Uttiramērūr, time of Kampavarman, year 8

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00206.

Summary: Sale-deed.

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (350e545), last modified (ee4d0a2).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-vic¡a!⟨>ai⟩ya-kampa-vik¿kri?⟨ki⟩rama-parumarkku yāṇṭu Eṭṭ-āvatu

kāliyūr-k-kōṭṭattu taṉ k(ū)ṟṟu Uttaramēru-c-catu⟨r⟩vveti-maṅkalattu sabhaiyōm nila-vilai-y āvaṇa-k kai-¡yy!⟨y⟩-eḻuttu

Emm-¡u!⟨ū⟩r-k kaṟikai-k-kuṭṭattiṉ cuṟṟum ⟨2⟩ kōliṭu n¡i!⟨ī⟩kki Ik-kōliṭṭ-ōṭum y-aṭaiya Arai-k-kōl Akalattāl I¡v!⟨vv⟩-ēri-karaiyiṉ vaḷaiyil cuṟṟum mañcikkam-āy iṉ-nilam i¡v!⟨vv⟩-ērikkē bahirbhūmi-y ākavum maṭam eṭukka-vēṇṭu-nilamum i¡v!⟨vv⟩ūr y-āḷu{m}⟨3⟩-ṅ kaṇattār{ar}-uḷ-k kuravaciri rāmadeva-bhaṭṭaṉum Ivaṉ ¡ṟṟ!⟨ṟ⟩ampi nandiśvara-bhaṭṭaṉu¡mm!⟨m⟩ ivaṉ ¡ṟṟ!⟨ṟ⟩ampi kuṇḍha-bhaṭṭaṉu¡mm!⟨m⟩ i¡mm!⟨m⟩-m¡u!⟨ū⟩varkkum I¡v!⟨vv⟩-ēri-c cuṟṟu Arai-k-kōl nilamum i¡mm!⟨m⟩m¡u!⟨ū⟩var pakkalum vi[lai]-k-kāṇaṅ kai-c cella-k koṇṭu v¡ī!⟨i⟩ṟṟu-k kuṭut⟨4⟩tōm sabhaiyōm

Iru-k-kāl-āvatum viṟṟ¡u!⟨u-k⟩ kuṭuttōm sabhaiyōm

mu-k-kāl-āvatum viṟṟ¡u!⟨u-k⟩ kuṭuttō(m) sabhaiyōm

Itu-v-ē poru¿ḷa?⟨ḷ⟩ māvaṟiti Ōlai-y-āka Oṭṭi-k kuṭuttōm sabhaiyōm

Ik-kaṟikai-kuṭṭattu Ēri-karai-y-il maṇ{-k} koṇṭāraiyu⟨5⟩(m) I¡-k!⟨k-k⟩aṟikai-k-kuṭṭatiṉ{-c} cuṟṟum a¡vv!⟨v⟩-ērikkē bahi⟨r⟩bhūmi-y-āka koṇṭa nilam cuṭṭi mēl-colla-paṭṭa kuravaciri rāmadeva-bhaṭṭaṉaiyum Ivaṉ ṟampimāraiyum m¿u?⟨ū⟩varaiy(u)m nilam cuṭṭi(ṉa/ṉ) pōla paṭṭa-mantuk k(u)(u)vi(t)ttōm āṉōm sabhai⟨6⟩m

Ik-karaiyil muḷ¡kk!⟨k⟩uttiṉāraiyum vaiyiramēka-taṭākattu⟨k⟩kē veṭṭi mutal-āka A⟨i⟩ñ-kaḻañcu poṉ m¿u?⟨ū⟩lappa(ṭ/ṭṭ)ār¡a!⟨ai⟩yarē taṇṭippār āka Oṭṭ¡i!⟨i-k⟩ kuṭuttōm sabhaiyōm

Ik-kaṟikai-kuṭṭattu nīr-viṭṭ(ā)r [grāma-ka]ṇṭakar āka (pa)[ṇ](i)[t]tōm sabhai(yō)[m]


⟨1⟩ °vik¿kri?⟨ki⟩rama° ⬦ °vik{kri}rama° SII.

⟨2⟩ y-aṭaiya ⬦ Aṭaiya SII. — ⟨2⟩ bahirbhūmi-y ⬦ bahirbūmi-y SII.

⟨3⟩ kaṇattār{ar}-uḷ-k ⬦ kaṇattār-uḷ-k SII • The alternative reading kaṇattār aruḷa-k ("as the delegates rule/order") is possible, but does not make much sense in the context. Moreover, the phrase kaṇaṭṭār-uḷ ("among the delegates") is ubiquitous in the epigraphical corpus of the Vaikuṇṭhaperumāḷ temple at Uttiramērūr. — ⟨3⟩ vi[lai]-k-kāṇaṅ ⬦ vilai-k-kāṇaṅ SII. — ⟨3⟩ v¡ī!⟨i⟩ṟṟu ⬦ viṟṟu SII.

⟨4⟩ poru¿ḷa?⟨ḷ⟩poruḷ SII.

⟨6⟩ m¿u?⟨ū⟩lappa(ṭ/ṭṭ)ār¡a!⟨ai⟩yarē ⬦ mulappaṭṭārayairē SII. — ⟨6⟩ [grāma-ka]ṇṭakar ⬦ grā(ma-ka)ṇṭakar SII. — ⟨6⟩ (pa)[ṇ](i)[t]tōm ⬦ paṇittōm SII. — ⟨6⟩ sabhai(yō)[m]sabhai(yōm) SII • The letter is partly covered by the adjacent perpendicular base element. Only the kompu and left part or ya are visible.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1) Eighth year of the victorious king Kampavikkiramaparumar.1

(1) Handwritten writ document for the sale of a land (i.e. sale-deed) [by] We, the members of the assembly of Uttaramērucaturvedimaṅgala in Kāliyūrkkōṭṭam, in the division of the same name.

(1–4) We, the members of the assembly ― so that, after exclusion (nīkki) of [the land measuring] one rod (kōliṭu) surrounding [the tank named] Kārikai-k-kuṭṭam in our village, there be (ākavum) outside earth (bahirbhūmi) for this tank [on] this land, which is mañcikkam (mañcikkam āy) surrounding in circle, on the banks of this tank (ivv-ēri-karaiyiṉ vaḷaiyil cuṟṟum), by the width/extent (akalattāl) of half a rod adjacent/so as to obtain (aṭaiya2) this [single] rod (ik-kōliṭṭōṭum) ― have given for sale (viṟṟu-k koṭuttōm) a land necessary for building a maṭam (maṭam eṭukka-vēṇṭu nilamum) and a land of a half a rod surrounding this lake (Ivv-ēri-c cuṟṟu arai-k-kōl nilamum), [to] Kuravaciri Rāmadeva-bhaṭṭa, his younger brother Nandīśvara-bhaṭṭa, and his younger brother Kuṇḍha-bhaṭṭa, who are among the governing delegates (āluṅ kaṇattār-uḷ) [of] this village to these three (im-mūvarkkum), after/having received from hand to hand (kai-c cella3) the gold for the price (vilai-k-kāṇam) [of these lands] from these three [above-mentioned individuals] (mūvarkkum).

(4) We, the members of the assembly, have given for sale (that which is) two quarters (iru-k-kāl-āvatum) [among these lands].

(4) We, the members of the assembly, have given for sale three quarters (mu-k-kāl-āvatum) [among these lands].

(4) We, the members of the assembly, have solemnly given this (itu-v-ē) as a … (poru[ḷā>ḷ] māvaṟiti) [written] leaf (ōlai-y-āka).

(4–6) We, the members of the assembly, have had the title-deed given (paṭṭa-sāmantu-k koṭuvitttōm āṉōm4), [with details] as (pōla) the above-mentioned Kuravaciri Rāmadeva-bhaṭṭa and his younger brothers, the three of them (mūvaraiyum), pointed out (cuṭṭi(ṉa/ṉ)), after pointing out (cuṭṭi) the land got as bahirbhūmi (bahirbhūmi-y-āka koṇṭa nilam cuṭṭi) for that tank (avvērikkē) which surrounds (cuṟṟum)(maṇ koṇṭāraiyum) in this Kāṟikaikkuṭṭam [tank] (ik-kaṟikai-k-kuṭṭatiṉ) on the tank-banks (ēri-karai-y-il) of this this Kāṟikaikkuṭṭam [tank].

(6) Let the members of the MP (mūlappa[ṭ/ṭṭ]ārayarē) be those who fine those who dig (muḷ((k))kuttiṉāraiyum) in these banks [with] five kaḻañcu of gold as capital (veṭṭi mutal-āka) for the Vajramegha tank (vaiyiramēkata-ṭākattukkē). [Thus] have We, the members of the assembly, solemnly given (oṭṭi kuṭuttōm, but paṇittōm was probably meant)

(6) Let those who draw/let out water (nīrviṭṭār) in/from this Karikai-kuṭṭam be (considered) enemies of/traitors to the village (grāma-kaṇṭakar). [Thus] have We, the members of the assembly, declared/ordered.



IP considers only on land has been sold. There are two lands sold, we infer: one for the maṭam, one for the lake.


Reported in Hultzsch 1898 (ARIE/1897-1898/B/1898/85).

Edited in Subrahmanya Aiyer 1928 (SII 6.370). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 206).

This revised edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on autopsy and photos (2019).


[SII] Subrahmanya Aiyer, K. V. 1928. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume VI: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada countries. South Indian Inscriptions 6. Calcutta: Governement of India, Central Publication Branch. Page 170, item 370.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Pages 545–546, item 206.


[ARIE] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898. G.O. Nos. 1093-1096, 29th August 1898. Epigraphy. Directing that the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for 1897-98 be forwarded to the Government of India, approving provisionally his programme of work for the next fields season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 18, appendix B/1898, item 85.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Kampavikramavarman.
  2. 2. Literally: so as to reach.
  3. 3. Literally: while it went in hand.
  4. 4. Literally: we have become those who had the title-deed given.