Sarnath Buddha Image Inscription 2 of the Time of Budhagupta
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSSiddham00042.
Hand description:
Language: Sanskrit.
Repository: Siddham (siddham).
Version: (ddbe066), last modified (13a5ebf).
I. Anuṣṭubh
⟨1⟩ ⟨Fragment A⟩ (guptānāṁ samati)[krānte]
bśate samānāṁ pr̥thivīṁ
cbudhagu[pte] ⟨Fragment B⟩praśāsati(||)
dII. Anuṣṭubh
amūle śma⟨2⟩-⟨Fragment A⟩ (pragate?) ⟨2⟩ (mayā)
c(pra)timā (śākya-bhikṣuṇā||)
dIII. Anuṣṭubh
imām [uddhasta-sa]⟨Fragment B⟩ (ccha)ttra-
bd(eva-pu)ttravato (divyāṁ)
c⟨3⟩ ⟨Fragment A⟩[citra-vinyāsa-citritāṁ|]
dIV. Anuṣṭubh
[yad asti puṇyaṁ pratimāṁ]
a[kārayitvā mamāstu] ⟨Fragment B⟩[taT]
bmātā-pittror g(u)r(ū)ṇāṁ ca
cloka(s)ya ca(śa)māpta(ye)[|]
Translation by Doe and Devadatta N.d.
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<title>Sarnath Buddha Image Inscription 2 of the Time of Budhagupta</title>
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<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSSiddham00042</idno>
If this file is moved into a named DHARMA corpus, retain the Siddham identifier as <altIdentifier>
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<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit t or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
agreement no 809994).</p>
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<change who="part:axja" when="2021-07-06" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
<change who="part:daba" when="2020-08-04" status="draft">Initial import: harmonising file structure with DHARMA inscription template v02. Text and comments as inherited from the Siddham archive of January 2019, unless otherwise indicated (by a name and date in the comment). Comments are offered "as is" and do not represent a thoroughly considered or researched opinion.</change>
<text xml:space="preserve">
<div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn" rendition="class:83225 maturity:83211">
<lg n="1" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a"><lb n="1"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/>
<unclear>guptānāṁ samati</unclear><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->krānte</supplied></l>
<l n="b"><unclear>sapta-paṁcāśa</unclear>d-uttare<!--
The punctuation sign is largely invisible in the facsimile, but I assume it's a double vertical.
<l n="c">śate samānāṁ pr̥thivīṁ</l>
<l n="d">budhagu<supplied reason="lost">pte</supplied> <milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/>praśāsati<unclear>||</unclear></l>
<lg n="2" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a">vaiśākha-māsa-saptamyāṁ</l>
<l n="b">mūle śma<lb n="2" break="no"/>-<milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/> <unclear cert="low">pragate</unclear> <lb n="2"/><unclear>mayā</unclear><!--
Agrawala reads śyāmagate for śma-pragate. Don't know if he follows Sircar or someone else in this. Bhandarkar puts the line break before pragate, but I don't think he is right. Agrawala breaks the line where I do. There certainly are 3 (or possibly 2) characters after śma at the end of the first line. However, both these as well as those at the beginning of l2 are too unclear in the facsimile to read.
<l n="c"><unclear cert="low">kāritābhayamitreṇa</unclear></l>
<l n="d"><unclear>pra</unclear>timā <unclear>śākya-bhikṣuṇā||</unclear><!--
Bhandarkar prints most of this half-verse as legible, but on the facsimile timā is the only thing I can make out with some confidence, before the clear i of imām.
The punctuation sign is quite clearly a double vertical.
<lg n="3" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a" enjamb="yes">imām <supplied reason="lost">uddhasta-sa</supplied><milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/> <unclear>ccha</unclear>ttra</l>
<l n="b">-padmāsana-vibhū<unclear>ṣitāṁ</unclear><!--
Bhandarkar reads m instead of anusvāra at the end, but the admittedly unclear facsimile does not seem to support that; also compare the use of anusvāra at verse end in specimen A, L3 (end of v3).
<l n="c">d<unclear>eva-pu</unclear>ttravato <unclear>divyāṁ</unclear></l>
<l n="d"><lb n="3"/><milestone unit="fragment" n="A"/><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->citra-vinyāsa-citritāṁ|</supplied><!--
Gupte's original reading was citra-vidyā-sacitritāṁ. The correction to vinyāsa was first proposed by #Agrawal_1940:60.
<lg n="4" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a"><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->yad asti puṇyaṁ pratimāṁ</supplied></l>
<l n="b"><supplied reason="lost">kārayitvā mamāstu</supplied> <milestone unit="fragment" n="B"/><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->taT</supplied><!--
Gupte's original reading was yad atra puṇyaṁ pratimāṁ kārayitvā mayā bhr̥tam. #Agrawal_1940:60 corrects to yad asti ... mamāstu; he does not read "tat".
<l n="c">mātā-pittror g<unclear>u</unclear>r<unclear>ū</unclear>ṇāṁ ca</l>
<l n="d">loka<unclear>s</unclear>ya ca<unclear>śa</unclear>māpta<unclear>ye</unclear><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->|</supplied><!--
the m of mātā is clearly not nmā here and may be preceded by a daṇḍa and a subscript t.
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