Doorjamb from Lamngâ

Editors: Salomé Pichon, Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00007.

Language: Old Cham.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (a2d4f44), last modified (8d5ff0e).


Part 1

⟨1⟩ […]damayā […] [jāk· ṅan·] ⟨2⟩ [ta]nd(o)m̃ laṅguv· māḥ (bho)[ga] 30 thil· p(i)rak[·] ⟨3⟩ [bh](o)ga 300 thil· kvi[r]· ja[v]ā laum̃ vukāṁ sya(ṁ) ⟨4⟩ [1+]3 drim̃ śvam̃l· m(auk·) madrim̃ 4 drim̃ mauk· vuṅā

Part 2

⟨5⟩ […] [yām̃] pom̃ ku śrī jayaparam(e)śvaravarmmad(e)va (ud)⟨6⟩na nau (n)dvā [2+]ha yām̃ pom̃ k(u) śrī [ca]mpeśvara (v)u[ḥ] [2+] pa⟨7⟩jem̃ vana[m̃][s](ṁ) k[v]ac· ravaum̃ pā(k·) humā śrī vī[ra[<C>]]u(k)· dī śa⟨8⟩ka nī [2+] śiśī [bh](ū) humā nan· sā sthāna vuḥ pa⟨9⟩k· yā(m̃ po)m̃ ku sva(ya)mu(tpa)nna ṅan· (yā)(p)om̃ ku ⟨10⟩ śrīpa[t](ī)[ś]va(ra) gaḥ pūrv[v]a ta[m̃l·] kanvā gaḥ dak[ṣ](i)ṇa ⟨11⟩ gnam̃ḥ pyā kr(aum̃) tam̃l· humā nagara gaḥ dakṣiṇa tam̃l· ⟨12⟩ humā pu lyam̃ im̃śānavarmma humā yām̃ hu(mā) mu⟨13⟩la gaḥ paścima tam̃l· humā di rumaḥ gaḥ uttara tam̃⟨14⟩l· ravaum̃ rayā atam̃ danrāk· klum̃ kanvā 500 jāk· ⟨15⟩ ṅan· tandom̃ laṅguv· <symbol>


⟨1⟩ [jāk· ṅan·] • this restitution is based on the analysis of the term tandoṅ laṅguv (see note in Lepoutre 2013, pp. 232–235).

⟨4⟩ [1+]3 drim̃ • the fact that five ethnic groups are nammed in the previous line suggests that another digit needs to be restored in front of the figure 3.

⟨7⟩(k·)rok Aymonier 1891.

⟨8⟩ śiśī [bh](ū) • read śaśī bhū

⟨12-13⟩ mula • read mūla

⟨13⟩ rumaḥ gaḥ ⬦ ruma nagara Bergaigne 1888.


Part 1

... jāk with tamdom̃ laṅguv.

Gold as property: 30 thil; silver as property: 300 thil;

Khmers, Javanese, Chinese (?), Paganese, Siamese: #3 persons. Family of mauk Madrim̃: 4 persons; of mauk Vuṅā...

Part 2

... Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Parameśvaravarmadeva went out [in order to] go and divide up ... Y.P.K. Śrī Campeśvara. He offered ... made good dams, cleaned the canals of Śrī VīraCuk’s rice-fields in this Śaka [year] ..., (1) moon, (1) earth (i.e. in 11## Śaka) this rice-field [is] a unit offered to Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna and Y.P.K. Śrīpatīśvara [delimited] on the Eastern side by the ramp; on the Southern side gnam̃ḥ pyā river by the rice-fields of the country; on the Southern side by P.L. Iśānavarman’s rice-fields, the gods’ rice-fields, the rice-fields [constituting] the capital; on the Western side by the rice-fields near the edifices; on the Northern side by the great canal; three atam̃ danrāk; 500 jāk with tandom̃ laṅguv [of] uneven [lands].

Translation into French

Part 1

... jāk avec tamdom̃ laṅguv

De l’or pour les biens : 30 thil ; de l’argent pour les biens : 300 thil ;

Des Khmers, des Javanais, des Chinois (?), des Paganais, des Siamois : #3 personnes. Famille de mauk Madrim̃ : 4 personnes ; de mauk Vuṅā...

Part 2

... Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Parameśvaravarmadeva sortit [pour] aller diviser ... Y.P.K. Śrī Campeśvara. Il offrit ... fit de bons barrages, cura les canaux pour les rizières de Śrī VīraCuk en cette [année] Śaka 11## (##, 1 [lune], 1 [terre]) cette rizière [est] un emplacement offert à Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna et Y.P.K. Śrīpatīśvara [délimitée] du côté est par la dénivéllation ; du côté sud gnam̃ḥ pyā fleuve par les rizières du pays ; du côté sud par les rizières du P.L. Iśānavarman, les rizières des dieux, les rizières [constituant] le capital ; du côté ouest par les rizières près des édifices ; du côté nord par le grand canal ; trois atam̃ danrāk ; 500 jāk avec tandom̃ laṅguv [de terres] dénivelées.


The term laum̃ (= lauv or lov, also occuring in C. 30 B1) is recorded in the available dictionaries and translated there as ’Chinese’. However, it it possible that, originally, this word (identical to the Thai word used to name the modern state of Laos) suggests Thai-speaking populations. The possibility that the term lauv used in these inscriptions could designate a Lao population should be kept in mind.


A few words were read in Bergaigne 1888, p. 192; some more in Aymonier 1891, pp. 52–53; partially summarised in English, in Majumdar 1985, p. 209, whence Golzio 2004, p. 183. It was studied in Jacques 1977-1978, pp. 1079–1080 but was integrally published for the first time in Lepoutre 2013, pp. 228–230, which publication is reproduced here.


Parmentier, Henri. 1909. Inventaire descriptif des monuments čams de l’Annam. Tome premier: Description des monuments. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. [URL]. Pages 79–81.

Finot, Louis. 1915. “Notes d’épigraphie, XIV : Les inscriptions du musée de Hanoi.” BEFEO 15 (2), pp. 1–38. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1915.5229. [URL]. Page 2 and 10.

Parmentier, Henri. 1918. Inventaire descriptif des monuments čams de l’Annam. Tome II: Étude de l’art čam. Paris: Ernest Leroux. Page 77.

Griffiths, Arlo and Amandine Lepoutre. 2013. “Campā epigraphical data on polities and peoples of ancient Myanmar.” Journal of Burma Studies 17 (2), pp. 373–390. DOI: 10.1353/jbs.2013.0014. [URL].