Uttiramērūr, time of Nṛpatuṅgavarman, year 26

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00190.

Summary: Sale-deed.

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (350e545), last modified (94611de).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-vic¡(a/e)!⟨ai⟩ya-nṛpatuka-vikramava-r(·)mmaṟku yāṇṭu Irupattāṟāvatu

⟨2⟩liyūr-k-kōṭṭattu-t taṉ kūṟṟ’ uttaramēru-c-catu(r)vvetima(ka)lattu sabhaiy[ōm] ⟨3⟩ nila-vil¿e?⟨ai⟩ Āvaṇa-k-¡kai-E!⟨kai-y-e⟩ḻuttu

muttar¡a!⟨ai⟩yar-n(ā)ṭṭu mī-kūṟṟu viḷā-nāṭṭu-k kūkūr-k [kū]⟨4⟩kūr vic¡a!⟨ai⟩yanalluḷāṉ kāṭavati(y)āṉ-ākiya p(ū)ti-tīraṉukku Emm-ūr-t teṉ-paṭākai⟨5⟩p peruṅ-kōṭṭ’ ēri-k kīḻ āṭalam pūṇṭi-t teṟku-k kūṟiṭātē kiṭanta kīḻ-p-pūṇṭiy(u)m


⟨1⟩ °vic¡(a/e)!⟨ai⟩ya° ⬦ °vicaya° SII. — ⟨1⟩ °nṛpatuka° ⬦ °nṛpatuṁka° SII.

⟨2⟩ °catu(r)vvetima(ka)lattu ⬦ °caturvvetima(ṅka)lattu SII. — ⟨2⟩ sabhaiy[ōm]sabhai(m) SII • The kāl of -ō is lost, but not the kompu.

⟨3⟩ °vil¿e?⟨ai⟩vila SII • Note the special form of ai in lai. See regular ai in kai same line. nile could as well be considered an unstandard usage for nilai, like vicaya/viceya for vicaiya. — ⟨3⟩ muttar¡a!⟨ai⟩yar-n(ā)ṭṭu ⬦ muttarayā nāṭṭu SII • This might just be a typo for missing puḷḷi. — ⟨3⟩ kūkūr-k [kū]kūr ⬦ kūkūraka (kū)kūr SII • These might just be typos for missing puḷḷis.

⟨4⟩ vic¡a!⟨ai⟩yanalluḷāṉ ⬦ vicayanalluḻāṉ SII. — ⟨4⟩ kāṭavati(y)āṉ-ākiya ⬦ kāṭavati(yaraya)ṉākiya SII. — ⟨4⟩ p(ū)ti ⬦ pūti SII.

⟨5⟩ kīḻ āṭalam ⬦ (ḻ ā)ṭalam SII.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1) Twenty-sixth year of the victorious king Nṛpatuṁkavikramavarmaṉ.1

(1–2) Hand-written (kai-y-eḻuttu) document (āvaṇam) for the price of a land (nila-vilai, that is, sale-deed) [by] We, the members of the assembly (sabhaiyōm) of Uttaramērucaturvedimaṅgalam in the Kāliyūrkkōṭṭam and the division of the same name (taṉ kūṟṟu2).

(3–5) [In] Kūkūr, in the Viḷānāṭu, in the western division (mīkūṟṟu), in the Muttaraiyarnāṭu, to Pūti Tīraṉ alias Vicaiyanalluḷāṉ Kāṭavati [of] Kūkūr, the whole of Kīlppūṇṭi 3, which lies fallow (kiṭanta) without being ... (kūṟiṭātē), in the southern hamlet (paṭākai) of our village, east of the Peruṅkōṭu lake, south of Āṭalam Pūṇṭi


Incomplete/Unfinished inscription.

End of lines 2-3 covered by later construction (stairs’ string wall). Thus encoded as supplied, lost.

What western division? That of KāliyūrK or of Viḷa-ṇāṭu?

Check Subbarayalu, Geography, and add reference and discussion: Viḷānaṭu = mīkūṟu of KāliyūrK.


Reported in Hultzsch 1898 (ARIE/1897-1898/B/1898/83).

Edited in Subrahmanya Aiyer 1928 (SII 6.368). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 190).

This revised edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on autopsy and photos (2019).


[SII] Subrahmanya Aiyer, K. V. 1928. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume VI: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada countries. South Indian Inscriptions 6. Calcutta: Governement of India, Central Publication Branch. Page 169, item 368.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Page 521, item 190.


[ARIE] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898. G.O. Nos. 1093-1096, 29th August 1898. Epigraphy. Directing that the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for 1897-98 be forwarded to the Government of India, approving provisionally his programme of work for the next fields season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 18, appendix B/1898, item 83.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Nṛpatuṅgavikramavarman.
  2. 2. Literally: in the division of itself.
  3. 3. Literally: the eastern village/hamlet.