Tanjore, Bṛhadīśvara, time of Rājarāja I Cōḻa, year 29 (SII 2.1)
Editor: Emmanuel Francis.
Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv02p0i0001.
Summary: This is the programmatic inscription of the Rājarājeśvara temple founded by Rājarāja I Cōḻa. It contains in its first part the royal order of the 20th day of his 26th regnal year, reported in the first person plural, enjoining that the donations by the king Rājarāja, his elder sister, his wives and other donors to Rājarājeśvara be engraved on the temple (vimāna). Then is a list of various items donated by Rājarāja, from the 312th day of his 25th regnal year up to the 319th day of his 26th regnal year. The second part provides a further list of items donated by Rājarāja between his 23rd and 29th regnal years. The donated items are mostly gold utensils and ornaments. Besides such items, noteworthy are the donation of golden images of Koḷkaideva (Hultzsch’s §3) and Kṣetrapāladeva (Hultzsch’s §33; the attributes of the deity are mentioned), the gilding of the temple pinnacle with copper and gold (Hultzsch’s §18). The inscription explicitly states that the stone-temple (tirukkaṟṟaḷi) of Rājarājeśvara (rājarājīśvaram uṭaiyār, literally the lord of [the liṅga/temple named] Rājarājeśvara [“the lord of Rājarāja”]” was founded by Rājarāja (line 1.6=6) and that the first part of the inscription is engraved on the jagatippaṭai of the temple (Hultzsch’s §51).
Hand description:
Languages: Sanskrit, Source, Tamil.
Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).
Version: (f015d1f), last modified (8acbfd4).
⟨Item N: Northern plinth of the vimāna⟩ ⟨1.1=1⟩ ⟨Zone 1: Section 1⟩ svasti śrīḥ
I. Anuṣṭubh
Etat viśva-nṛpa-śreṇi-
bśāsanaṁ rājarājasya
crāja-kesari-varmmaṇaḥ ⁋
dII. āciriyappā
tirumakaḷ pōla-p peru-nila-c celviyun
1taṉakkē-y urimai ⟨1.2=2⟩ pūṇṭamai manakkoḷa-k
2kāntaḷūr-c cālai kalam aṟutt-aruḷi
3vēṅkai-nāṭuṅ kaṅka-pāṭiyun
4taṭikai-pāṭiyum nuḷampa-pāṭiyuṅ
5kuṭamalai-nāṭuṇ kolla⟨1.3=3⟩muṅ kaliṅkamum
6Eṇ-ṭicai pukaḻ tara Īḻa-maṇṭalamum
7Iraṭṭapāṭi Ēḻ’ arai Ilakkamun
8tiṇ-ṭiṟal veṉṟi-t taṇṭāṟ koṇṭa ta¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩
9eḻil vaḷar ū⟨1.4=4⟩ḻiyuḷ ellā-yāṇṭun
10toḻutaka viḷaṅkum yāṇṭē-y
11ceḻiyar(ai)-t tēcu koḷ
12kō-rāja-kesari-varmmar-āṉa śrī-rājarāja-devarkku yāṇṭu I⟨1.5=5⟩ruppatt’ āṟ-āvatu nāḷ Iru-patiṉāl Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarāja-devar tañcāvūr-k kōyili¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ uḷḷāl Iru-maṭicōḻa¡n!⟨ṉ⟩iṉ kīḻai-t tiru-ma⟨1.6=6⟩ñcana-cālai dāṉañ ceyt-aruḷā-viruntu pāṇḍya-kulāśani-vaḷanāṭṭu-t tañcāvūr-k-kūṟṟattu-t tañcāvūr nām Eṭuppi¡cc!⟨tt⟩a tiru-k-kaṟṟaḷi ⟨1.7=7⟩ śrī-rājarājīśvaram uṭaiyārk=ku nāṅ (ku)ṭutta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩avum Akkaṉ kuṭutta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩avum nam peṇṭukaḷ kuṭutta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩avum maṟ(ṟu)m kuṭutt(ā)r kuṭutta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩avum ⟨2.1=8⟩ ⟨Zone 2: Section 2⟩ śrī-vimāṉattil-k kallil-ē veṭṭuka Eṉṟu tiruvāy moḻi¡ñc!⟨nt⟩-aruḷa veṭṭi¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a
⟨2.2=9⟩ yāṇṭu Irupatt’ aiñcāvatu nāḷ muṉṉūṟṟ’ orupatt’ iraṇṭiṉāl Uṭaiyār ⟨2.3=10⟩ śrī-rājarājadevar kuṭutta śrī-bali Eḻuntaruḷum poṉṉiṉ koḷkaidevar ⟨2.4=11⟩ Oruvar Āṭavallā¿n?⟨ṉ⟩ eṉṉuṅ kallāl niṟai Eṇṇūṟṟ’ irupatt’ oṉpatiṉ ka⟨2.5=12⟩ḻañcēy mukkālēy mūṉṟu mañcāṭi —
nāḷatiṉālē-y kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ pa⟨2.6=13⟩¿t?⟨d⟩māsana-śrī-bali-t-tālam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai toḷāyirattu-t to⟨2.7=14⟩(ṇ)ṇūṟṟ’ ¡aiy!⟨ai⟩ṅ-kaḻañc’ araiyē nālu mañcāṭi —
yāṇṭu Irupatt’ āṟ-āvatu nāḷ pati¡n!⟨ṉ⟩āli⟨3.1=15⟩ ⟨Zone 3: Section 3⟩ ṉāl Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarājadevar kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ tiruppaṭṭam Oṉṟu Āṭavallāṉ eṉṉuṅ kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ oṉpati ⟨3.2=16⟩ ṉ kaḻañcu —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ tiruppaṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu nāṟ-kaḻañc’ araiyēy Iraṇṭu ⟨3.3=17⟩ mañcāṭi —
nālatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ tiruppaṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟ’ eṇpattu nāṟ-kaḻañcē kāl —
nāḷatiṉālē ku⟨3.4=18⟩ṭutta poṉṉiṉ tiruppaṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ eḻu kaḻañc’ arai —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ tiruppa⟨3.5=19⟩ṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ eḻu kaḻañc’ arai —
nāḷ Irupatt’ ēḻiṉāl Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarājadevar ciṟu-ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩at⟨3.6=20⟩tu-k kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ taḷikai Oṉṟu Āṭavallāṉ eṉṉum kallāl niṟai Aṟunūṟṟ’ ¡aiy!⟨ai⟩mpatt’ iru-kaḻañcēy Eṭṭu mañcāṭi —
nāḷati⟨3.7=21⟩ṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ taḷikai Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu mu-k-kaḻañcēy kāl —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta ⟨4.1=22⟩ ⟨Zone 4: Section 4⟩ poṉṉiṉ maṇṭai Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai muṉṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ ēḻu kaḻañcē Āṟu ⟨4.2=23⟩ mañcāṭi —
nāḷatiṉālē kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ maṇṭai Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai muṉṉūṟ⟨4.3=24⟩ṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ mu-k-kaḻañcey mañcāṭi —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ maṇṭai Oṉṟu ⟨4.4=25⟩ mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai muṉṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ eṇ-kaḻañcēy kuṉṟi —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭu⟨4.5=26⟩tta poṉṉiṉ maṇṭai Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai muṉṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu Aṟu kaḻañcu —
⟨4.6=27⟩ nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ keṇṭi Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai Iru-nūṟṟ’ eṇpattu nā⟨4.7=28⟩ṟ-kaḻañc’ arai —
nāḷ muppattu nāliṉāl Uṭaiyār śrī-rājar(ā)jadevar ciṟu-ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩attu-k kuṭutta poṉṉi⟨5.1=29⟩ ⟨Zone 5: Section 5⟩ ṉ taṭṭam Oṉṟu Āṭavallāṉ eṉṉuṅ kallāl niṟai nāṟ-patiṉ kaḻañcēy kāl —
yāṇṭu Irupatt’ aiñc-āvatu nāḷ Irunūṟṟ’ eḻu-patt’ aiñciṉāl Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarājadevar śrī-rājarājīśvaram uṭaiyār śrī-vimānattu-c cempiṉ stūpittaṟiyil vaikka-k kuṭutta ceppu-k-kuṭam Oṉṟu ⟨5.2=30⟩ niṟai mūvāyirattu Eṇpattu muppalattil curukki¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a takaṭu pala poṉ Āṭavallāṉ eṉṉuṅ kallāl niṟai Iraṇṭ’ āyirattu-t toḷāyirattu Irupatt’ aṟu-kaḻañc’ arai —
yāṇṭu Irupatt’ āṟ-āvatu nāḷ nūṟṟu nāliṉāl Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarājadevar śrī-rājarājīśvaram uṭaiyārkku-k kuṭutta po⟨5.3=31⟩ṉṉiṉ kiṭāram Oṉṟu Āṭavallāṉ eṉṉum kallāl niṟai patiṉ ōr āyirattu eḻu-nūṟṟu nāṟ-pattu Iru_kaḻañcu —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ Oṭṭuvaṭṭil Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu Eṇpatt’ eṇ-kaḻañcu —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ kala⟨5.4=32⟩cam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai Aiñ-ñūṟṟu Eḻu kaḻañcu —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ kalacam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟ’ eṇpattu mukkaḻañcu —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ kalacam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t to⟨5.5=33⟩ṇṇūṟṟu Iru-kaḻañ(cu —)
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ kalacam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṉūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟ’ iru-kaḻañcē kāl —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ kalacam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai Aiñ-ñūṟṟ’ oru patt’ iru-kaḻañc’ arai —
nā⟨5.6=34⟩ḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta (po)ṉṉiṉ paṭikka(m) Oṉṟu kāl mūṉṟum vaḷaiyil Iraṇṭum Uḷppaṭa mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai eṇ-ṇūṟṟ’ iru-kaḻañc’ arai —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ taṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṟ-patt’ oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē mukkāl —
nāḷatiṉā⟨5.47=35⟩lēy ku(ṭu)tta poṉṉiṉ taṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai nāṟ-patt’ oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē mukkāl —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ taṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai ¡aiy!⟨ai⟩mpatiṉ kaḻañcu —
nāḷa-tiṉāley kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ taṭṭam Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai⟨6.1=36⟩ ⟨Zone 6: Section 6⟩ nāṟ-patt’ oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē mukkālē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
nāḷatiṉāle⟨6.2=37⟩y kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ kuṟumaṭal Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi kallāl niṟai toṇ-ṇūṟ⟨6.3=38⟩ṟu Ēḻu kaḻañcu —
nāḷatiṉālēy kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ mānavaṭṭil Oṉṟu mēṟpaṭi ⟨6.4=39⟩ kallāl niṟai Irupatiṉ kaḻañcu —
yāṇṭu Irupatt’ āṟ-āvatu nāḷ mu¡ṉṉ!⟨nn⟩ūṟṟ’ oru patt’ eṭṭiṉāl ku⟨6.5=40⟩ṭutta uṭaiyār kōyilil muḻattiṉ kīḻ veḷḷiyiṉ śrī-pādapīṭham· Āṟu torai Ucaramum nāl vi⟨6.6=41⟩ralē Āṟu torai-c cuṟṟum Uṭaiya poṉṉiṉ kṣetrapāladevar (ā)dā-dikeśāntam· mū⟨6.7=42⟩viralē mūṉṟu torai Ucaramum nālu śrī-hastattilum piṭi¡cc!⟨tt⟩’ aruḷina śūlamum kapālamu⟨6.8=43⟩m pāśamum ḍamarukamum veḷḷiyiṉ śrī-pādapīṭhamum Uḷpaṭa niṟai Ēḻu-patt’ iru-kaḻañc’ arai ⟨—⟩
⟨7.1=44⟩ ⟨Zone 7: Section 7⟩ Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarājadevar cēramāṉaiyum pāṇṭiyarkaḷaiyum malai-nāṭṭu Eṟintu koṇṭa paṇṭāraṅkaḷil yāṇṭu Iru-patt’ āṟ-āvatu nāḷ muṉ⟨7.2=44⟩ṉūṟṟu Orupatt’ oṉpatiṉāl śrī-rājarāja-Īśvaram uṭaiya paramasvāmikku-k kuṭutta (po)ṉṉiṉ ciṉṉaṅkaḷ Āṭavallāṉ Eṉṉum kallā⟨7.3=45⟩l niṟai-y eṭuttu kallil veṭṭiṉa paṭi ⟨—⟩
kāḷāñci Oṉṟu poṉ aiñ-ñūṟṟu Eṇpattu Aṟu kaḻañcu —
kāḷāñci Oṉṟu poṉ Aṟu nū⟨7.4=46⟩ṟṟu Irupattu Iru-kaḻañc’ arai —
kuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ muṉṉūṟṟu Eṇpattu Iru-kaḻañc’ arai —
kuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ muṉṉūṟṟu Aṟu pattu Ēḻu⟨7.5=47⟩-kaḻañcu —
kuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ muṉṉūṟṟu Aim-pattu Iru-kaḻañcu —
kuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu nāṟ-kaḻañcu —
kaṟaṇṭikai-c⟨7.6=48⟩-ceppu Oṉṟu Aṭiyum mūḻalum Uṭpaṭa poṉ nūṟṟu Iru-pattu Oru kaḻañc’ arai —
Ilaicceppu Oṉṟu yāḷikkāl nālum mūḻalum Uṭpaṭa po⟨7.7=49⟩ṉ nūṟṟu Eṇ-pattu Aiṅ-kaḻañcē mukkāl —
Ilaicceppu Oṉṟu yāḷikkāl nālum (mū)ḻalum Uṭpaṭa poṉ nūṟṟu nāṟ-pattu Ēḻu kaḻañcu —
⟨7.8=50⟩ taḷikai Oṉṟu aṭi-y uṭpaṭa poṉ Āyirattu Oru nūṟṟu muppattu Aiṅ-kaḻañc’ arai —
kala(cappā)ṉai Oṉṟu (mū)kkum Aṭiyum Uṭpaṭa poṉ nāṉūṟṟu Ē⟨8.1=51⟩ ⟨Zone 8: Section 8⟩ ḻu-patiṉ kaḻañcu —
kalacappāṉai Oṉṟu mūkkum Aṭiyum Uṭpaṭa poṉ nāṉū⟨8.2=52⟩ṟṟu muppattu Eṇ-kaḻañcu —
poṉṉiṉ koṭi tūkkattil talaiyil taicca ⟨8.3=53⟩ pū-p patiṉ āṟu Uṭpaṭa Eṭṭiṉāl poṉ Ēḻu-pattu Eṇ-kaḻañcēy mukkāl ⟨—⟩
tā⟨8.4=54⟩raittāḷvaṭṭil Oṉṟu karukk’ iraṇṭum ciṅka-pātam iraṇṭum Uṭpaṭa poṉ nā⟨8.5=55⟩ṉūṟṟu nāṟ-pattu Eṇ-kaḻañcu —
tirumuṭi Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu Ēḻu⟨8.6=56⟩pattu mukkaḻañcu —
Īccōppikkai Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu nāṟ-kaḻa⟨8.7=57⟩ñcu —
yāṇṭu Iru-pattu mūṉṟ-āvatu mutal yāṇṭu Iru-patt’ oṉpat-āvatu ⟨8.8=58⟩ varai śrī-rājarājīśvaram· Uṭaiya paramasvāmikku Uṭaiyār śrī-rājarājade⟨9.1=59⟩ ⟨Zone 9: Section 9⟩ var tam paṇṭāraṅkaḷilum cēramāṉaiyum pāṇṭiyarkaḷaiyum malai-nāṭṭu Eṟintu koṇṭa paṇṭāraṅkaḷilum kuṭutta poṉṉiṉ ciṉṉa⟨9.2=60⟩ṅkaḷum poṉṉiṉ tiru-Ābharaṇaṅkaḷum Uḷḷiṭṭaṉa yāṇṭu Iru-patt’ aiñ(c)-āvatum yāṇṭu Iru-patt’ āṟ-āvatum Inta jagatippaṭaiyil Itaṉukku muṉ kiḻakk’ aṭaiya kallil ⟨9.3=61⟩ veṭṭi¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a nīkki niṉṟaṉa Āṭavallāṉ eṉṉuṅ kallāl niṟai Eṭuttu kallil v(e)ṭṭiṉa paṭi —
cēramāṉaiyum pāṇṭiyarkaḷaiyum malai-nāṭṭu Eṟintu koṇṭa paṇṭāraṅkaḷil kuṭu⟨9.4=62⟩ttaṉa ⟨—⟩
Īccōppikkaiy Oṉṟu poṉ muppattu nāṟ-kaḻañcu —
Īccōppikkaiy Oṉṟu poṉ muppattu mukkaḻañcu —
civapātacēkaraṉ eṉṟum śrī-rājarājaṉ eṉṟum tirunāmam vāṅ⟨9.5=63⟩ki kaṅkil Oṉṟum kuḻal Iraṇṭum mōtiram Aiñcum Uṭaiya poṉṉiṉ kāḷaṅkaḷ —
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu nāṟ-kaḻañc’ arai —
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu⟨9.6=64⟩-t toṇṇūṟṟu Aiṅ-kaḻañcēy kāl —
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu Aṟu-kaḻañcēy mukkālē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭi —
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu Aṟu ka⟨9.7=65⟩ḻañc’ arai-y-āka Iraṇṭ¿un?⟨iṉ⟩āl poṉ Aiññūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu mukkaḻañcu (—)
kāḷa(m) Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu nāṟ-kaḻañcēy Oṉ(pa)tu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
kāḷam Oṉṟu ⟨9.8=66⟩ poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu-k kaḻañcēy mukkāl —
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu Eṇ-pattu Aṟu-kaḻañcēy muṉṟu mañcāṭiyu(ṅ kuṉṟi) ⟨—⟩
(kā)ḷam o(ṉ)ṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu-t toṇṇūṟṟu ⟨Item W: Western plinth of the vimāna⟩ ⟨10.1=66⟩ ⟨Zone 10: Section 1 = 10⟩ Eṇ-kaḻañc’ araiyēy iraṇṭu mañcāṭi —
kāḷama Oṉṟu poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu eṇ-pattu Ēḻu-kaḻañcēy mukkāle nālu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
paṇṭāraṅkaḷil kuṭuttaṉa ⟨—⟩
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ nūṟṟu ⟨10.2=67⟩ Aṟu-pattu Eṇ-kaḻañcēy kāl —
kāḷam Oṉṟu poṉ nūṟṟu Aṟu-pattu Eṇ-kaḻañcu —
Oṟṟai kaṅkil Oṉṟum kuḻal Oṉṟum Uḷpaṭa poṉ nūṟṟu nāṟ-pattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañc’ arai⟨10.3=68⟩yē muṉṟu mañcāṭi —
Aṭuttu viḷakkiṉa moṭṭum paṟaḷaiyum Uṭ-paṭa tiruppaḷḷittoṅkal makuṭaṅkaḷ —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu oṉpatiṉ kaḻañc’ araiyē I⟨10.4=69⟩raṇṭu mañcāṭiyum kuṉṟi-y-āka mūṉṟiṉāl poṉ nūṟṟu nāṟpattu Eṇ-kaḻañcēy mukkālēy iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ ⟨10.5=70⟩ kaḻañcē m¿ū?⟨u⟩kkāl-āka Aiñciṉāl poṉ Iru-nūṟṟu nāṟpattu Eṇ-kaḻañcēy mukkāl —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅka(l) makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ Aimpatiṉ kaḻañc-āka Iraṇṭiṉāl poṉ ṉūṟṟu-k⟨10.6=71⟩-kaḻañcu —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉ(pa)tiṉ kaḻañc-āka Iraṇṭiṉāl poṉ toṇṇūṟṟu Eṇ-kaḻañcu —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ ⟨10.7=72⟩ Aimpattu Oru kaḻañcu —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē Ēḻu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi-y-āka Iraṇṭiṉāl poṉ toṇṇūṟṟu Eṇ-kaḻañcēy mukkā⟨10.8=73⟩l (—)
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ Aimpatiṉ kaḻañcē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Eṇ-kaḻañcē mukkāl —
tiru-p-pa⟨10.9=74⟩ḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ Aimpatiṉ kaḻañcē mukkāle Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ Aimpatiṉ kaḻañcē mukkāl-āka Iraṇṭiṉāl poṉ ⟨11.1=75⟩ ⟨Zone 11: Section 2 = 11⟩ nūṟṟu Oru kaḻañc’ arai —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻa⟨11.2=76⟩ñc’ arai —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē Āṟu mañ⟨11.3=77⟩cāṭi —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē kāl —
tiru-p-paḷ⟨11.4=78⟩ḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Eṇ-kaḻañc’ arai (—)
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam ⟨11.5=79⟩ Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal ⟨11.6=80⟩ makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟppattu Eṇ-kaḻañcē mukkālē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
tiru-p-pa⟨11.7=81⟩ḷḷi-t-toṅkal makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ Aimpatiṉ kaḻañcē mañcāṭi —
tiru-p-paḷḷi-t-toṅkal ⟨11.8=82⟩ makuṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcē mukkālē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi-y-āka muṉṟiṉā⟨11.9=83⟩l poṉ nūṟṟu nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañc’ araiyē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ (ku)ṉṟi (—)
dhavaḷacchatram· ⟨12.1=84⟩ ⟨Zone 12: Section 3 = 12⟩ makuṭam· moṭṭu Aṭuttu viḷakkiṉa paṟaḷai-y uṭpaṭa Aiñci¡n!⟨ṉ⟩āl poṉ Aimpatiṉ kaḻañcu —
vaṇṇikai-t tiru-k-koṟṟa-k-kuṭai makuṭam moṭṭu Aṭuttu viḷakkiṉa paṟaḷai ⟨12.2=85⟩ Uḷppaṭa Oṉṟu poṉ patiṉ aiṅ-kaḻañc’ araiyē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
Ilaittaṭṭu Oṉṟu poṉ toḷāyirattu-t toṇṇūṟṟu Aiṅ-kaḻañcu —
Ilaitta⟨12.3=86⟩ṭṭu Oṉṟu poṉ toḷāyirattu Eṇpattu Eṇ-kaḻañcu —
satyāśrayaṉai Eṟin=tu Eḻun=taruḷi vantu śrī-pādapuṣpam-āka Aṭṭi-t-tiruvaṭi-t toḻutaṉa ⟨—⟩
tiru-p-poṟpū ⟨12.4=87⟩ Oṉṟu poṉ patiṉ kaḻañc-āka Iraṇṭiṉāṟ poṉ Irupatiṉ kaḻañcu —
tiru-p-poṟpū Oṉṟu poṉ Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcēy mukkālē nālu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi-y-āka paṉṉira ⟨12.5=88⟩ ṇṭiṉāṟ poṉ nūṟṟu Oru pattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañc’ araiyē nālu mañcāṭi —
tiru-p-poṟpū Oṉṟu poṉ Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcēy mukkālē nālu mañcāṭi-y-āka tiru-p-poṟpū⟨12.6=89⟩-p patti¡n!⟨ṉ⟩āṟ poṉ toṇṇūṟṟu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañc’ arai —
tiru-p-poṟpū Oṉṟu poṉ Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcēy mukkālē mūṉṟu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
tiru-p-poṟpū Oṉṟu ⟨12.7=90⟩ poṉ kaḻañcēy mukkālē mañcāṭi —
tāmarai-c-ceyal tiru-p-poṟpū Oṉṟu poṉ patiṉ mukkaḻañcēy Āṟu mañcāṭi —
dakṣiṇameru-viṭaṁkarkku-c cārtti Aruḷa⟨12.8=91⟩-k kuṭuttaṉa —
Añcaṭuttu viḷakkiṉa tiraḷmaṇivaṭam Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcēy Ēḻu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
Oppaṉ tiruk-kai-k-kāṟai Oṉṟu poṉ Aimpattu ⟨12.9=92⟩ Oru kaḻañc’ arai —
Oppaṉ tiru-(k)-kai-k-kāṟai Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Aiṅ-kaḻañc’ araiyē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭi —
Oppaṉ tiru-k-kai-k-kāṟai Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcēy ⟨13.1=93⟩ ⟨Zone 13: Section 4 = 13⟩ mukkālē Iraṇṭu mañcāṭiyuṅ kuṉṟi —
Oppaṉ tiru-k-kai-k-kāṟai Oṉṟu poṉ nāṟpattu Aiṅ-kaḻañcēy mukkāl —
⟨13.2=94⟩ Oppaṉ tiruvaṭi-k-kāṟai Oraṇai poṉ toṇṇūṟṟu Aṟu kaḻañc’ ar(ai) ⟨—⟩
(ti)ru-p-paṭṭikai Oṉṟu poṉ nūṟṟu nāṟpattu ⟨13.3=95⟩ Oṉpatiṉ kaḻañcēy kāl —
cēramāṉaiyum pāṇṭiyarkaḷaiyum malai-nāṭṭu (E)ṟin=tu koṇṭa paṇṭāraṅka ⟨13.4=96⟩ ḷil poṉ koṇṭu ceytu kuṭutta tiru-p-paṭṭam Oṉṟu po(ṉ t)oḷāyirattu Eṇpattu Oru kaḻañcēy kāl —
⟨4⟩ ceḻiyar(ai)° ⬦ ceḻiyarai° EH • Only the first kompu of the medial ai is damaged and unclear.
⟨5⟩ kōyili¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ ⬦ kōyilin EH • EH does not normalise the text here and hereafter, when n is used instead of ṉ.
⟨6⟩ Eṭuppi¡cc!⟨tt⟩a ⬦ Eṭuppicca EH • EH does not normalise the text here.
⟨95⟩ (E)ṟin=tu ⬦ EH • EH notes that “[t]he E or Eṟin=tu seems to be corrected from ṉa.”
Translation by Hultzsch 1891
(1.1=§1) Hail! Prosperity! This [is] the edict (śāsana) of Rājarāja, [alias] Rājakēsarivarman, which is cherished by the multitude of the diadems of (i.e., “which is obeyed by) the crowd of all princes”.1
(1.2–2.1=§2) On the twentieth day of the twenty-sixth year [of the reign] of Kō-Rājakēsarivarman, alias Śrī-Rājarājadēva, who,—while [his] heart rejoiced, that, like the goddess of fortune, the goddess of the great earth had become his wife,—in his life of growing strength, during which, having been pleased to cut the vessel (kalam) [in] the hall [at] Kāntaḷūr,2 he conquered by his army, which was victorious in great battles, Vēṅkai-nāṭu, Kaṅka-pāṭi, Taṭikai-pāṭi, Nuḷampa-pāṭi, Kuṭamalai-nāṭu, Kollam, Kaliṅkam, Īḷa-maṇṭalam, [the conquest of which] gave fame (i.e., made [him] famous) [in] the eight directions, and the seven and a half lakṣas of Iraṭṭa-pāṭi,—deprived the Cēriyas (i.e., the Pāṇḍyas) of their splendour, while [he] was resplendent [to such a degree] that [he] was worthy to be worshipped everywhere;—having been pleased to make gifts [in] the royal bathing-hall (tiru-mañcana-cālai) to the east [of the hall] of Irumaṭi-Cōḻaṉ within the Tañcāvūr palace (kōyil), the lord (uṭaiyār) Śrī-Rājarājadēva vouchsafed to say:—“Let the gifts made by us, those made by [our] elder sister,3 those made by our wives, and those made by other donors to the lord (uṭaiyār) of the sacred stone-temple (tirukkaṟṟaḷi), [called] Śrī-Rājarājēśvara,—which we caused to be built [at] Tañjāvūr, [a city] in Tañcāvūr-kūṟṟam, [a subdivision] of Pāṇḍyakulāśani-vaḷanāṭu,—be engraved on stone on the sacred shrine (śrī-vimāna)!” [Accordingly, these gifts] were engraved [as follows]:—
(§3) On the three-hundred-and-twelfth day of the twenty-fifth year [of his reign], the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave one gold [image of] Koḷkaidevar,4 which is to be present [at] the sacred offerings (śrī-bali),5 weighing eight hundred and twenty-nine kaḻañcu6 and three quarters and three mañcāṭi by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ.
(§4) On the same day [he] gave one dish (tāla) of gold for the sacred offerings, sup-ported by a lotus (padmāsana), weighing nine hundred and ninety-five kaḻañcus and a half and four mañcāṭis by the same stone.
(§5) On the fourteenth day of the twenty-sixth year [of his reign], the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave one sacred diadem (tiruppaṭṭam) of gold, weighing four hundred and ninety-nine kaḻañcus by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ.
(§6) On the same day [he] gave one sacred diadem of gold, weighing four hundred and ninety-four kaḻañcus and a half and two mañcāṭis by the same stone.
(§7) On the same day [he] gave one sacred diadem of gold, weighing four hundred and eighty-four kaḻañcus and a quarter by the same stone.
(§8) On the same day [he] gave one sacred diadem of gold, weighing four hundred and ninety-seven kaḻañcus and a half by the same stone.
(§9) On the same day [he] gave one sacred diadem of gold, weighing four hundred and ninety-one kaḻañcus and a half by the same stone.
(§10) On the twenty-seventh day [of his twenty-sixth year], the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave out of [his] minor treasure (ciṟutanam) one gold plate (taḷikai), weighing six hundred and fifty-two kaḻañcus and eight mañcāṭi by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ.
(§11) On the same day [he] gave one gold plate, weighing four hundred and ninety-three kaḻañcus and a quarter by the same stone.
(§12) On the same day [he] gave one gold bowl (maṇṭai), weighing three hundred and ninety-seven kaḻañcus and six mañcāṭis by the same stone.
(§13) On the same day [he] gave one gold bowl, weighing three hundred and ninety-three kaḻañcus and [one] mañcāṭi by the same stone.
(§14) On the same day [he] gave one gold bowl, weighing three hundred and ninety-eight kaḻañcus and [one] kuṉṟi by the same stone.
(§15) On the same day [he] gave one gold bowl, weighing three hundred and ninety-six kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§16) On the same day [he] gave one gold pitcher (keṇṭi), weighing two hundred and eighty-four kaḻañcus and a half by the same stone.
(§17) On the thirty-fourth day [of his twenty-sixth year], the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave out of [his] minor treasure (ciṟutanam) one gold salver (taṭṭam), weighing forty kaḻañcus and a quarter by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ.
(§18) On the two-hundred-and-seventy-fifth day of the twenty-fifth year [of his reign], the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave one copper water-pot (kuṭam), to be placed on the copper pinnacle (stūpittaṟi)7 of the sacred shrine ((śrī-vimāna)) of the lord of the Śrī-Rājarājēśvara [temple], weighing three thousand and eighty-three palam.8 The various gold plates (takaṭu), which were laid over it, weighed two thousand nine hundred and twenty-six kaḻañcus and a half by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ.
(§19) On the one-hundred-and-fourth day of the twenty-sixth year [of his reign], the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave to the lord of the Śrī-Rājarājēśvara [temple] one gold kettle (kiṭāram), weighing eleven thousand seven hundred and forty-two kaḻañcus by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ.
(§20) On the same day [he] gave one gold ōṭṭu-vaṭṭil,9 weighing four hundred and eighty-eight kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§21) On the same day [he] gave one gold pot (kalacam), weighing five hundred and seven kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§22) On the same day [he] gave one gold pot, weighing four hundred and eighty-three kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§23) On the same day [he] gave one gold pot, weighing four hundred and ninety-two kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§24) On the same day [he] gave one gold pot, weighing four hundred and ninety-two kaḻañcus and a quarter by the same stone.
(§25) On the same day [he] gave one gold pot, weighing five hundred and twelve kaḻañcus and a half by the same stone.
(§26) On the same day [he] gave one gold spittoon (paṭikkam), weighing eight hundred and two kaḻañcus and a half by the same stone,——including the three legs and the two rings (vaḷaiyil).
(§27) On the same day [he] gave one gold salver (taṭṭam), weighing forty-nine kaḻañcus and three quarters by the same stone.
(§28) On the same day [he] gave one gold salver, weighing forty-nine kaḻañcus and three quarters by the same stone.
(§29) On the same day [he] gave one gold salver, weighing fifty kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§30) On the same day [he] gave one gold salver, weighing forty-nine kaḻañcus and three quarters, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi by the same stone.
(§31) On the same day [he] gave one small receptacle for sacred ashes (kuṟu-maṭal) of gold, weighing ninety-seven kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§32) On the same day [he] gave one gold measuring-cup (māna-vaṭṭil), weighing twenty kaḻañcus by the same stone.
(§33) On the three-hundred-and eighteenth day of the twenty-sixth year [of his reign], [he] gave a gold [image of] Kshētrapāladēva, [which measured] by the cubit-measure (muṟam), [preserved] in the temple (kōyil) of the lord, three fingers (viral) and three tōrai10 in height from the feet to the hair, which had a sacred foot-stool (śrī-pādapīṭha) of silver, [measuring] six tōrai in height and four fingers and six tōrai in circumference, and which weighed seventy-two kaḻañcus and a half,——including the spear (śūla), the skull (kapāla), the noose (pāśa) and the drum (ḍamaruka), which [the image] held in its four divine hands, and the sacred foot-stool of silver.
(§34) Out of the treasures (bhaṇḍāra), which he seized after having defeated the Chēra king (Cēramān) and the Pāṇḍyas in Malaināḍu, the lord Śrī-Rājarājadēva gave on the three-hundred-and-nineteenth day of the twenty-sixth year [of his reign] to the supreme lord (paramasvāmin) of the Śrī-Rājarāja-Īśvara [temple] the following gold emblems (cihna), which were weighed by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ and engraved on stone:——
(§35) One betel-pot (kāḷāñci), [consisting of] five hundred and eighty-six kaḻañcus of gold.
(§36) One betel-pot, [consisting of] six hundred and twenty-two kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§37) One water-pot (kuṭam), [consisting of] three hundred and eighty-two kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§38) One water-pot, [consisting of] three hundred and sixty-seven kaḻañcus of gold.
(§39) One water-pot, [consisting of] three hundred and fifty-two kaḻañcus of gold.
(§40) One water-pot, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-four kaḻañcus of gold.
(§41) One chunnam box (kaṟaṇṭikaicceppu), [consisting of] one hundred and twenty-one kaḻañcus and a half of gold,——including the stand (aṭi) and the lid.11
(§42) One betel-leaf box (ilaicceppu), [consisting of] one hundred and eighty-five kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold,——including four lion’s feet (yāḷikkāl) and the lid.
(§43) One betel-leaf box, [consisting of] one hundred and forty-seven kaḻañcus of gold,—— including four lion’s feet and the lid.
(§44) One plate (taḷikai), [consisting of] one thousand one hundred and thirty-five kaḻañcus and a half of gold,——including the stand.
(§45) One censer (kalacappāṉai), [consisting of] four hundred and seventy kaḻañcus of gold, ——including the spout (mūkku)) and the stand.
(§46) One censer, [consisting of] four hundred and thirty-eight kaḻañcus of gold,——including the spout and the stand.
(§47) Eight gold chains (koṭi), consisting of seventy-eight kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold,——including sixteen flowers, [two of] which were attached to the hanging part (tūkkam) [and] to the top part (talai) [respectively, of each chain].
(§48) One tāraittāḷ-vaṭṭil, [consisting of] four hundred and forty-eight kaḻañcus of gold,—— including two bass-reliefs (karukku) and two lion’s feet (siṁhapāda).
(§49) One sacred crown (tiru-muṭi), [consisting of] two hundred and seventy-three kaḻañcus of gold.
(§50) One handle (kai) for a fly-whisk (īccōppi), [consisting of] two hundred and four kaḻañcus of gold.
(§51) From the twenty-third year to the twenty-ninth year [of his reign], the lord Srī-Rājarājadēva gave to the supreme lord of the Śrī-Rājarājēśvara [temple] out of his own treasures and out of the treasures, which he seized after having defeated the Chēra king and the Pāṇḍyas in Malaināḍu, the following emblems (cihna) of gold, sacred ornaments (ābharaṇa) of gold, etc., which were weighed by the stone called [after] Āṭavallāṉ and engraved on stone,——excluding those [gifts of] the twenty-fifth year and the twenty-sixth year, which had been engraved on the adjacent stones before this [part of the inscription] on the east of this upper tier (jagatippaṭai):——12
(§52) Out of the treasures, which he seized after having defeated the Chēra king and the Pāṇḍyas in Malaināḍu, [he] gave:——
(§53) One handle for a fly-whisk, [consisting of] thirty-four kaḻañcus of gold.
(§54) One handle for a fly-whisk, [consisting of] thirty-three kaḻañcus of gold.
(§55) Having obtained the illustrious names of Śivapādaśēkhara13 and Śrī-Rājarāja,14 [he gave the following] gold trumpets (kāḷam), which had one kaṅgil (?), two pipes (kuṛal) and five rings (mōtiram):——
(§56) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-four kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§57) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-five kaḻañcus and a quarter of gold.
(§58) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-six kaḻañcus and three quarters and two mañcāṭis of gold.
(§59) Two trumpets, consisting of five hundred and ninety-three kaḻañcus of gold,——each [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-six kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§60) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-four kaḻañcus nine mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§61) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold.
(§62) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and eighty-six kaḻañcus three mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§63) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and ninety-eight kaḻañcus and a half and two mañcāṭis of gold.
(§64) One trumpet, [consisting of] two hundred and eighty-seven kaḻañcus and three quar-ters, four mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§65) Out of [his own] treasures [he] gave:——
(§66) One trumpet, [consisting of] one hundred and sixty-eight kaḻañcus and a quarter of gold.
(§67) One trumpet, [consisting of] one hundred and sixty-eight kaḻañcus of gold.
(§68) A single [trumpet], [consisting of] one hundred and forty-nine kaḻañcus and a half and three mañcāṭis of gold,——including one kaṅgil and one pipe (kuṛal).
(§69) [The following] tops (makuṭa) for temple-parasols (tiruppaḷḷittoṅkal), including a knob (moṭṭu) and a plate (paṟaḷai) soldered together:——
(§70) Three tops for temple-parasols, consisting of one hundred and forty-eight kaḻañcus and three quarters, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold,——each [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and a half, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§71) Five tops for temple-parasols, consisting of two hundred and forty-eight kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold,——each [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold.
(§72) Two tops for temple-parasols, consisting of one hundred kaḻañcus of gold,——each [consisting of] fifty kaḻañcus of gold.
(§73) Two tops for temple-parasols, consisting of ninety-eight kaḻañcus of gold,——each [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus of gold.
(§74) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] fifty-one kaḻañcus of gold.
(§75) Two tops for temple-parasols, consisting of ninety-eight kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold,——each [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus, seven mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§76) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] fifty kaḻañcus, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§77) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-eight kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold.
(§78) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] fifty kaḻañcus and three quarters, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§79) Two tops for temple-parasols, consisting of one hundred and one kaḻañcus and a half of gold,——each [consisting of] fifty kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold.
(§80) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§81) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and six mañcāṭis of gold.
(§82) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and a quarter of gold.
(§83) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-eight kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§84) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§85) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] forty-eight kaḻañcus and three quarters, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§86) One top for a temple-parasol, [consisting of] fifty kaḻañcus and [one] mañcāṭi of gold.
(§87) Three tops for temple-parasols, consisting of one hundred and forty-nine kaḻañcus and a half, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold,——each [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and three quarters, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§88) Five tops for white parasols (dhavalacchattra), consisting of fifty kaḻañcus of gold, ——including a plate (paṟaḷai) soldered together with the knob (moṭṭu).
(§89) One top for a coloured sacred parasol of victory (vaṇṇikai-tiru-koṟṟa-kuṭai), [consisting of] fifteen kaḻañcus and a half, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold,——including a plate soldered together with the knob.
(§90) One betel-leaf salver (ilaittaṭṭu), [consisting of] nine hundred and ninety-five kaḻañcus of gold.
(§91) One betel-leaf salver, [consisting of] nine hundred and eighty-eight kaḻañcus of gold.
(§92) Having returned from the conquest of Satyāśraya, [he] poured out as flowers at the sacred feet (śrīpādapuṣpa) and worshipped the feet of the god [with the following gold flowers]:——
(§93) Two sacred gold flowers (tiruppoṟpū), consisting of twenty kaḻañcus of gold,——each [consisting of] ten kaḻañcus of gold.
(§94) Twelve sacred gold flowers, consisting of one hundred and nineteen kaḻañcus and a half and four mañcāṭis of gold,——each [consisting of] nine kaḻañcus and three quarters, four mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§95) Ten sacred gold flowers, consisting of ninety-nine kaḻañcus and a half of gold,—— each sacred gold flower [consisting of] nine kaḻañcus and three quarters and four mañcāṭis of gold.
(§96) One sacred gold flower, [consisting of] nine kaḻañcus and three quarters, three mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§97) One sacred gold flower, [consisting of] [one] kaḻañcus and three quarters and [one] mañcāṭi of gold.
(§98) One sacred gold flower, shaped like a lotus (tāmarai), [consisting of] thirteen kaḻañcus and six mañcāṭis of gold.
(§99) To Dakshiṇa-Mēru-Viṭaṅkar [he] gave [the following ornaments], to be worn [by this god]:——
(§100) One string of round beads (tiraḷ-maṇi-vaṭam), [consisting of] five [strings] soldered together, [and containing] forty-nine kaḻañcus seven mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§101) One polished15 ring for the arm of the god (tirukkaikkāṟai), [consisting of] fifty-one kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§102) One polished ring for the arm of the god, [consisting of] forty-five kaḻañcus and a half and two mañcāṭis of gold.
(§103) One polished ring for the arm of the god, [consisting of] forty-nine kaḻañcus and three quarters, two mañcāṭis and [one] kuṉṟi of gold.
(§104) One polished ring for the arm of the god, [consisting of] forty-five kaḻañcus and three quarters of gold.
(§105) One pair of polished rings for the feet of the god (tiruvaṭikkāṟai), [consisting of] ninety-six kaḻañcus and a half of gold.
(§106) One sacred girdle (tiruppaṭṭiḵai), [consisting of] one hundred and forty-nine kaḻañcus and a quarter of gold.
(§107) [Finally, he] gave one sacred diadem (tiruppaṭṭam), [consisting of] nine hundred and eighty-one kaḻañcus and a quarter of gold, which was made of gold taken from the treasures, which he seized after having defeated the Cēra king and the Pāṇḍyas in Malaināṭu.
First reported in Hultzsch 1888 (ARIE/1887-1888/I/1887-1888/65).
First edited Hultzsch 1891 (SII 2, no. 1), with partial facsimile (lines 1-7 = 1.1-1.7) and English translation.
Digitally encoded here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2020), based on autopsy and on photographs (2008) for lines 1-14 = 1.1-2.7 and on Hultzsch 1891 (SII 2.1) for the remainder of the inscription. Hultzsch 1891 square brackets for “indistinct letters” (Hultzsch 1890, p. vi) encoded here as unclear letters.
[EH] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1891. South-Indian inscriptions: Tamil inscriptions of Rajaraja, Rajendra-chola, and others in the Rajarajesvara temple at Tanjavur. Volume II, Part I: Inscriptions on the walls of the central shrine. South Indian Inscriptions 2.1. Madras: Government Press. Pages 1–14, item 1, plate II.
Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1888. G.O. No. 424, 20th April 1888. Archaeology. Recording letter from the Director-General forwarding Dr. Hultzsch's progress report from 21st September 1887 to 31st January 1888. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 6, appendix I, item 65.
Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1890. South-Indian inscriptions, Tamil and Sanskrit, from stone and copper-plate edicts at Mamallapuram, Kanchipuram, in the North Arcot district, and other parts of the Madras Presidency, chiefly collected in 1886-87. Volume I. South Indian Inscriptions 1. Madras: Government Press. Pages 14–20, item 2.
- 1. This anuṣṭubh verse is quoted, with three misreadings, in Dr. Burnell’s South-Indian Palaeography, second edition, p. 40, note 2. Similar verses are found on the seals of the two Leyden grants; see Dr. Burgess’s Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV, pp. 204 and 224.
- 2. This expression, which was mistranslated in Vol. I [SII 1], seems to refer to some incident in the king’s early life, perhaps to some feat, by which he showed the great strength of his arm. In an inscription of the 12th year of his reign, which was published in Vol. I (No. 146) [SII 1, no. 146], kantaḷūrccālai kalam aṟutta is the only epithet, which precedes the name of the king as a kind of biruda.
- 3. akkaṉ seems to be used for akkai, just as ammaṉ for ammai. The elder sister referred to is Kuntavaiyār, the queen of Vallavaraiyar Vandyadevar; see the introduction to No. 6 [SII 2, no. 6]. The gifts, which were made by herself, the king’s wives and others, are recorded in various other inscriptions of the Tañcāvūr temple.
- 4. I.e., ‘the god [who is] to receive [the offerings].’
- 5. According to Winslow, the secondary idol of a temple (eḻuntaruḷum vikkirakam or utsava-vigraha) is carried about in processions, while the chief idol (mūla-vigraha) remains stationary.
- 6. 1 kaḻañcu consists of 20 mañcāṭis of 2 kuṉṟis, and 1 kuṉṟi weighs about 2 grains.
- 7. According to Winslow, tūpi or stūpi is a synonym of śikhara, the upper pinnacle of a temple
- 8. palam, ‘a weight, thirteen of which make a trifle over a pound;’ Winslow.
- 9. This word signifies perhaps ‘a cup [resembling] a shell (ōṭu).’
- 10. muḻam or cubit consists of 2 cāṇs or spans, 1 cāṇ of 12 virals or finger’s breadths, and 1 viral of 8 rice corns, which are here called tōrai.
- 11. mūḻam is probably the same as mūṭal or mūṭi.
- 12. This clause refers to the first part of the inscription, which precedes the second part of the upper tier of the north wall and is consequently, with respect to it, situated in the east. On jagatippaṭai see [SII 2,] page 35, note 2.
- 13. I.e., ‘he whose diadem are Śiva’s feet,’ ‘the devotee of Śiva.’
- 14. I.e., ‘the illustrious king of kings.’
- 15. oppaṉ seems to be another form of oppam, ‘polish’; compare aṟaṉ, kalaṉ, nilaṉ, pataṉ, palaṉ for aṟam, kalam, nilam, patam, palam.
Hultzsch 1891 divides the inscription in two parts, in which, for the sake of convenience, he supplied paragraphs in his edition and in his translation:
The exact date of the record and the status of both parts is unclear. According Hultzsch 1891 (p. 1), “[t]he last set of paragraphs (51 to 107) was incised at a later date than the preceding part of the inscription, to which it refers as previously engraved (paragraph 51).” It is possible, but has to be checked on the stone at the transition between both parts, that the entire inscription was engraved only in the 29th regnal year of Rājarāja.
The initial stanza (a Sanskrit anuṣṭubh) is similar to those found on the seals of copper-plate grants of other Cōḻa kings.