhūmmi nī | di śaka ⟨19⟩1323 |


⟨6⟩ (vavaḥ) (kr)auṅ· ⬦ [3+] klauṅ· LF.

⟨9⟩ A⟨10⟩gniḥ-praveśa ⬦ A⟨10⟩nniḥ praveśa LF.

⟨10⟩ su⟨11⟩kha ⬦ su⟨11⟩ṇa LF.

⟨11⟩ rājapītā ⬦ rājapita LF.

⟨12⟩ myau ⬦ kyau LF.

⟨13⟩ vijaiḥ ⬦ vījaiḥ LF. — ⟨13⟩ sa ⟨14⟩ vauḥ • Actually the character sa is split into two halves by the line break.

⟨14⟩ thil· kamandalū ⬦ thil· | kamandalū LF • The virāma here takes the form of a vertical bar but there is not an additional punctuation bar.

⟨16⟩ {thilaśa}thireśa LF.

⟨17⟩ śi⟨18⟩liḥ ⬦ śī⟨18⟩liḥ LF.

Translation by Arlo Griffiths

(1–8) Hail! Here too was [the prince] of the Br̥ṣu lineage, namely Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Siṅhavarmadeva, Śrī Harijāti, heroic lion of the Campa City. After my lord had borne the kingship a full twelve years, he died and went to Śiva’s abode in the land of the deity of the river mouth. Y.P.K. Śrī Vr̥ṣu-Viṣṇujāti Vīrabhadravarmadeva, the son, assumed the kingship.

(8–13) Because his father, mother, maternal uncle’s children had entered the fire on [it, he wanted to get back] this land that was devoid of benefit (sukha) after pawning (? tok) the fields that the king’s father, my lord, cleared at Luvūk Myau [measuring] 500 vijaih with the great tandoṅ.

(13–19) One silver ornament of 15 tael; one silver ewer of 5 tael; [one] silver bottle of one tael; [one] silver box of one tael; one elephant; two slaves: all these gifts were the exchange value of this śāsana land, in this [year of the] Śaka [king] 1323.

Translation into French by Finot 1915

Bonheur ! Il y eut un [prince du] Br̥ṣuvaṅsa, savoir, S. M. Śrī Jaya Siṅhavarmmadeva Śrī Harijâtti Vīrasiṅha Campapūra, qui régna douze ans complets. [Alors] son âme partit pour le séjour de Śiva, dans la terre de Yāṅ S. M. Śrī Vr̥ṣu Viṣṇujātti Vīra Bhadravarmmadeva, son fils, régna. Comme ses père, mère et cousins s’étaient établis dans cette contrée qu’ils avaient reçue en concession à l’état inculte, il prit les champs que son royal père avait fait défricher à Luvūk (?), [consistant en] 500 vijaiḥ de bois avec le tandoṅ (?) public ; un śvān d’argent, d’un vauḥ 15 thil ; une aiguière d’argent, de 5 thil ; un flacon d’argent d’un thil ; une boîte d’argent d’un thil ; un éléphant, deux esclaves : tout cela [comme] offrande pour être distribuée śaśāṇṇa (?) de cette terre. En śaka 1323.


First edited with translation into French by Louis Finot (1915); re-edited by Arlo Griffiths based on direct inspection of the stone, as well as estampages and orthophotos from a photogrammetric model.


[LF] Finot, Louis. 1915. “Notes d’épigraphie, XIV : Les inscriptions du musée de Hanoi.” BEFEO 15 (2), pp. 1–38. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1915.5229. [URL]. Pages 12–14, item B 2. 23.


Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra. 1927. Ancient Indian colonies in the Far East, Vol. I: Champa. Punjab Oriental (Sanskrit) Series 16. Lahore: The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot. [URL]. Book III, pages 222–223, item 117.

Golzio, Karl-Heinz. 2004. Inscriptions of Campā: Based on the editions and translations of Abel Bergaigne, Étienne Aymonier, Louis Finot, Édouard Huber and other French scholars and of the work of R. C. Majumdar; newly presented, with minor corrections of texts and translations, together with calculations of given dates. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. Page 198.

Schweyer, Anne-Valérie. 2008. “L’époque dite décadente au Campā : Vers une réhabilitation des 14e-15e siècles.” In: From Homo Erectus to the Living Traditions: Choice of Papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Edited by Jean-Pierre Pautreau, Anne-Sophie Coupey, Valéry Zeitoun and Emma Rambault. No place, pp. 221–230. Pages 225–226.