Ukkal, Perumāḷ temple, time of Parakesarivarman Rājendra Cōḻa, year 4

Editors: Emmanuel Francis, Eugen Hultzsch.

Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv03p0i0010.

Summary: ...

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (f015d1f), last modified (36884e2).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-[p]-para-kēcari-panmar-āṉa śrī-rājentira-[c]ōḻa-devaṟku yāṇṭu 4-Āvatu

jayaṅ-koṇṭa-cōḻa-maṇṭalattu-k kāliyūr-k kōṭṭattu-t ta⟨2⟩[ṉ] kūṟṟu Ukkal-ākiya vikkira[m]āparaṇa-c-ca[tu]rvēti-maṅkalattu mahā-sabhaiyōm nila-vilai-y-āvaṇa-k-kai-¡yy!⟨y⟩-eḻuttu

Uṭaiyār śrī-rā⟨3⟩j¿a?⟨e⟩n=tira-cōḻa-tēvar paṇi-makaṉ veṇkuṉṟa-k-kōṭṭa[t]tu-k [ku]vaḷaikōṭu-nāṭṭu-k kuvaḷaikōṭ-āṉa Aṉavara⟨ta⟩-cun=tara-[nal]lūr-[k] kōmuḻāṉ Ar[ai]⟨4⟩⟨ya⟩ṉ pala-tēvaṉ Emm-¡u!⟨ū⟩r Ērikku vaitta Ō(ā)ṭam Ira⟨⟨ṇ⟩⟩ṭiṉukkum pōkam-āka viṟṟu-k kuṭutta nilam āvatu

paṉan=-tūmpin kālvaḻi śrī-[y]ār¡u!⟨ū⟩r kaḻaṉiyil sa[bh]ai⟨5⟩-p potu-vāy-k kiṭan=ta nila-maṇal-īṭṭuk=ku vaṭakkum mēl-pāṟk’ ellai kuṭi-makkaḷ [pū]mikku kiḻakku vaṭa-pāṟk’ ellai kuṭi-makkaḷ Iṟai-p-pūmikkum subrahmaṇya⟨6⟩-[v]āykkālukku teṟku naṭuvu-paṭṭa nila mēṟku niṉṟu A[ṭ]aiya-p patiṉ aṟu cāṇ kōlāl m¡u!⟨ū⟩-v-āyiraṅ kuḻiyum mēlai [Ē]ri Etir-vāyiṟ kaḻumpar-uṭaiyār [mu]ṉ Ō(ā)⟨7⟩ṭattukku koṇṭu vaitta Ētta nīkki Itaṉukku kiḻakku Añc’ ēttamum viṟṟu vilai-y-āvaṇañ ceytu kuṭuttōm

Iru-kāl-āvatu mu-k-kāl-āvatu⟨8⟩m paṉan=-tūmpiṉ kālvaḻi śrī-yār¡u!⟨ū⟩r-k kaḻaṉiyil maṇal-īṭṭukku vaṭakku mē[l]-pāṟk’ ellai kuṭi-makkaḷ Iṟai-p-pūmikku kiḻakku va[ṭa]-pāṟk’ ellai kuṭi-mak⟨9⟩kaḷ pūmikkum subr¿i?⟨a⟩hmaṇya-vāykkālukku teṟkum mēṟku [ni]ṉṟu A[ṭaiya] patiṉ aṟu cāṇ kōlāl m¡u!⟨ū⟩-v-āyiraṅ kuḻiyum mēlai Ēri Etir-vāyiṟ kaḻumpa[r-uṭ]aiyār muṉ Ō⟨10⟩ṭattukku koṇṭu vaitta Ētta n¡i!⟨ī⟩kki Itaṉukku kiḻakku Añc’ ēttamum viṟṟu [vilai]-y-āvaṇañ cey[tu] kuṭuttu Iṉ-nilattukku v¡ī!⟨i⟩lai-dravyamum Iṟai-dravyamum Aṟa-k ko⟨11⟩ṇṭu Iṟai-y-ili-y-āka viṟṟu vilai-y-āvaṇañ ceytu kuṭuttō⟨m⟩ mahā-sa⟨bhai⟩yōm

kuṟiyu¡ḷḷ!⟨ḷ⟩ irun=tu paṇi kēṭṭ’ eḻutiṉēṉ Iv[v-ū]r-k-karaṇattāṉ madhyas¡t!⟨th⟩a⟨12⟩ poṟṟi-k-kuṟi kāḷi-tēvaṭi-y-ā¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a I⟨ra⟩ṇṭ-āyirattu-nā-[nū]ṟṟuva¡n!⟨ṉ⟩-ēṉ

Ivai E¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ Eḻuttu

Translation by Hultzsch 1899

(1) Hail! Prosperity! In the 4th year [of the reign] of king Parakesarivarman, alias Śrī-Rājendra-Cōḻadeva. The hand-writing, [referring to] a deed of sale (vilaiyāvaṇam) of land, of us, the great assembly of Ukkal, alias Vikramābharaṇa-caturvedimaṅgala, [a village] in its own subdivision of Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam, [a district] of Jayaṅkoṇṭa-Cōḻa-maṇṭalam.

(2) The following land was sold for the maintenance of two boats (ōṭam) which had been assigned to the tank in our village by Kōmuḻāṉ Arai[ya]ṉ Baladevaṉ, a servant of the lord Śrī-Rājendra-Cōḻa-deva [and a native] of Kuvaḷaikōṭu, alias Anavara[ta]cuntaranallūr, [a village] in Kuvaḷaikōṭu-nāṭu, [a subdivision] of Veṇkuṉṟakōṭṭam.

(4) We have sold, and executed a deed of sale for, (1) three thousand kuḻis,——[measured] by a rod of sixteen spans (cāṇ), beginning [to measure] from the west,——of land, which was the common property of the assembly, [which belonged] to the field (kaḻaṉi) of Śrīyārūr on the channel of the ‘Palmyra sluice’ (paṉan-tūmpu), [and] which was situated to the north of a heap of sand, to the east of the land of the villagers, and to the south of the land [paying] taxes to the villagers and of the Subrahmaṇya channel, and (2) five levers (ēttam) to the east of this [land], excluding a lever on the open side1 of the tank in the west, which Kaḻumpar-uṭaiyār had previously purchased and assigned for [the maintenance of] a boat.

(7) Twice as follows, and three times as follows.2

(10) Having received in full the purchase-money and the revenue of this land, we, the great assembly, sold [it] free of taxes and executed a deed of sale.

(11) Having been present in the assembly3 and having heard [their] order, I, the accountant [and] arbitrator of this village, Poṟṟikkuṟi Kāḷitēvaṭi, alias Iraṇṭāyirattunāṉūṟṟuvaṉ, wrote [this]. This is my writing.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!


Reported in Hultzsch 1893 (ARIE/1892-1893/B/1893/27).

Edited in Hultzsch 1899, with English translation (SII 3.10).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Hultzsch 1899.


[SII] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part I: Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam. South Indian Inscriptions 3.1. Madras: Governement Press. Pages 15–17, item 10.


Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1893. G.O. Nos. 642-43, 14th August 1893. Epigraphy. Directing, with remarks, Dr. Hultzsch's report on Epigraphical work done during 1892-93 be forwarded to the Govrnement of India and approving of the programme for the next field season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 13, appendix B/1893, item 27.


  1. 1. I.e. that side (vāy) of the tank which is at a higher level, and opposite (etir) to the artificial embankment which stops the natural flow of water and thus forms the tank.
  2. 2. Apparently the description of the land sold had to be repeated in words three times. The second repetition is omitted in writing; but after the word mukkālāvatum, ‘and three times,’ the whole of the preceding description of the land (ll. 4 to 7) is repeated with slight variations in ll. 8 to 10.
  3. 3. This translation of kuṟi is based on the parallel passages in No. 2, l. 6, No. 3, l. 11, No. 6, l. 22, and No. 12, l. 11, where the corresponding word is sabhai.