Ukkal, Perumāḷ temple, time of Rājarājakesarivarman, year 14

Editors: Emmanuel Francis, Eugen Hultzsch.

Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv03p0i0003.

Summary: ...

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (f015d1f), last modified (36884e2).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

I. āciriyappā

cālai kalam aṟuttu


vēṅkai-¡ññ!⟨n⟩āṭum kaṅka-pāṭiy¡ū!⟨u⟩m


taṭiya-vaḻiy¡ū!⟨u⟩m nuḷam⟨2⟩pa-pāṭiyuṅ




kō-v-irāja-rāja-sariva(r)ma⟨r⟩kku yāṇṭu 10 4-Āvatu

⟨3⟩ kāliyūr-k-kōṭṭattu taṉ kūṟṟu śiva-cūḷāma(ṇi)-maṅkalam-ākiya śrī-vikramābharaṇa-¿ś?⟨c⟩atu(rvv)eti-maṅkalattu sabhaiyōm Eḻuttu

⟨4⟩ cōḻa-¿ṇ?⟨n⟩āṭṭu teṉ-ka(rai) tiru-vaḻuntūr-nāṭṭu kaḻaṉi-vāyil kaḻaṉi-(vā)yil-uṭaiyāṉ p(e)ṟṟāṉ ātitta(ṉ) Emm-¡u!⟨ū⟩r puvaṉi-māṇikka-vi(ṣṇu)gr̥hat(tu) para⟨5⟩ma-sv(ā)mikaḷukku (ti)ru-na(n)⟨⟨ta⟩⟩-(vā)ṉa-puṟa(t)tukku Ivaṉ vilai koṇṭu vaitta bhūmi taṟutampa-vāykkālukku vaṭakku pakaṭikku teṟkum ⟨6⟩ perumāṉ-aṭi-vatikku mēṟku Otimukki(bhrām)ta-kra(mavi)ttaṉ pakkal vilai koṇṭa vi(ḷai)-nila(m) paṅkiṭṭa kō(l)āl 5 100 3 10 ⟨7⟩ 8 kuḻiyum

Ivaṉē-y nan(ta)-vāṉattukku sabhaiyōm pakkal vi(lai koṇṭa) nila(m) mu(ṭu)mpai canti(rā)cca-kramar ku⟨8⟩ṟṟ-ētta-vāykkālukku mēṟ(k)kum Āṟṟukku vaṭakkum Oru kōl vaḻi nīkki (I)taṟku kur¿i?⟨ai⟩vu śrī-(n)ārāyaṇa-A¿k(ki)?gniś¿ā?⟨ar⟩ma-kramar pula⟨9⟩ttukku kiḻakku muṭump(ai) cantirācca-tampi(yu)m uḷḷiṭṭ(ār)kku teṟku paṅkiṭṭa kōlāl (5) 100 1 kuḻiyum

[2+] (ñ)ca [1+] ṭṭa-paṭṭa nilat(tuk)ku kraya-(dra)vyamum ⟨10⟩ Iṟai-dravyamum Aṟa-k-koṇṭu In-(nan)ta-(vā)ṉamum (na)nta-vā(ṉa)-puṟamum ¿ś?⟨c⟩a(n)¡(t)!⟨d⟩(r)āditya-va(l) ⟦ḻi⟧ Iṟ(ai-Ili)-y-āka Iṟai Iḻicci ¿śl?⟨śil⟩ā-le⟨11⟩(k)ai (ce)ytu kuṭuttōm sa(bh)aiyōm

sabhaiyu¡ḷḷ!⟨ḷ⟩ iruntu paṇi kēṭṭē Eḻuti(ṉēṉ) madhyas¡t!⟨th⟩an· nāl-āyirava(ṉ) ⟨12⟩ makaṉ Āyiratt-iru-nūṟṟu⟨⟨va⟩⟩ṉ-ā¿r?⟨k⟩iya brahma-kuṇā⟨13⟩kara-vi¡j!⟨d⟩yā-sthāna-ma(ṅ)kalā⟨ti⟩t(ta)-sa(ma)ñcasa-priya(ṉ)-ēṉ



⟨3⟩ ¿ś?⟨c⟩atu(rvv)eti-maṅkalattu ⬦ śatu(rvv)etimaṅkalattu SIISII notes: “rvve looks almost like se; read caturvedi.”

⟨4⟩ cōḻa¿ṇ?⟨n⟩āṭṭu ⬦ cōḻaṇāṭṭu SIISII notes: “Read coḻanāṭṭu or coṇāṭṭu.”

⟨13⟩ °vi¡j!⟨d⟩yā-sthāna-ma(ṅ)kalā⟨ti⟩t(ta)-sa(ma)ñcasa° ⬦ °vijyāsthānama(ṅ)kalā⟨ti⟩t(ta)sa(ma)ñcasa° SIISII notes: “Read vidyāsthānamaṅgalādityasamañjasa.”

Translation by Hultzsch 1899

(1) Hail! Prosperity! In the 14th year [of the reign] of king Rājarāja-Kesarivarman, who, having destroyed the ships [at] Cālai, conquered Vēṅkai-ññāḍṭu, Kaṅka-pāṭi, Taṭiya-vaḻi and Nuḷampa-pāṭi. The writing of us, the assembly of Śivacūḷāmaṇimaṅgala, alias Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-caturvedimaṅgala, [a village] in its own subdivision of Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam.

(4) Kaḻaṉivāyil-uṭaiyāṉ (P)eṟṟāṉ Ātittaṉ of Kaḻaṉivāyil, [a village] in Tiruvaḻuntūr-nāṭu, [a district] on the southern bank [of the Kāvērī] in Cōḻa-nāṭu, had purchased from Otimukki(bhrān)ta-Kramavittaṉ 538 kuḻis of cultivated land, [measured] by a graduated rod, to the north of the Taṟutampa channel,1 to the south of Pakaṭi, and to the west of the road to [the temple of] the god (perumāṉ-aṭi), and had assigned [this] land for the maintenance2 of a flower-garden (nantavāṉam) to the god (paramasvāmin) of the Puvaṉimāṇikka-Viṣṇugr̥ha in our village.

(7) The same person had purchased from us, the assembly, for a flower-garden, 501 kuḻis of land, [measured] by a graduated rod, to the west of the irrigation channel3 of Muṭumpai Cantirācca-Kramar, to the north of the river, to the east of the field of Śrīnārāyaṇa-Agniśarma-Kramar with the exception of a road [of the breadth] of one rod, [and] to the south [of the field] of Muṭumpai Cantirācca-Tampiyum-Uḷḷiṭṭār.4

(9) Having received in full the purchase-money and the revenue of the land [9+] and having exempted this flower-garden and [the land assigned for] the maintenance of the flower-garden from taxes for as long as the moon and the sun exist, we, the assembly, engraved [this] on stone.

(11) Having been present in the assembly and having heard [their] order, I, the arbitrator Āyirattirunūṟṟuvaṉ, alias Brahmaguṇākaravidyāsthāna-Maṅgalāditya-Samañjasapriyaṉ, the son of Nālāyiravaṉ, wrote [this].5 Prosperity !

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1–2) 14th year of ...,

(3) Writ of ...

(4–7) The land that ... has given ... [is] 538 kuḻis ...

(7–9) ...

(9–11) We, the members of the assembly have given ...

(11–13) ...

(13) Prosperity!


Reported in Hultzsch 1893 (ARIE/1892-1893/B/1893/21).

Edited in Hultzsch 1899, with English translation (SII 3.3).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Hultzsch 1899.


[SII] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part I: Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam. South Indian Inscriptions 3.1. Madras: Governement Press. Pages 5–6, item 3.


Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1893. G.O. Nos. 642-43, 14th August 1893. Epigraphy. Directing, with remarks, Dr. Hultzsch's report on Epigraphical work done during 1892-93 be forwarded to the Govrnement of India and approving of the programme for the next field season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 13, appendix B/1893, item 21.


  1. 1. The same channel was mentioned in No. 2, line 4.
  2. 2. The term puṟam occurs again in No. 4, line 8, and in No. 12, line 6.
  3. 3. Literally, ‘the channel (from which water is drawn by) small levers;’ on kuṟṟ-ēttam see Vol. II. p. 360, note 4.
  4. 4. The expression uḷḷiṭṭār, ‘partners,’ occurs in Vol. I. Nos. 54 and 71, and in Vol. II. p. 115.
  5. 5. The inscription No. 2 was written by the same person.