Bhitari Inscription of the Time of Budhagupta, Front
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSSiddham00068.
Hand description:
Language: Sanskrit.
Repository: Siddham (siddham).
Version: (ddbe066), last modified (13a5ebf).
⟨1⟩ ⟨Fragment A⟩[ca. 6+] (sa)mba⟨Fragment B⟩[100] (70) mahārājādh(i)⟨2⟩⟨Fragment A⟩(rā)ja-śrī-vudhagupta-rājya-⟨Fragment B⟩[k]āle Uttaravāṭi⟨3⟩⟨Fragment A⟩kāyāṁ puṣpagr̥ha-sa(v?)i⟨Fragment B⟩ [tr̥]-puṣkariṇyāḥ⟨4⟩⟨Fragment A⟩saṁlagnottara-pārśve vaṭṭa-⟨Fragment B⟩ (p)uṣpagr̥haka-deva ⟨5⟩ ⟨Fragment A⟩-(prasādakaṁ guru-vipra-māne?)⟨Fragment B⟩ (na)-k(ā)ritaka-deva ⟨6⟩ ⟨Fragment A⟩[…]⟨Fragment B⟩[…]
Translation by Doe and Devadatta N.d.
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<title>Bhitari Inscription of the Time of Budhagupta, Front</title>
<resp>Original EpiDoc Encoding for Siddham</resp>
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<resp>Conversion of encoding for DHARMA</resp>
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<resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
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<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSSiddham00068</idno>
If this file is moved into a named DHARMA corpus, retain the Siddham identifier as <altIdentifier>
<licence target="">
<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit t or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
agreement no 809994).</p>
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<change who="part:daba" when="2023-05-15" status="draft">Additional global changes for compatibility with DHARMA</change>
<change who="part:axja" when="2021-07-06" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
<change who="part:daba" when="2020-08-04" status="draft">Initial import: harmonising file structure with DHARMA inscription template v02. Text and comments as inherited from the Siddham archive of January 2019, unless otherwise indicated (by a name and date in the comment). Comments are offered "as is" and do not represent a thoroughly considered or researched opinion.</change>
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<p><lb n="1"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/><gap reason="lost" precision="low" quantity="6" unit="character"/> <unclear>sa</unclear>mba<milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/><num value="170"><supplied reason="lost"><g type="numeral">100</g></supplied> <unclear><g type="numeral">70</g></unclear></num> mahārājādh<unclear>i</unclear><!--
As Agrawala notes, the reading 70 is "not without doubt". I should note that I can't see the sa of samba, and judging from l2, the vertical break has hardly obliterated anything (the huge gap in Agrawala's plate is misleading), so there may not have been room for a "100" between mba (if that's what it is) and 70 (if that's what it is).
--><lb n="2" break="no"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/><unclear>rā</unclear>ja-śrī-vudhagupta-rājya-<milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->k</supplied>āle Uttaravāṭi<lb n="3" break="no"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/>kāyāṁ puṣpagr̥ha-sa<unclear cert="low">v</unclear>i<milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/> <supplied reason="lost" cert="low">tr̥</supplied>-puṣkariṇyāḥ<!--
Agrawala credits R. S. Mishra for the restoration savitr̥. I would prefer to restore sahita.
--><lb n="4" break="no"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/>saṁlagnottara-pārśve vaṭṭa-<milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/> <unclear>p</unclear>uṣpagr̥haka-deva<!--
Agrawala thinks vaṭṭa may be a personal name, or a mistake for vaṭa. I think pārśva-vaddha (for baddha) is a more likely reading.
--><lb n="5"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/>-<unclear cert="low">prasādakaṁ guru-vipra-māne</unclear><milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/> <unclear>na</unclear>-k<unclear>ā</unclear>ritaka-deva<!--
I adopt Agrawala's "very much uncertain" reading here. Practically all the characters could be read differently, e.g. (without attempting to produce intelligible words) dayāvakaśuraśuravasita
--><lb n="6"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/><!--
Nothing more is legible, but there certainly was a sixth line of text. Any number of further lines may have been lost.
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