Test Bibliography

Editor: Michaël Meyer.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSTestBibliography.

Language: Undetermined.

Repository: Test Repository (test).

Version: (d26ee23), last modified (05196fc).

Translation into French by Estienne-Monod 2008

Bibliographic reference not in the div bibliography, links should point to the global bibliography (both the reference in the title of this section and the reference that follows). On the other hand, links in the sidebar TOC should not include the bib reference as a pointer.

Estienne-Monod 2008

Translation into French by Eltschinger 2001

Bibliographic reference in the div bibliography, links should point to it.

Eltschinger 2001


A schematron constraint should say that there are duplicate short titles in this bibliography.


[E] Eltschinger, Vincent. 2001. Dharmakīrti sur les mantra et la connaissance du suprasensible. Vienna: Wiener Studien für Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde.


