Donation by the eldest son of Vikramāditya

Editors: Jens Thomas, Buduraju Radhakrishna.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSTelugu00057.

Hand description:

Language: Telugu.

Repository: Telugu Inscriptions (tfb-telugu-epigraphy).

Version: (8e67924), last modified (ec27c2b).


⟨1⟩ bu(pe) ⟨2⟩ vikramā(di)⟨3⟩tya bē(r)bhabhā⟨4⟩ṇādhirāju ⟨5⟩ prathama-pri⟨6⟩ya-pu⟨7⟩trunṟu Icci⟨8⟩na kṣētraṁbu ⟨9⟩ dēniki sakṣi ⟨10⟩ pu(ṟa)nullu ⟨11⟩ saḷki raṭṭa⟨12⟩kuḍiyu ⟨13⟩ mukakāḷḷu ⟨14⟩ (pa)ṭṭeḷu[1*] ⟨15⟩ vāru(vaḍa) ⟨16⟩ gīyu sakṣi ⟨17⟩ vakraṁbu vaccu⟨18⟩vāru nāyu va⟨19⟩nṟu vāraṇāsi ⟨20⟩ vēvurānu ⟨21⟩ vēyu dēva drō⟨22⟩guḷu vē kavila⟨23⟩ḷānu ḻacci⟨24⟩vanṟu pondu


⟨1⟩ bu(pe)[1*]bu(pe) RP.

⟨9⟩ dēniki sakṣi ⬦ [2*]sa RP.

⟨10⟩ pu(ṟa)nullu ⟨11⟩ saḷki raṭṭa⟨12⟩kuḍiyu ⬦ pu[3*] ⟨11⟩ saṭiraṭṭa⟨12⟩kuḍiki[1*] RP.

⟨13⟩ mukakāḷḷu ⬦ mukara[1*] RP.

⟨15⟩ (vaḍa) ⟨16⟩ gīyu sakṣi ⬦ (vada) ⟨16⟩ giyusa[1*] RP.

⟨18⟩ nāyu va⟨19⟩nṟu ⬦ nāya[1*]⟨19⟩nda RP.

⟨24⟩ pondu ⬦ (pendu) RP.

Translation by Jens Thomas


The dots in Ramayya Pantulu’s edition that represent lost akṣaras have been interpreted as one akṣara per dot although the number of dots seems to be a little bit random. The Annual Report offers a partial different reading in its statement that it is a “[g]ift of land by the eldest son of Vikramāditya Be[mpa]nādh-rāja” (Venkayya 1905, p. 15, № 403, appendix A/1904).


The inscription was noted in the Annual Report and first edited by J. Ramayya Pantulu. K. M. Sastri while relying on Ramayya Pantulu’s edition republished the inscription with a summary: “Refers to a gift of land by the eldest dear son of Vikramāditya and contains an imprecation” (Sastri 1969, p. 336). The inscription was re-edited by Buduraju Radhakrishna.


[RP] Ramayya Pantulu, J. 1948. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume X: Telugu inscriptions from the Madras Presidency. South Indian Inscriptions 10. Delhi: Manager of Publications. Page 336, item 617.


Venkayya, V. 1905. G.O. No. 518, 18th July 1905. Epigraphy. Recording the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for the year 1904-1905, and directing that the report be forwarded to the government of India. No place. Page 15, item 403, appendix A/1904.

Sastri, Korada Mahadeva. 1969. Historical grammar of Telugu with special reference to Old Telugu c. 200 B.C. - 1000 A.D. Anantapur: Sri Vekateswara Univ. Pages 335–336, item 74.

Radhakrishna, Budaraju. 1971. Early Telugu inscriptions (up to 1100 A.D.): with texts, glossary & brief linguistic history. Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Sahitya Akademi. Pages 36–37, item 52.