Caṇpai, Jambunāta temple, Acyutadeva Mahārāja, Śaka year 1544

Editor: Dorotea Operato.

Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv22p0i0103.

Summary: Registers an undertaking given by the residents of Caṇpai, comprising the ninety-eight sub-castes of the Right-hand and left-hand castes, to pay contributions for the maintenance of a temple.

Hand description:

No distinction between e and ē, nor between o and ō.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (f015d1f), last modified (8fd8215).


⟨1⟩ śubham a(stu) cuvatti

śrīmaṉ makā-maṇṭal¡e!⟨ē⟩curaṉ pāaikku-t tappuva Irāyar kaṇṭaṉ m¿u?⟨ū⟩-v-arāyar kaṇṭaṉ kaṇṭa nāṭu koṇṭu koṇṭa nāṭu kuṭāt(ā)ṉ ke(ca)-v¡e!⟨ē⟩ṭṭai kaṇṭ’ aruḷiya (vīra)-p-piṟutāpan naraciṅka⟨2⟩teyva kumāra Accuttaiya teyva makā Irā⟨ya⟩r piṟuti⟨vi⟩ Irācciya paṇṇi Aruḷā niṉṟa cakāttam 1000 5 100 5 10 41 Itaṉ mēl cellā niṉṟa naṉtaṉ caṅka-t-(ta)rattu mituna-nāyaṟṟu pūṟu(va-pa)kṣattu tecamiyum A¡tt!⟨ṭṭ⟩amu⟨3⟩m peṟṟa c¡o!⟨ō⟩ma-vārattu nāḷ

peṇṇai vaṭa-karai-vāṇak¡o!⟨ō⟩ppāṭi nāṭṭil caṇpai Uṭaiyār tiruttā¡m!⟨ṉ⟩t¿o?⟨ō⟩ṉṟi Āḷuṭaiya na⟨yi⟩ṉār t¡ev!⟨ē⟩(va)-tāṉam Ā¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a (ca)ṇpai Āṉa (vira)-rāc¡e!⟨ē⟩ntira-(cō)ḻa-purattu

tāṉattār kaikk¡o!⟨ō⟩⟨4⟩ḷar ceṭṭiyaḷ k¡o!⟨ō⟩yil c¡i!⟨ī⟩rmai(yi)l Uḷḷa perum kaṟcūla paṟvatammāḷ kāttayar ciyaṉ ci⟨ya⟩ṉ kāḷatti Āṇṭār makataimaṇṭala civaṉukku nammuṭa k¡o!⟨ō⟩yil c¡i!⟨ī⟩mai Āṉa caṇpaiyu(m) maṟṟum Uṇṭāṉa kiṟāmam [2+] pala-paṭṭaṭaiyum Iṭaṅkai vala⟨5⟩ṅkai toṇṇūṟṟu eṭṭu cātiyum Ākavum

kāḷatti Āṇṭār maṭatti(l) naṭakkum ni(ṟu)vākattukku kaṭṭaḷai Iṭṭa paṭikku kuṭikku (O)ru paṇamum ciṟu-k kuṭikku Arai-paṇamum kaliyāṇattukku Oru paṇamu(m y-i)ttu ca¡ṉ!⟨n⟩tirā⟨ti⟩tta-varaiyum naṭatta⟨6⟩{varaiyum naṭatta} kaṭav¡o!⟨ō⟩m ākavum

y-itukku Akutam paṇṇiṉavaṉ kaṅkaik karaiyil kārām-pacuvaiyum taṉṉiṭa tāyi takappaṉaiyum kuruvaiyum ko¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ṟava¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ pāvat(ti)le p¡o!⟨ō⟩ka-⟨k⟩ kaṭa(va)ṉ ākavum

Translation by Dorotea Operato

(1) Let auspiciousness prevail! Prosperity!

(1–3) Time of Accutatēva Mahārāya, the great emperor, punisher of the kings who disobey royal orders, destroyer of the three kings, he who takes every country which he sees, he who witnessed the elephant hunt (kecavēṭṭai kaṇṭ’ aruḷiya), son of the victorious Narasimhadeva, on a Monday, which coincides with the eighth day and the tenth day of the bright fortnight of Āṉi month, in the year of Nantana, in the Śaka year 1554.

(3) In Virarājēndracōḻa puram alias Caṇpai, that is an endowed land of the Tiruttāṉtōṉṟi Āḷuṭaiya Nayiṉār temple of Caṇpai, in Vāṇakoppāṭi region, on the northern bank of the Peṇṇai river, [a document was issued]

(3–5) so that the Tāṉattārs, Kaikkōḷars, Ceṭṭis, and the people who live in the districts (cīrmaiyil) of the temple, along with (māṟṟum) the different groups of craftsmen (pala-paṭṭaṭai) […] [living in] Caṇpai and other surrounding villages alias in the territories [associated to] our temple, [that is managed by] Kāḷatti Āṇṭār Makataimaṇṭala Civaṉ, disciple of Perum Kaṟcūla Paṟvatammāḷ Kāttayar, [reached an agreement],

(5–6) so that, according to the agreement that was issued, for the maintenance (niṟuvākattukku) to be carried out in the monastery of Kāḷatti Āṇṭār, we should collect one paṇam from big families, half paṇam from small families, and one paṇam for marriage ceremonies, as long as long as the moon and the sun endure,

(6) and so that the one who hinders this would incur the sin of killing a black cow, his own mother and father, and his teacher on the banks of the Ganges.


Reported in Venkayya 1907 (ARIE/1906-1907/B/1906/103).

Edited in Srinivasa Rao et al. 1967 (SII 22.103).

This digital edition by Dorotea Operato (2024), based on Srinivasa Rao et al. 1967.


[SII] Srinivasa Rao, G.V. 1983. South Indian inscriptions. Volume XXII, Part I: inscriptions collected during the year 1905-06. South Indian Inscriptions 22.1. Delhi: Archaeological survey of India (Director General). Page 93, item 103.


[ARIE] Venkayya, V. 1907. G.O. No. 503, 27th June 1907. Epigraphy. Reviewing the annual progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for -, Southern Circle, for the year 1906-1907. No place. Page 17, appendix B/1906, item 103.


  1. 1. Mistake for Śaka year 1454 according to Srinivasa Rao et al. 1967