Āṉūr, time of Kampavikramavarman, year 25

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00230.

Summary: Recording a transaction concerning a donation of gold for maintaining a perpetual lamp.

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (96434a9), last modified (ee4d0a2).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-vi⟨cai⟩ya-kampa-vik(kira)[ma-parumaṟku] yāṇṭu Irupattu ¡añc!⟨aint⟩-āvatu

kāliyūr-k-kōṭṭattu-t taṉ-kū[ṟṟu] [2+] [Arivili-ma]⟨2⟩ṅkalam y-āḷum kaṇattā[ruḷ] [4+] yap periya-śrī-dhara-kramavitta{ṉ}ṉ-ēṉ

kaḷattūr-k-kōṭṭattu Āṉiyūr (sa)[bhaiyōm] [5+]

⟨3⟩ (nā)l-p-patiṉ kaḻañcu poṉṉum Itaṉ palicai [6+] vampaṅkāṭṭu mahādevarkku nondā viḷakku{ka}k=k-āka kuṭuttēṉ (Arivili)-maṅka[lattu] p(e)riya-śrī-dhara-krama[vittaṉēṉ]

[Ā]⟨4⟩ṉiyūr sabhaiyōmum Ip-poṉ nāl-p-patiṉ ka[ḻañc] [3+] taṉ policaikku¡mm!⟨m⟩-āka nondā viḷakku Oru viḷakku muṭṭām¡ē!⟨ai⟩ Erippōm āṉōm sabh¿a?⟨ai⟩yōm

I [9+] ⟨5⟩ ceytāṉ ceyta pāpattil-{p} paṭuvārka[ḷ] [9+]

[unknown number of lost lines]


⟨1⟩ vik(kira)[ma-parumaṟku]vik(kira)[6+] SII • Alternative text restorations are possible, such as vik(kira)[ma-varmmaṟku]. — ⟨1⟩ taṉ-kū[ṟṟu] [2+] [Arivili-ma]⟨2⟩ṅkalam ⬦ taṉ-kū[9+]⟨2⟩ṅkalam SII.

⟨2⟩ kaṇattā[ruḷ] [4+] yap ⬦ kaṇattā [6+] yap SII. — ⟨2⟩ (sa)[bhaiyōm] [5+](sa) [9+] SII.

⟨3⟩ viḷakku{ka}k=k-āka ⬦ viḷakkuka-k=kāka SII. — ⟨3⟩ śrī-dhara-krama[vittaṉēṉ]śrī-dhara-krama[5+] SII.

⟨4⟩ ka[ḻañc] [3+]ka[6+] SII • Possible alternative text restorations are kaḻañcu and kaḻañcē. — ⟨4⟩ I [9+] ⟨5⟩ ceytāṉ • A possible text restoration is ...

⟨5⟩ paṭuvārka[ḷ] [9+]paṭuvārka [10+] SII.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1) Twenty-fifth year of the victorious king Kampavikkiramaparumaṉ.1

(1–2) I, Periya Śrīdharakramavitta […], one among the governing delegates of [Arivili]maṅgala, in the division of same name in the Kāliyūrkkōṭṭam, in the division of the same name (taṉ kūṟṟu2).

(2) We, the members of the assembly [of] Āṉiyūr in the Kāliyūrkkōṭṭam […]

(3) I have given forty kaḻañcus of gold for the sake of a perpetual for the Mahādeva of Vampaṅkāṭu, [with] its interests, I Periya Śrīdharakramavitta of Arivilimaṅgalam.

(3–4) We, all the members of the assembly [of] Āṉiyūr, we have become those who will without default light one lamp, a perpetual lamp, for the sake of the interests of these forty kaḻañcus of gold, we, the members of the assembly.

(4–5) He who does [harm to this pious act] he will suffer in the sin done by he who does […]


Reported in Krishnamacharlu 1936 (ARIE/1932-1933/B/1932-1933/82).

Edited in Venkatasubba Ayyar 1943 (SII 12.109). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 230).

This digital edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on previous edition(s).


[SII] Venkatasubba Ayyar, V. 1943. South Indian inscriptions. Volume XII: The Pallavas (with introductory notes in English). South Indian Inscriptions 12. Madras: Government Press. Pages 51–52, item 109.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Page 588, item 230.


Krishnamacharlu, C. R. 1936. Annual report on South Indian epigraphy for the year ending 31st March 1933. Delhi: Archaeological survey of India (Manager of Publications). Page 15, appendixes B/1932-1933, item 82.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Kampavikramavarman.
  2. 2. Literally: in the division of itself.