Cēlam, Saundararājaperumāḷ, time of Sundara Pāṇḍya, year 24

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSSII0400157.

Summary: Donation of a pōtikai (capital of a pillar).

Hand description:

Language: Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (3b1c28e), last modified (d9c7a93).


⟨1⟩ kō-c-caṭ¡a!⟨ai⟩-parmar-āṉa tiru-pu⟨va⟩ṉa-c-cak⟨2⟩kara-va⟨r⟩ttikaḷ ciṟi-cuntara-pāṇṭi⟨3⟩ya-tēvaṟku 2 10 4-vatu

cēlattil ka⟨4⟩ṇmāḷaril Aṇṇāmalai-t-taṭṭā⟨5⟩ṉ cūriya¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩-āṉa nūṟṟ-e⟨ṇ⟩ma-t-tāṭ⟨6⟩ṭāṉ c¡e[v]!⟨ey⟩vitta pōtikai


⟨6⟩ c¡e[v]!⟨ey⟩vitta ⬦ ce[v]vitta SII.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1–3) 24th year the glorious Sundara Pāṇḍya, the emperor of the three worlds, alias the king Caṭaivarman (kōccaṭaiparmar).

(3–6) This is the pillar-capital (pōtikai) that Nūṟṟeṇmattāṭṭāṉ alias Aṇṇāmalaittāṭṭāṉ Cūriyāṉ, [one] among the smiths/artisans (kaṇmāḷar1) of Cēlam, had made2.


First reported in Hultzsch 1888 (ARIE/1887-1888/I/1887-1888/56).

First edited in Krishna Sastri 1923 (SII 4.157).

Encoded and translated here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Krishna Sastri 1923.


[SII] Krishna Sastri, H. 1923. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume IV: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada countries and Ceylon. South Indian Inscriptions 4. Madras: Government Press. Page 18, item 157.


Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1888. G.O. No. 424, 20th April 1888. Archaeology. Recording letter from the Director-General forwarding Dr. Hultzsch's progress report from 21st September 1887 to 31st January 1888. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 6, appendixes I/1887-1888, item 56.


  1. 1. See MTL, s.v. pañca-kammāḷar: “n. pañcan +. The five castes of artisans, viz., taṭṭāṉ, kaṉṉāṉ, ciṟpaṉ, taccaṉ, kollaṉ”. By his name, we know that the donor is a gold or silver smith. See MTL, s.v. taṭṭāṉ1: “n. Gold or silver smith, one of 18 kuṭi-makkaḷ.”
  2. 2. That is, has offered.