Mēlpāṭi, Cōḻēśvara temple, time of Rājakesarivarman Rājarāja, year 29

Editors: Emmanuel Francis, Eugen Hultzsch.

Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv03p0i0016.

Summary: ...

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (f015d1f), last modified (36884e2).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

I. āciriyappā

tiru-makaḷ pōla-p peru-nila-c-celviyun


taṉakkē y-urimai pūṇṭamai maṉa-k-koḷa-k


kāntaḷ¿a?⟨ū⟩[r-c cālai] ¿kkem?⟨kalam⟩ aṟutt-aruḷi


vēṅkai-nāṭuṅ kaṅka-pāṭiyun


⟨nuḷampa-pāṭiyum⟩ taṭ¿ī?⟨i⟩k¿a?⟨ai⟩-pā[ṭi]yuṅ


kuṭa-malai-nāṭuṅ kollamuṅ kaliṅkamum


eṇ-ṭicai pukaḻ tara v-īḻa-maṇṭala[mu]m


iraṭṭa-pāṭi y-ēḻ’ arai y-ilakkamun


tiṇ-ṭiṟal veṉṟi-t taṇṭāṟ koṇṭa ta¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩


eḻil vaḷar ¡u!⟨ū⟩ḻi Ellā yāṇṭun


toḻuta⟨k⟩ai viḷaṅkum yāṇṭē


ceḻiyarai-t tē[cu] koḷ


śrī-kō-[v-i]rāja-rājasaripa⟨r⟩mmar-āṉa śrī-rāja-rāja-devaṟku yāṇṭu 2 10 9-[Ā]vatu

jayaṅ-koṇṭa-cōḻa-maṇṭalattu-p perum-pāṇa-p-pāṭi-t-t¿ura?⟨ū⟩-ñāṭṭu mēṟ-pāṭi-y-āṉa rājāśraya-purattu nakarattōm [Ā]ṟṟ¡u!⟨ū⟩rar-t tu[ñ]ciṉa tevarkku-p paḷḷi-paṭai-y-āka Uṭ[ai]yār śrī-rāja-rāja-devar Eṅkaḷ nakarattil Eṭuppitt-aruḷiṉa Aṟiñcikai-Īśvarattu madevarkku vēṇṭu nivantaṅkaḷukku-t tēvatāṉam-āka nāṅkaḷ kuṭutta nilam āva[tu] Eṅkaḷ¿a?⟨ū⟩rkku-p piṭākai-y-āka-p pe[ṟ]ṟ-uṭaiya [v-ūru]kaḷil maṉai-vaḻi kūṟ-iṭātu nakara-p-potu-vāy-k kiṭanta [pu]li-[k]-kuṉṟattu{kku}kku-k

  • k¡i!⟨ī⟩ḻ-[p]āṟk’ ellai nu[k]ā v-eṉṉum āṟṟukku mēṟku⟨m⟩
  • ⟨2⟩ te[ṉ-pāṟ]k’ ellai kukkaṉ¡ū!⟨ū⟩r Ellaikku vaṭakkum
  • [m]ēl-pāṟk’ ellai te[ṉ]-koḷḷi Ellaikku-k kiḻakkum
  • vaṭa-pāṟk’ ellai pālai-nell¡ū!⟨ū⟩r Ellaikku-t teṟkum
In-nāṟ-[p]ēr-ellaiyu¡ḷ[ḷu]!⟨ḷu⟩ naṭu[vu]-paṭṭa puli-k-kuṉṟam n¡i!⟨ī⟩r-nila[mu]ṅ kollaiyuṅ kāṭum Uṭ-paṭa [v-uṇṇilam o]ḻiv’ iṉṟi Ip-puli-k-kuṉṟattu ni¿[y]ai?⟨lam⟩ Epp[ē]rpap[pa]⟨ṭṭa⟩tum It-tēvar⟨k⟩ku vēṇṭu nivantaṅkaḷukku-t tēvatāṉa-I[ṟ]ai-y-ili-y-āka-c cilā-lēkai ceytu kuṭuttōm mēṟ-pā[ṭi]-y-āṉa rājāśraya-purattu nakarattōm

nakarattār colla Eḻutiṉēṉ In-nakara-k-kara⟨ṇa⟩tt[ā]ṉ nārāyaṇaṉ a[ṭai]kkalava[ṉ-ēṉ]

[I]vai y-e¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩ e[ḻu]ttu

Itu paṉ-mā¿bh?⟨h⟩eśva⟨ra⟩-rakṣai


⟨1⟩ maṉakkoḷak ⬦ maṉakkoḷk SII. — ⟨1⟩ -[c cālai] ¿kkem?⟨kalam⟩¿[3+]kkem?⟨c cālai kalam⟩ SII. — ⟨1⟩ taṭ¿ī?⟨i⟩k¿a?⟨ai⟩-pā[ṭi]yuṅ ⬦ taṭīka-pā[ṭi]yuṅ SII.

Translation by Hultzsch 1899

(1) Hail! Prosperity! In the 29th year [of the reign] of the glorious king Rājarāja-Kesarivarman, alias Śrī-Rājarājadeva, who, etc.,,1——we, the citizens of Mēṟpāṭi, alias Rājāśrayapuram, in Tūñāṭu, [a subdivision] of Perumpaṇa-pāṭi in Jayaṅkoṇṭa-Cōḻa-maṇḍalam, gave the following land as temple land for the expenses(nibandha) required by [the god] Mahādeva of the Aṟiñcikai-Īśvara [temple], which the lord Śrī-Rājarājadeva had been pleased to build in our city as a resting-place for the king who fell asleep at Āṟṟūr. The eastern boundary of Pulikkuṉṟam,——[which is one] among the villages that were acquired and belong to our village as hamlets (piṭākai), which is not divided into house-sites (maṉai),2 and which is the common property of the city,——[is] to the west of the river called Nukā; the southern boundary [is] to the north of the boundary of Kukkaṉūr; the western boundary [is] to the east of the boundary of Te[ṉ]koḷḷi; andthe northern boundary [is] to the south of the boundary of Pālainellūr.

(2) [The village of] Pulikkuṉṟam, enclosed within these four great boundaries,——the whole land of this Pulikkuṉṟam, including wet land, dry land and jungle, [and] not excluding the cultivated land,3——we, the citizens of Mēṟpāṭi, alias Rājāśrayapuram, gave for the expenses required by this god, as tax-free temple land, having engraved [this] on stone. At the bidding of the citizens, I, the accountant of this city, Nārāyaṇaṉ Aṭaikkalavaṉ, wrote [this]. This is my writing. This [gift is placed under] the protection of all Māheśvaras.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1) 29th year of the glorious king Rājarāja, alias the glorious king Rājarājakesarivarman,

(1) who ... [meykkīrtti of Rājarāja I Cōḷa]

(1–2) The land that ... has given ... is [as follows]: [as] for Pullikkuṉṟam ...,

  • the eastern boundary is to the west of the river named Nukā;
  • the southern boundary is to the north of ...;
  • the western boundary is to the east of ...;
  • the northern boundary is to the south of ....

(2) The land comprised between these four great boundaries ... We have given, We, the members of nakaram of ...

(2) ...

(2) ...

(2) ...


Edited in Hultzsch 1899, with English translation (SII 3.16).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Hultzsch 1899 and photos (E. Francis, 2024).


[SII] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part I: Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam. South Indian Inscriptions 3.1. Madras: Governement Press. Pages 24–26, item 16.


  1. 1. The historical introduction of this inscription is identical with that of No. 15.
  2. 2. See Vol. I. p. 66, note 3.
  3. 3. The same expression uṇṇilamoḻiviṉṟi occurs in line 99 of the Udayēntiram plates of Pr̥thivīpati II.; above, Vol. II. p. 386.