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· Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
· https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
· Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
40 California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Ryosuke
· Furui.</p>
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45 <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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90 <div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn">
· <div type="textpart" n="A"><head xml:lang="eng">Seal</head>
· <ab><lb n="1"/>śrī-gopāla-devaḥ</ab>
· </div>
· <div type="textpart" n="B"><head xml:lang="eng">Plate</head>
95 <pb n="1r"/><lb n="01"/><ab>ni<space type="vacat" unit="character" quantity="33"/>ni<space type="vacat" unit="character" quantity="5"/></ab>
· <lb n="1"/><p><g type="spiralL"/> svasti<g type="danda">.</g></p>
· <lg n="1" met="sragdharā">
· <l n="a">maitrīṅ kāruṇya-ratna-pramudita-hr̥dayaḥ preyasīṁ sandadhānaḥ</l>
· <l n="b"><lb n="2"/>samyak-samvodhi-vidyā-sarid-amala-jala-kṣālitājñāna-paṅkaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
100 <l n="c">jitvā yaḥ kāma-kāri-prabhavam abhibhavaṁ śāśvatīṁ prāpa śāntiṁ</l>
· <l n="d">sa<lb n="3"/> śrīmāl lokanātho jayati daśa-valo ’nyaś ca gopāla-devaḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· <lg n="2" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita">
· <l n="a">lakṣmī-janma-niketanaṁ samakaro voḍhuṁ kṣamaḥ kṣmā-bharaṁ</l>
105 <l n="b">pakṣa-cche<lb n="4" break="no"/>da-bhayād upasthitavatām ekāślayo bhūbhr̥tāṁ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">maryādā-paripālanaika-nirataḥ śauryālayo ’smād abhūT</l>
· <l n="d">dugdhāmbhodhi-vilāsa<lb n="5" break="no"/>-hāsi-mahimā śrī-dharmmapālo nr̥paḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· <lg n="3" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita">
110 <l n="a">rāmasyeva gr̥hīta-satya-tapasas tasyānurūpo guṇaiḥ</l>
· <l n="b">saumitrer udapādi tulya-ma<lb n="6" break="no"/>himā vākpāla-nāmānujaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">yaḥ śrīmān naya-vikramaika-vasati<del rend="strikeout">ḥ</del>r bhrātuḥ sthita<supplied reason="omitted">ḥ</supplied> śāsane</l>
· <l n="d">śūnyāḥ śatru-patākinībhir aka<lb n="7" break="no"/>rod ekātapatrā diśaḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
115 <lg n="4" met="vasantatilakā">
· <l n="a">tasmād upendra-caritair jjagatīṁ punānaḥ</l>
· <l n="b">putro vabhūva vijayī jayapāla-nāmā<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">dharmma-dviṣāṁ śama<lb n="8" break="no"/>yitā yudhi devapāle</l>
· <l n="d">yaḥ pūrvva-je bhuvana-rājya-sukhāny anaiṣīt·<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
120 </lg>
· <lg n="5" met="āryā">
· <l n="ab">śrīmān· vigrahapālas tat-sūnur ajātaśatrur iva jātaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="cd">śa<lb n="9" break="no"/>tru-vanitā-prasādhana-vilopi-vimalāsi-jala-dhāraḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
125 <lg n="6" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita">
· <l n="a">dik-pālaiḥ kṣiti-pālanāya dadhataṁ dehe vibhaktāN guṇāN</l>
· <l n="b">śrīmantaṁ<lb n="10"/> janayām vabhūva tanayaṁ nārāyaṇaṁ sa prabhuṁ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">yaḥ kṣoṇī-patibhiḥ śiro-maṇi-rucāśliṣṭāṅghri-pīṭhopal<subst><del>ā</del><add place="overstrike">a</add></subst>ṁ</l>
· <l n="d">nyāyopāttam alañ-cakā<lb n="11" break="no"/>ra caritaiḥ svair eva dharmmāsanaṁ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
130 </lg>
· <lg n="7" met="vasantatilakā">
· <l n="a">toyāśayair jjaladhi-mūla-gabhīra-garbhair</l>
· <l n="b">ddevālayaiś ca kula-bhū-dhara-tukya-kakṣaiḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">vikhyāta-kī<lb n="12" break="no"/>rttir abhavat tanayaś ca tasya</l>
135 <l n="d">śrī-rājyapāla Iti madhyama-loka-pālaḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· <lg n="8" met="sragdharā">
· <l n="a">tasmāt pūrvva-kṣiti-dhrān nidhir iva mahasāṁ rāṣṭrakūṭānvayendo<lb n="13" break="no"/>s</l>
· <l n="b">tuṅgasyottuṅga-mauler dduhitari tanayo bhāgyadevyāṁ prasūtaḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
140 <l n="c">śrīmāN gopāla-devaś cirataram avaner eka-patnyā Ivaiko</l>
· <l n="d">bharttā<lb n="14"/> <supplied reason="subaudible">'</supplied>bhūn naika-ratna-dyuti-khacita-catuḥ-sindhu-citrāṁśukāyāḥ<g type="ddandaStrokeLeft">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· <lg n="9" met="indravajrā">
· <l n="a">yaṁ svāminaṁ rāja-guṇair anūnam</l>
145 <l n="b">āsevate cārutayānuraktā<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">Utsāha-ma<lb n="15" break="no"/>ntra-prabhu-śakti-lakṣmī<supplied reason="omitted">ḥ</supplied></l>
· <l n="d">pr̥ṭhvīṁ sapatnīm iva śīlayantī<g type="ddandaStrokeLeft">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· <lg n="10" met="mandākrāntā">
150 <l n="a">deśe prāci pracura-payasi svaccham āpīya toyaṁ</l>
· <l n="b">svairaṁ bhrāntvā tad-<choice><sic>u</sic><corr>a</corr></choice>nu malayopa<lb n="16" break="no"/>tyakā candaneṣu<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">kr̥tvā sāndrair mmaruṣu jaḍatāṁ śīkarair abhra-tulyāḥ</l>
· <l n="d">prāleyādreḥ kaṭakam abhajan· yasya senā-gajendrāḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
155 <p>sa khalu<lb n="17"/>bhāgīrathī-patha-pravarttamāna-nānā-vidha-nau-vāṭaka-sampādita-setu-vandha-nihita-śaila-śikhara-śreṇī-vibhramān niratiśaya-ghana-gha<lb n="18" break="no"/>nāghana-ghaṭā-śyāmāyamāna-vāsara-lakṣmī-samāravdha-santata-jalada-samaya-sandehāT<g type="danda">.</g> Udīcīnāneka-nara-pati-prābhr̥tī-kr̥tāpra<lb n="19" break="no"/>meya-haya-vāhinī-khara-khurotkhāta-dhūlī-dhūsarita-digantarālāT<g type="danda">.</g> parameśvara-sevā-samāyātāśeṣa-jamvudvīpa-bhū-pālānanta<lb n="20" break="no"/>-pādāta-bhara-namad-avaneḥ<g type="danda">.</g> vaṭaparvvatikā-samāvāsita-śrīmaj-jaya-skandhāvārāT<g type="danda">.</g> paramasaugato mahārājādhirāja-śrī-rājyapāla-de<lb n="21" break="no"/>va-pādānudhyātaḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus> parameśvaraḥ paramabhaṭṭārako mahārājādhirājaḥ śrīmān· gopāla-devaḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus> kuśalī<g type="danda">.</g> śrī-puṇḍravarddhana-bhuktau<g type="commaSmall">.</g> ku<lb n="22" break="no"/>ddālakhāta-viṣaya-samvaddha<g type="commaSmall">.</g> Ānandapurāgrahārāntaḥpāti<g type="commaSmall">.</g> sva-samvaddāvicchinna-talopeta-kāṣṭhagr̥ha<g type="commaHigh">.</g> sva-samva<lb n="23" break="no"/>ddhāvicchinna-talopeta-mahārājapallikayoḥ Atratya Ābhāvya<g type="commaSmall">.</g> dvārikādāna-sametayoḥ samupagatāśeṣa-rāja-puruṣā<lb n="24" break="no"/>n·<g type="commaHigh">.</g> rāja<g type="danda">.</g> rājanaka<g type="danda">.</g> rājaputra<g type="danda">.</g> rājāmātya<g type="danda">.</g> mahāsāndhivigrahika<g type="danda">.</g> mahā<del rend="strikeout">sā</del>kṣapaṭalika<g type="danda">.</g> mahāse<lb n="25" break="no"/>nāpati<g type="danda">.</g> mahāpratīhāra<g type="danda">.</g> daussādhasādhanika<g type="danda">.</g> mahādaṇḍanāyaka<g type="danda">.</g> rājasthānīyoparika<g type="danda">.</g> dāśāparā<lb n="26" break="no"/>dhika<g type="danda">.</g> cauroddharaṇika<g type="danda">.</g> dāṇḍika<g type="commaSmall">.</g> dāṇḍapāśika<g type="danda">.</g> śaulkika<g type="danda">.</g> gaulmika<g type="danda">.</g> kṣetrapa<g type="danda">.</g> prāntapāla<g type="danda">.</g> koṭṭapāla<g type="danda">.</g> A<lb n="27" break="no"/>ṅgarakṣa<g type="commaSmall">.</g> tad-āyuktaka<g type="commaSmall">.</g> viniyuktaka<g type="danda">.</g> hastyaśvoṣṭranauvalavyāpr̥taka<g type="danda">.</g> ki<add place="bottom" rend="mark">śora</add><g type="commaSmall">.</g>vaḍavā<g type="commaSmall">.</g>gomahiṣyajāvikādhyakṣa<g type="danda">.</g><lb n="28"/> dūta-preṣaṇika<g type="commaSmall">.</g> gamāgamika<g type="commaSmall">.</g> Abhitvaramāna<g type="danda">.</g> viṣayapati<g type="danda">.</g> grāmapati<g type="danda">.</g> <del rend="strikeout">grāmapati<g type="danda">.</g></del> tarika<g type="danda">.</g> gauḍa<g type="danda">.</g> mālava<g type="commaSmall">.</g> khaśa<g type="commaSmall">.</g> hūṇa<g type="danda">.</g><lb n="29"/> kulika<g type="danda">.</g> karṇṇāṭa<g type="danda">.</g> lāṭa<g type="commaSmall">.</g> cāṭa<g type="danda">.</g> bhaṭa<g type="commaHigh">.</g> sevakādīn anyāṁś cākīrttitān·<g type="danda">.</g> rāja-pādopajīvinaḥ prativāsino<lb n="30"/> vrāhmaṇottarān·<g type="danda">.</g> mahattamottama-puroga-medāndhra-caṇḍāla-paryantā<surplus>ntā</surplus>n·<g type="danda">.</g> yathārham mānayati vodhayati<g type="commaHigh">.</g> samā<lb n="31" break="no"/>diśati ca<g type="danda">.</g>
· </p>
· <p>
· viditam astu bhavatāṁ<g type="commaSmall">.</g> yathopari-likhitam etat·<g type="danda">.</g> sva-sīmā-tr̥ṇa-pūti-gocara-paryantaṁ<g type="commaHigh">.</g> sa-talaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> soddeśaṁ<g type="commaSmall">.</g>
· <pb n="1v"/><lb n="32"/>sāmra-madhūkaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> sa-jala-sthalaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> sa-garttoṣaraṁ<g type="danda">.</g> soparikaraṁ<g type="commaSmall">.</g> sa-daśāpacāraṁ<g type="danda">.</g> sa-cau<supplied reason="omitted">ro</supplied>ddharaṇaṁ| parihr̥ta-sarvva-pīḍaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> A<lb n="33" break="no"/>-cāṭa-bhaṭa-praveśaṁ<g type="commaSmall">.</g> Akiñcit-pragrāhyaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> samasta-bhāga-bhoga-kara-hiraṇyādi-pratyāya-sametaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> bhūmi-cchidra-nyāyena<g type="danda">.</g> Ā<lb n="34" break="no"/>-candrārkka-kṣiti-sama-kālaṁ yāvat·<g type="danda">.</g> mātā-pitror ātmanaś ca puṇya-yaśo bhivr̥ddhaye<g type="danda">.</g> bhagavantaṁ vuddha-bhaṭṭārakam ud<supplied reason="omitted">d</supplied>iśya<g type="danda">.</g><lb n="35"/> kāśyapa-sagotrāya<g type="commaSmall">.</g> kāśyapāvatsāra-naidhruva-pravarāya<g type="danda">.</g> vājasaneya-<add place="inline" rend="mark">savrahmacāriṇe</add> mādhyandina-śākhādhyāyine<g type="commaSmall">.</g> sāmaveda-tripā<lb n="36" break="no"/><choice><sic>ṭ</sic><corr>ṭh</corr></choice>i-pāṭhakāya<g type="danda">.</g> muktāvastu-vinirggatāya<g type="danda">.</g> sīhagrāma-vāstavyāya<g type="danda">.</g> bhaṭṭaputra-nāga-pautrāya<g type="danda">.</g> bhaṭṭaputra-śrīgarbha-putrāya<lb n="37"/> bhaṭṭaputra-yājñika-śrīdharaśarmmane<g type="danda">.</g> Uttarāyaṇa-<choice><orig>ś</orig><reg>s</reg></choice>aṅkrāntau snātvā śāsanī-kr̥tya pradattaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> Ato bhavadbhiḥ sarvvair evānuma<lb n="38" break="no"/>ntavyaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> bhāvibhir api bhūpatibhiḥ bhūmer ddāna-phala-gauravāT<g type="danda">.</g> Apaharaṇe ca mahā-naraka-pāta-bhayāT<g type="danda">.</g> dānam i<lb n="39" break="no"/>dam anumodya pālanīyaṁ<g type="danda">.</g> prativāsibhiś ca kṣetrakarair ājañā-śravaṇa-vidheyī-bhūya yathā-kālaṁ bhāga-bho<lb n="40" break="no"/>ga-kara-hiraṇyādi-sarvva-pratyāyopanayaḥ kārya Iti<g type="danda">.</g>
160 </p>
· <p>samvaT <num value="6">6</num> Ārambha-pauṣa-dine<g type="ddanda">.</g></p>
· <p>tathā dharmmānuśaṁ<lb n="41" break="no"/>sinaḥ ślokāḥ<g type="commaSmall">.</g></p>
· <lg n="11" met="anuṣṭubh">
· <l n="ab">vahubhir vvasudhā dattā rājabhiḥ sagarādibhiḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
165 <l n="cd">yasya yasya yadā bhūmis tasya tasya yadā phalaṁ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· <lg n="12" met="anuṣṭubh">
· <l n="ab"><lb n="42"/>ṣaṣtiṁ varṣa-sahasrāṇi svargge modati bhūmi-daḥ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="cd">Ākṣeptā cānumantā ca tāny eva narake vaseT<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
170 </lg>
· <lg n="13" met="anuṣṭubh">
· <l n="ab">sva-dattāṁ para-dattā<lb n="43" break="no"/>m vā yo hareta vasundharāṁ<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="cd">sa viṣṭhāyāṁ kr̥mir bhūtvā pitr̥bhiḥ saha pacyate<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
· </lg>
175 <lg n="14" met="puṣpitāgrā">
· <l n="a">Iti kamala-dalāmvu-vindu-lolām</l>
· <l n="b"><lb n="44"/>śriyam anucintya manuṣya-jīvitañ ca<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="c">sakalam idam udāhr̥tañ ca vuddhvā</l>
· <l n="d">na hi purusaiḥ para-kīrttayo vilopyāḥ<g type="ddanda">.</g></l>
180 </lg>
· <lg n="15" met="anuṣṭubh">
· <l n="ab"><lb n="45"/>śrīmad-gopāladevena dvija-śreṣṭhopapādite<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="cd">bhaṭṭaḥ śrīmān· prabhāso <supplied reason="subaudible">'</supplied>tra śāsane dūtakaḥ kr̥taḥ<g type="ddandaStrokeLeft">.</g></l>
· </lg>
185 <lg n="16" met="anuṣṭubh">
· <l n="ab"><lb n="46"/>śrīmad-vimaladāsena maṅghadāsa-sūnunā<g type="danda">.</g></l>
· <l n="cd">Idaṁ śāsanam utkīrṇṇaṁ sat-samataṭa-janmanā<g type="ddandaStrokeLeft">.</g></l>
· </lg>
· </div>
190 </div>
· <div type="apparatus">
· <div type="textpart" n="B"><head xml:lang="eng">Plate</head>
· <listApp>
· <app loc="9"><lem>-pālanāya</lem><note>āla is squeezed in a narrow space, so that akṣaras become indistinct.</note></app>
195 <app loc="10"><lem>kṣoṇī-</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">kṣauṇī-</rdg></app>
· <app loc="10"><lem>-pīṭhopal<subst><del>ā</del><add place="overstrike">a</add></subst>ṁ</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-pīṭhopalaṁ</rdg></app>
· <app loc="14"><lem>yaṁ</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">yaḥ</rdg></app>
· <app loc="14"><lem>cārutayānuraktā</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">cārutarānuraktā</rdg></app>
· <app loc="15"><lem>pr̥ṭhvīṁ</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">pr̥tthīṁ</rdg></app>
200 <app loc="16"><lem>kaṭakam</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">kaṭākam</rdg></app>
· <app loc="20"><lem> vaṭaparvvatikā-samāvāsit</lem><note>ā sign at kā, mā and vā is expressed by a vertical stroke attached above, as pointed out by Misra and Majumdar<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01"/></bibl>.</note></app>
· <app loc="21"><lem>-pādānudhyātaḥ<surplus><g type="danda">.</g></surplus></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-pādānudhyātaḥ</rdg></app>
· <app loc="21"><lem>-bhuktau<g type="commaSmall">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-bhuktau</rdg></app>
· <app loc="22"><lem>-kāṣṭhagr̥ha</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-koṣṭhagr̥ha</rdg></app>
205 <app loc="24"><lem>rāja<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">rāja-</rdg></app>
· <app loc="24"><lem>rājanaka</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">rājanyaka</rdg></app>
· <app loc="25"><lem>mahāpratīhāra</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">mahāpratihāra</rdg></app>
· <app loc="27"><lem>ki<add place="bottom" rend="mark">śora</add></lem><note>śora is added from the bottom of the obverse, where the akṣaras are preceded by numerals 27 and a cross mark, which indicate the location of insertion, namely, a cross mark engraved in the 27th line from the top.</note></app>
· <app loc="29"><lem>cākīrttitān·<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">cākīrttitān·</rdg></app>
210 <app loc="30"><lem>mānayati</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">mānayati<g type="danda">.</g></rdg></app>
· <app loc="33"><lem>-pragrāhyaṁ<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-pragrāhyaṁ</rdg></app>
· <app loc="35"><lem>-sagotrāya<g type="commaSmall">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-sagotrāya</rdg></app>
· <app loc="35"><lem>-pravarāya<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-pravarāya</rdg></app>
· <app loc="35"><lem>-<add place="inline" rend="mark">savrahmacāriṇe</add></lem><note>These akṣaras are added from a space between lines 45 and 46, where they are preceded by numeral 4 and bracketed by cross marks, which indicate the location of insertion, namely, a cross mark engraved in the 4th line from the top of the reverse.</note></app>
215 <app loc="36"><lem>-pāṭhakāya<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-pāṭhakāya</rdg></app>
· <app loc="36"><lem>-vinirggatāya<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-vinirggatāya</rdg></app>
· <app loc="36"><lem>-pautrāya<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-pautrāya</rdg></app>
· <app loc="37"><lem>-śrīdharaśarmmane<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-śrīdharaśarmmane</rdg></app>
· <app loc="41"><lem>sagarādibhiḥ<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">sagarādibhiḥ</rdg></app>
220 <app loc="44"><lem>-jīvitañ ca<g type="danda">.</g></lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">-jīvitañ ca</rdg></app>
· <app loc="45"><lem>bhaṭṭaḥ</lem><rdg source="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01">bhaṭṭa-</rdg></app>
· </listApp>
· </div>
· </div>
225 <div type="translation" resp="part:ryfu">
· <div type="textpart" n="A"><head xml:lang="eng">Seal</head>
· <p n="1">Illustrious Gopāladeva <supplied reason="explanation">III</supplied>.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="textpart" n="B"><head xml:lang="eng">Plate</head>
230 <p n="01">Confirmed. Confirmed.</p>
· <p n="1">Success! Welfare!</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">The one with mind delighted by the jewel of compassion, who is united with beloved goddess Benevolence, whose dirt of ignorance is cleansed by pure water of the stream of knowledge of perfect enlightenment, who, after conquering the powerful cause of existence producing desire, acquired eternal tranquillity, may he, the illustrious Lord of the World <supplied reason="explanation">the Buddha</supplied> possessing ten powers be victorious, otherwise also Gopāladeva <supplied reason="explanation">I</supplied>!</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="2">From him was born illustrious king Dharmapāla, who was the birthplace of Lakṣmī<supplied reason="explanation">the ocean</supplied> with makaras <seg rend="pun">was levying fair tax on the origin of wealth</seg>, able to carry the burden of the earth, a sole refuge for mountains <seg rend="pun">kings</seg> approaching him in fear of cutting of their wings <seg rend="pun">destruction of their troops</seg>, devoted to the protection of custom, an abode of heroism and great by whiteness with beauty of milk ocean.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="3">Of him, who gained genuine asceticism like Rāma, there was the brother named Vākpāla, similar <supplied reason="subaudible">to him</supplied> and born with virtues of the son of Sumitrā<supplied reason="explanation">Lakṣmaṇa</supplied>, having equal greatness. He was an illustrious sole abode of conduct and valour, adhered to the order of his brother and made quarters under one umbrella without enemy armies.</p>
235 <p rend="stanza" n="4">From him was born the son, the victor named Jayapāla, who cleansed the world by his deeds of Upendra<supplied reason="explanation">Viṣṇu</supplied>. He, the tranquiliser of enemies of Dharma in battle, brought comforts of world kingship to Devapāla, his elder.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5">Illustrious Vigrahapāla <supplied reason="explanation">I</supplied>, his son like Ajātaśatru<supplied reason="explanation">Indra</supplied>, was born. He held the stream of water that was the clean sword destroying decorations of wives of his enemies.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">He procreated his illustrious son Nārāyaṇa<supplied reason="subaudible">pāla</supplied>, the master, who held in his body virtues parted by the guardians of quarters for the protection of the earth. He decorated by his own deeds the properly acquired seat of dharma, the stone of whose footstool was attached by lustre of crest jewels by kings.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="7">And his son, the protector of central world named illustrious Rājyapāla was born, with the fame known by the bed of water inside the deep bottom of the ocean and by the abodes of deities which equalled the rooms of kings of the lineage.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="8">From him in Bhāgyadevī, the daughter of Tuṅga, the moon of the Rāṣṭrakūṭa lineage with raised crown, was born the son like the treasury of greatness of previous kings. <supplied reason="subaudible">He,</supplied> illustrious Gopāladeva <supplied reason="explanation">III</supplied> was for a long time like the only one husband of the earth, the devoted wife who had manifold garments of four oceans studded with lustre of many gems.</p>
240 <p rend="stanza" n="9">Beloved Lakṣmī, who was energy <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>śakti</foreign></supplied> of will <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>utsāha</foreign></supplied>, consultation <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>mantra</foreign></supplied> and lordship <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>prabhu</foreign></supplied>, served with loveliness this master filled with royal virtues, as if exceeding the earth, her co-wife.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="10">After drinking clean water in the eastern country abundant with water, then wandering freely in candana forests at the foot of Malaya Mountain, after making coolness in the Desert by dense mist, his cloud-like best war elephants divided the ridge of Snow Mountain.</p>
· <p n="16-20">From the illustrious military camp of victory pitched at Vaṭaparvatikā, where the group of mountain peaks laid by the bridge produced by various kinds of large ships going around the path of river Bhāgīrathī are rolling, where the doubt of the time of lasting cloud occurred because of daylight darkened by the assembly of unsurpassed massive rutting elephants, where the intermediate space of directions is made grey by dust dug up by the hard hooves of innumerable horse troops gifted by many northern kings and where the earth bows to the weight of innumerable foot soldiers of all the kings of Jambudvīpa coming for the service to the supreme lord.</p>
· <p n="21-31">Parameśvara paramabhaṭṭāraka mahārājādhirāja Illustrious Gopāladeva <supplied reason="explanation">III</supplied>, healthy, the devout worshipper of Sugata<supplied reason="explanation">the Buddha</supplied>, who was accepted by his majesty mahārājādhirāja illustrious Rājyapāladeva, honours, announces and orders according to order all the approached royal officials beginning with rāja, rājanaka, rājaputra, rājāmātya, mahāsāndhivigrahika, mahākṣapaṭalika, mahāsenāpati, mahāpratīhāra, daussādhasādhanika, mahādaṇḍanāyaka, rājasthānīya, uparika, dāśāparādhika, cauroddharaṇika, dāṇḍika, dāṇḍapāśika, śaulkika, gaulmika, kṣetrapa, prāntapāla, koṭṭapāla, aṅgarakṣa, their āyuktas and viniyuktakas, hastyaśvoṣṭranaubalavyāpr̥taka, kiśoravaḍavāgomahiṣyajāvikādhyakṣa, dūta, preṣaṇika, gamāgamika, abhitvaramāṇa, viṣayapati, grāmapati, tarika, Gauḍa, Mālava, Khaśa, Hūṇa, Kulika, Karṇāta, Lāṭa, cāṭa, bhaṭa and sevaka, and the other unnamed dependants on the royal feet, and the residents accompanied by brāhmaṇas, led by mahattamas and uttamas reaching to medas, andhras and caṇḍālas, at both Kāṣṭhagr̥ha accompanied by uninterrupted flat land connected to itself and Mahārājapallikā accompanied by uninterrupted flat land connected to itself, both of which come together with present and future income at gates, belonging to Ānandapurāgrahāra connected with Kuddālakhāta viṣaya in illustrious Puṇḍravardhana bhukti <supplied reason="subaudible">as follows</supplied>:</p>
· <p n="31-40">“It should be known to you. This as written above, as far as its own border, grass field and pasture, was given in the name of the venerable Lord Buddha, after making a royal grant, with flat land, with raised ground, with mango and mahua trees, with watering place, with ditch and saline land, with additional tax, with fine of ten offences, with the right to catch thieves, exempted from all the burdens, without entry of cāṭas and bhaṭas, without anything taken away, accompanied by contribution of all bhāga, bhoga, kara, hiraṇya and so on, by the rule of land reclamation, as long as the moon, the sun and the earth exist, for the increase of merit and fame of parents and myself, to bhaṭṭaputra Śrīdharaśarman versed in sacrificial rituals, belonging to Kāśyapa gotra, Kāśyapa, Āvatsāra and Naidhruva pravara, co-disciple of Vājasaneya, learning Mādhyandina śākhā, a reciter of the Sāmaveda in three ways, originating from Muktāvastu, residing in Sīhagrāma, the grandson of bhaṭṭaputra Nāga and the son of bhaṭṭaputra Śrīgarbha, after bathing on the day of Summer solstice. Hence it should be consented to by you all. This donation should also be protected by future kings after approving it out of respect for merit of donation of land and from fear of falling to the great hell in case of its violation. And the practice of appropriate contribution of bhāga, bhoga, kara, hiraṇya and so on should be made at proper time by residing cultivators after becoming subject to hearing the order <supplied reason="subaudible">of donee</supplied>.”</p>
245 <p n="40">Year 6 the first day of month Pauṣa.</p>
· <p n="40-41">Thus there are verses instructing dharma <supplied reason="subaudible">as follows</supplied>:</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">The earth was given by many kings beginning with Sagara. To the one to whom the land belongs, belongs then the merit.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="12">For sixty thousand years, a giver of land rejoices in heaven. The one who denies it and the one who agrees with him live in hell for the same period.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="13">Either given by himself or given by the others, the one who stole land, he would be boiled with his ancestors after becoming an insect in excreta.</p>
250 <p rend="stanza" n="14">After thus considering wealth and human life fragile as a drop of water on lotus petal, also after knowing all that is said, the meritorious deeds of others should not be destroyed by human beings.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="15">By illustrious Gopāladeva <supplied reason="explanation">III</supplied>, in this edict given to the best of twice-born, bhaṭṭa illustrious Prabhāsa was here made the messenger.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="16">By illustrious Vimaladāsa, the son of Maṅghadāsa, the good one originating from Samataṭa, this edict was engraved.</p>
· </div>
· </div>
255 <div type="commentary">
· </div>
· <div type="bibliography">
260 <p>First notified by Kshitisha Chandra Burman<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Burman1937_01"/></bibl> and then edited by him<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Burman1937_02"/></bibl>. A short note was given by Jogendra Chandra Ghose<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Ghose1937_01"/></bibl>. Re-edited by Pramatha Nath Misra and Ramesh Chandra Majumdar<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01"/></bibl>. Now re-edited by Ryosuke Furui on the reading from digital photographs taken by himself in January 2006.</p>
· <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="MM"><ptr target="bib:Misra+Majumdar1951_01"/></bibl>
· </listBibl>
· <listBibl type="secondary">
265 <bibl><ptr target="bib:Burman1937_01"/></bibl>
· <bibl><ptr target="bib:Burman1937_02"/></bibl>
· <bibl><ptr target="bib:Ghose1937_01"/></bibl>
· </listBibl>
· </div>
270 </body>
· </text>