Ciṉṉayyāṉ Pēṭṭai, time of Kampavarman, year 3

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00309.

Summary: Hero-stone inscription commemorating the death of a hero.

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (96434a9), last modified (ec0d260).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-vicaiya-kampa⟨2⟩-parumarku yāṇṭu mūṉṟ-āvatu

⟨3⟩ vayira-mēka-vāṇa-kō-v-araiyar cēvakaṉ ⟨4⟩ mīkuṉṟai-¡ñ!⟨n⟩āṭṭu malaiyaṉūr-uṭaiya cempa-t⟨5⟩-toṇṭaṉ makaṉ kāri-p-perumāṉ pācā⟨6⟩ṟṟ’ erumai-t toṟu Eyi¡ñ!⟨ṉ⟩āṭṭār koḷḷa-p ⟨7⟩ pācāṟṟūr pūcal-iṭa-p pūcal ceṉṟu kōvū⟨8⟩r-nāṭṭu-c ciṟṟ-iṭai-y-āṟṟu mutu-koṉṟai ⟨9⟩ mūkkiṉ mīmalai Āyaṅkayakkaraiyiṟ ce⟨10⟩ṉṟu muṭṭi malaiyaṉūr-uṭaiya cempar ma⟨11⟩ka¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩-āṉa kāri-p-perumāṉ{¿ṇ?⟨ṉ⟩aṉ} U⟨12⟩raiyilampumāḷa Evvip pattira muru⟨13⟩vi Etirē ceṉṟu paṭṭāṉ

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1–2) Third year of the victorious Pallava king Kampaparumaṉ.1

(3–5) Kāri-p-perumāṉ, the son [of] Cempattoṇṭaṉ, the lord (uṭaiya2) of Malaiyaṉūr in Mīkuṉṟaināṭu, the servant of the Bāṇa king Vayiramēkaṉ;

(5–13) while the Eyiṉāṭṭār-s3 seized buffalo cattle Kāri-p-perumāṉ, alias the son [of] Cempar, the lord (uṭaiya4) of Malaiyaṉūr, having come and fought (muṭṭi) in in Ciṟṟiṭaiyāṟu in Kōvuṟnāṭu [and] having come [for] battle, while making great noise (pūcal-iṭa), [in] Pācaṟṟūr fell, having come againt (etiṟē vantu)


Edited in Nākacāmi 1972 (CN 1971/56). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 309).

This digital edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on previous edition(s).


[CN] Nākacāmi, Irā. 1972. Ceṅkam naṭukaṟkaḷ. TNSDA publication 21. Ceṉṉai: Tamiḻnāṭu Aracu tolporuḷ Āyvuttuṟai. Item 1971/56.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Pages 703–704, item 309.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Kampavarman.
  2. 2. Mahalingam 1988 simply translate as "of".
  3. 3. That is, the people from Eyil-nāṭu.
  4. 4. Mahalingam 1988 simply translate as "of".