Permmañcili grant of Viṣṇuvardhana IV

Editor: Dániel Balogh.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00084.

Hand description:

Halantas. Final M (l15) is a simplified and reduced ma-shape. Final N (l25) is likewise a reduced and simplified na.

Original punctuation marks.

Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is at or slightly above headline, to the right of the character to which it belongs. The plates often do not distinguish dependent au from o (but see e.g. line 9 kaḷadhauta for a distinct au); RM silently reads the expected vowel, while I show a scribal error. Upadhmānīya in line 11 looks identical to ṟ.

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Eastern Cālukya (tfb-vengicalukya-epigraphy).

Version: (4b9ab6f), last modified (e18436c).



⟨1⟩ śrī-viṣamasiddhi


⟨Page 1r⟩

⟨Page 1v⟩ ⟨1⟩ (svas)t(i)⟨.⟩ śrīmatāṁ sakala-bhuvana-saṁst¿u?⟨ū⟩yamāna-(m)[ānavya-sagotrāṇāṁ] ⟨2⟩ hāritī-putrāṇāṁ kauś¿ī?⟨i⟩k¿i?⟨ī⟩-vara-prasāda-la(bdha)-[rājyānāṁ mātr̥-gaṇa]⟨3⟩-paripālitānāṁ svāmi-mahāsena-pād(ā)[nudhyātānāṁ bhagavan-nā]⟨4⟩rāyaṇa-prasāda-sam¿a?⟨ā⟩sādita-vara-varā[ha-lāñchanekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa]⟨5⟩-vaśīkr̥t¿a?⟨ā⟩rāti-maṇḍalānā{ṁ}m aśvamedhāvabhr̥[tha-snāna-pavitrīkr̥ta]⟨6⟩-vapuṣā⟨ṁ⟩ caḷukyānāṁ kulam alaṁkariṣṇo{(ḥ?)}(r vvi?)[vidha-yuddha-labdha-yaśasaḥ] ⟨7⟩ śrī-viṣ¿ya?⟨ṇu⟩varddhana-mahārājasya p¿o?⟨au⟩traḥ (pa)ra-[nr̥pati-makuṭa-taṭa]⟨Page 2r⟩⟨8⟩-ghaṭitāneka-ma¿n?⟨ṇ⟩i-kiraṇa-rāga-ra(ñjita-ca)raṇa-yuga¡ḷ!⟨l⟩¿aḥ?⟨asya⟩ Aneka-tu⟨9⟩lā-dhr̥ta-ka¡ḷ!⟨ḷ⟩adhauta-dāna-pūta-śarīra¿ḥ?⟨sya⟩ sama(s)ta-bhuvan¿a?⟨ā⟩śraya-śrī-vijayā⟨10⟩ditya-mahārājasya priya-tanayaḥ samati¿si?⟨śa⟩yita-pitr̥-guṇa⟨ḥ⟩ ⟨11⟩ śakti-sampannas samyak-prajā-pālanaḫ parama-brahmaṇyo ⟨12⟩ mātā-pitr̥-pādānudhyāta⟨ḥ⟩ sarvva-lokāśraya-śrī-viṣṇuvarddhana-ma⟨13⟩hārājādhirāja-parameśvara-bhaṭṭ¿a?⟨ā⟩rakaḥ pagunavāra-viṣ¿e?⟨a⟩ye ⟨14⟩ permma(ñc)ili nāma grām¿a?⟨e⟩ rāṣṭ(r)ak¿u?⟨ū⟩ṭa-pram(u)khā¿ṁ?⟨n⟩ kuṭ¡i!⟨u⟩⟨ṁ⟩bina⟨ḥ⟩ sarvv¿a?⟨ā⟩n i⟨Page 2v⟩⟨15⟩tthaM ¿mā?⟨Ā⟩¡a!payati

viditam astu vo ⟨’⟩smābhiḥ poḍegu-v¡ā!⟨ā⟩stavyāya hira⟨16⟩ṇy¡ā!⟨a⟩keśya-s¿u?⟨ū⟩trāya Agniveśya-gotrāya śaṅkiṭiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩ pautrāya veda-ve⟨17⟩¿dāśaṁ?⟨dāṁga⟩-p¿a?⟨ā⟩rag¿a?⟨ā⟩ya śaṅkiṭiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩ putrāya ¿yajana-yaja(ya?)⟨⟨nā⟩⟩dhy⟦a⟧⟨⟨ā⟩⟩na-dhyā⟦na⟧⟨⟨pa⟩⟩⟨18⟩(sa)n(ā)? Agniśarmmaṇ¿a?⟨e⟩ candra-gra⟨ha⟩ṇa-nimit⟨t⟩e Udaka-pūrvva⟨ṁ⟩ k¡ri!⟨r̥⟩¡tya!⟨tvā⟩ ⟨19⟩ dvādaśa-kh¡ā!ṇḍika-v¿r̥?⟨rī⟩hi-mātr¿(ā)?⟨a⟩-kṣetraṁ rācotaraṁ-gr¿a?⟨ā⟩ma-paścima⟨20⟩-kṣetraṁ pūrvvataḥ pe(r)devipaḷ(ḷ)i-boya-kṣetraṁ⟨.⟩ dakṣiṇataḥ kavali-ta⟨21⟩ṭākaM paścimataḥ mahā-patha Uttarataḥ mutrāja-kṣetraṁ g¿ra?⟨r̥⟩ha⟨Page 3r⟩⟨22⟩s¿ta?⟨thā⟩naṁ grāma-pūrvva-(t?)aḥ⟧⟨⟨da⟩⟩kṣiṇa-diś¿e?⟨i⟩ nikaṭaṁ pūrvvataḥ gāvadi-taṭ¿a?⟨ā⟩k¿ā?⟨aḥ⟩ ⟨23⟩ dakṣiṇataḥ raṭṭoḍi-toṇḍa paścimataḥ mahā-pathaḥ Uttarata⟨ḥ⟩ mah¿a?⟨ā⟩-pathaḥ ⟨24⟩ ¿m?⟨s⟩arvva-kara-parih¿a?⟨ā⟩r¿i?⟨aṁ⟩ datt¿ā?⟨aM⟩

I. Anuṣṭubh

Asya dharmmasya guṇavān{n}


ājñapti⟨r⟩ vinayānvitaḥ


ja⟨25⟩(ya?)(r)¿u?⟨ū⟩pa Iti khyāto


loke ⟨’⟩smiN dha⟨rmma⟩-vatsalaḥ


Asyopari na kenacid ¿bh?⟨b⟩ādh¿a?⟨ā⟩ ⟨26⟩ karaṇ¿i?⟨ī⟩⟨.⟩ karoti yas sa pañca-mahāpātaka-saṁyukta(ḥ) bhavati⟨.⟩ vyāsenāpy u⟨27⟩k(t)aM

II. Anuṣṭubh

bahubhir vvasu¿d?⟨dh⟩ā dattā


(bahu)bhiś cānupālitā


yasya yasya ya⟨28⟩dā bhūmis


tasya tasya tadā phalaM

⟨Page 3v⟩




⟨6⟩ alaṁkariṣṇo{(ḥ?)}(r vvi?)[vidha-yuddha-labdha-yaśasaḥ]alaṁkariṣṇoḥ [ca. 8+] RM • The possible visarga after ṣṇo is in fact a series of three dots one below the other; the third dot may indicate deletion of a superfluous visarga, or all may serve some other purpose or be accidental. On the basis of related grants, I would expect a compound beginning with svāsi-dhārā- at this point. However, the last character before the break is partially preserved and while alternative readings are possible, vvi is one of the most plausible readings for it (no repha is visible, but one is implied by the gemination of v). It is therefore most likely that the text continued here in the same way as in the Ḻūḷā grant of Viṣṇuvardhana IV, which is practically identical to the present grant except for the executive details. The text I restore here is my emended reading of the Ḻūḷā grant, whose actual diplomatic reading is alaṁkariṣṇor vvividhāyudhālabdhayaśa. The same mistakes may have been present here too. See also the apparatus to the Ḻūḷā grant about my preference of this emendation over vividhāyudha-.

⟨7⟩ (pa)ra-[nr̥pati-makuṭa-taṭa]para[ca. 8+] RM • Again, I restore on the basis of the Ḻūḷā grant. If this was not the exact text here, it must still have been very similar.

⟨8⟩ -yuga¡ḷ!⟨l⟩¿aḥ?⟨asya⟩-yuga¡ḷ!⟨l⟩aḥ RM • In my opinion this phrase refers to Vijayāditya.

⟨9⟩ -śarīra¿ḥ?⟨sya⟩-śarīraḥ RM • Again, in my opinion the compound refers to Vijayāditya.

⟨10⟩ samati¿si?⟨śa⟩yita-pitr̥-guṇa⟨ḥ⟩sva-mati-sīmita-pitr̥-guṇa- RM.

⟨11⟩ -pālanaḫ • Although the text is not strictly incorrect as received, the intent was probably -pālana-paraḫ; the omission may be due to haplography of para. Note the identical omission (also involving an upadhmānīya) in line 11 of the Ḻūḷā grant, where -para is also missing.

⟨13⟩ pagunavāra- ⬦ p¿a?⟨ā⟩gu¿n?⟨ṇ⟩avāra- RM • The name of this district occurs in many spelling variants and I prefer not to standardise.

⟨14⟩ permma(ñc)ili ⬦ perummañcili RM • The name was read as permmajīli for the ARIE report. RM’s perummañcili is probably a typo or a silent interpretive emendation; his discussion has permmañcili. The reading is certain. — ⟨14⟩ grām¿a?⟨e⟩grāma- RM.

⟨15⟩ v¡ā!⟨ā⟩stavyāya ⬦ vāstavyāya RM.

⟨16⟩ śaṅkiṭiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩śaṅkidiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩ RM.

⟨17⟩ -p¿a?⟨ā⟩rag¿a?⟨ā⟩ya • This word was probably intended to be in the genitive, applying to the donee’s father. The same phrase in the Ḻūḷā grant stands after the word putrāya, correctly qualifying the donee. — ⟨17⟩ śaṅkiṭiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩śaṅkidiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩ RM. — ⟨17⟩ ¿yajana-yaja(ya?)⟨⟨nā⟩⟩dhy⟦a⟧⟨⟨ā⟩⟩na-dhyā⟦na⟧⟨⟨pa⟩⟩⟨18⟩(sa)n(ā)? _yajana-yaja(nā)dhyāna-dhyāpa⟨18⟩sana RM • This garbled bit of text has been subject to the attention of a corrector, but the improvement is meagre. It is my impression that the originally inscribed text was yajanayajayadhyanadhyanasana. This was corrected, incrementally or simultaneously at a later time, into yajanayajanādhyānadhyapasana, although the correction at the end of line 17 may be the other way round (pa to na). The intended text must have been yajanayājanādhyayanādhyāpana, possibly conflated with the collocation dhyānopāsana. Restoring yajanayājanādhyayanādhyāpana still leaves the text incomplete; in a footnote, RM emends to yajana-yājanādhyayanādhyāpana-dāna-pratigraha-ṣaṭkarma-niratāya (typos silently corrected here), though perhaps only -niratāya or -ādi-niratāya was intended. In line 18, there is a space with before the binding hole, whereas elsewhere the writing crowds close to the hole’s edges. Within this space, there is a faint vertical stroke like a daṇḍa, followed by an even fainter and very short horizontal stroke at head level. There is no indication that anything has been deleted or lost here, but these strokes may be parts of an aborted character. Compare the similarly garbled yajanāyajanadhyānadhyāpana-ṣaṭkarmma-nirataya in the Senavurabu grant of Viṣṇuvardhana IV.

⟨21⟩ -kṣetraṁ ⬦ -kṣetra¿ḥ?⟨ṁ⟩ RM.

⟨22⟩ -(t?)aḥ⟧⟨⟨da⟩⟩kṣiṇa- ⬦ -da{ḥ}kṣiṇa- RM.

⟨23⟩ -toṇḍa ⬦ -toṇṭa(ṁ) RM.

⟨24⟩ ¿m?⟨s⟩arvva- ⬦ (sa)rvva- RM. — ⟨24⟩ -parih¿a?⟨ā⟩r¿i?⟨aṁ⟩ • Or the intent may have been parihārīkr̥tya. — ⟨24⟩ datt¿ā?⟨aM⟩dattā RM.

⟨27⟩ dattā ⬦ d¿ā?⟨a⟩ttā RM.

Translation by Dániel Balogh



(1–15) Greetings. The grandson of His Majesty King (mahārāja) Viṣṇuvardhana (III) [who acquired glory in diverse battles]1 and who was eager to adorn the lineage of the majestic Caḷukyas—[who are of the Mānavya gotra] which is praised by the entire world, who are sons of Hāritī, who attained [kingship] by the grace of Kauśikī’s boon, who are protected by [the band of Mothers], who [were deliberately appointed (to kingship)] by Lord Mahāsena, to whom the realms of adversaries [instantaneously submit at the [mere] sight] of the superior Boar emblem they have acquired by the grace of the divine Nārāyaṇa, and whose bodies have been [hallowed through washing] in the purificatory ablutions (avabhr̥tha) of the Aśvamedha sacrifice—; the dear son of His Majesty King (mahārāja) Vijayāditya (I), shelter of the entire universe (samasta-bhuvanāśraya), whose pair of feet are tinted by the hues of the rays from the many gems fitted to the [surfaces of the crowns of] enemy [kings],2 whose body has been purified by the donation of gold weighed in many a balance scale:3 [namely] His Majesty the supremely pious Supreme Lord (parameśvara) of Emperors (mahārājādhirāja) and Sovereign (bhaṭṭāraka) Viṣṇuvardhana (IV), shelter of all the world (sarva-lokāśraya), who was deliberately appointed [as heir] by his mother and father, who surpasses the virtues of his father, who is endowed with [the three] power[s], competently protecting his subjects, commands all householders (kuṭumbin)—including foremost the territorial overseers (rāṣṭrakūṭa)—who reside in the village named Permmañcili in Pagunavāra district (viṣaya) as follows.

(1–24) Let it be known to you that to Agniśarman, a resident of Poḍegu belonging to the Hiraṇyakeśya sūtra and the Agniveśya gotra, ⟨engaged in⟩ (the Brahmanical duties of) sacrificing and being commissioned to perform sacrifices, learning and teaching, the grandson of Śaṅkiṭiśarman and son of Śaṅkiṭiśarman who was thoroughly learned in the Veda and Vedāṅga, we have given on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon, [the donation being] sanctified by (a libation of) water and exempt from all taxes, a field to the measure of (i.e. sowable with) twelve khāṇḍikas of rice, [of which field] the western field of the village Rācotaraṁ is to the east; the field of Perdevipaḷḷi-boya to the south; the Kavali tank (taṭāka) to the west; the highway to the north; mutrāja field;4 [and also] a homestead plot nearby in the southeastern direction of the village, to the east [of which plot] is the Gāvadi tank (taṭāka); to the south, the toṇḍa of the Raṭṭoḍi; to the west, the highway; to the north, the highway.

The virtuous and disciplined executor (ājñapti) of this provision (dharma) is known in this world as Jayarūpa and is fond of lawfulness (dharma).

(25–27) Let no-one pose an obstacle (to the enjoyment of rights) over it. He who does so shall be conjoined with the five great sins. Vyāsa too has said:

Many (kings) have granted land, and many have preserved it (as formerly granted). Whosoever at any time owns the land, the fruit {reward (accrued of granting it)} belongs to him at that time.



Reported in Krishna Sastri 1914, p. 10, appendices A/1913-14, № 6 with discussion at Krishna Sastri 1914, pp. 85–86, § 9. Edited from estampages by S. S. Ramachandra Murthy (1986, № B), with facsimiles and a summary of the contents. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on photos taken by myself in February 2023 at the Andhra Sahitya Parishad Museum, Kakinada, collated with estampages preserved at the ASI headquarters, Mysore, and with Ramachandra Murthy’s edition and estampages.


[RM] Ramachandra Murthy, S. S. 1986. “Two copper-plate charters of Eastern Chālukya Vishnuvardhana V.” EI 40, pp. 37–46. Item B.


Krishna Sastri, H. 1914. G.O. No. 920, 4th August 1914. Epigraphy. Recording, with remarks, the progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for epigraphy, Southern Circle, for the year 1913-1914. No place. Page 10, appendixes A/1913-14, item 6.

Krishna Sastri, H. 1914. G.O. No. 920, 4th August 1914. Epigraphy. Recording, with remarks, the progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for epigraphy, Southern Circle, for the year 1913-1914. No place. Pages 85–86, section 9.


  1. 1. See the apparatus to line 6 about this restoration.
  2. 2. See the apparatus to line 7 about this restoration.
  3. 3. That is, gold weighed on a scale against his body, the tulāpuruṣa mahādāna.
  4. 4. I do not understand the word mutrāja and do not know whether this phrase belongs to the preceding northern boundary or to the following specification of the homestead plot.