Centalai, time of Nantippōttaraiyar, year 12

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00125.

Summary: Donation of land for food-offering and for maintaining a perpetual lamp.

Hand description:

The puḷḷi is used.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (96434a9), last modified (e621453).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

⟨2⟩ yāṇṭu 10 2⟨3⟩-Āvatu

te⟨4⟩ḷḷārṟu ⟨5⟩ Eṟi¡ñc!⟨nt⟩a ⟨6⟩ nanti-p⟨7⟩-pōtta⟨8⟩raiyar ⟨9⟩ niyama-m(ā)⟨10⟩kāḷattu ⟨11⟩ piṭāriy(ā)⟨12⟩rkku ⟨13⟩ 4 100 pa⟨14⟩ḻaṅ-kā⟨15⟩cu kuṭu⟨16⟩ttu vi⟨17⟩lai ko⟨18⟩ṇṭu ni(ca)⟨19⟩(t)i mu-k-k(u)⟨20⟩ṟuṇi ne⟨21⟩¡l(·)l!⟨l⟩-āka ⟨22⟩ Oru tiru⟨23⟩v-amiti(ṉu)⟨24⟩kkum· O⟨25⟩ru non⟨26⟩tā viḷa⟨27⟩kkiṉu⟨k⟩ku ⟨28⟩ m ⟨29⟩ v¡acca!⟨aitta⟩ (ni)⟨30⟩lam· mā⟨31⟩ḷikai⟨32⟩Uṭaiy(ā)⟨33⟩ṉ vē⟨34⟩li

Itu ⟨35⟩ kātta⟨36⟩ṉ Aṭi E⟨37⟩ṉ talai ⟨38⟩ mēli⟨39⟩ṉa

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(2–3) 12th year.1

(3–34) ...

(34–39) ...



Reported in Venkayya 1904 (ARIE/1898-1899/B/1899/11).

Edited in Subrahmanya Aiyer 1928 (SII 6.447). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 125).

This revised edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on autopsy and photos.


[SII] Subrahmanya Aiyer, K. V. 1928. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume VI: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada countries. South Indian Inscriptions 6. Calcutta: Governement of India, Central Publication Branch. Page 185, item 447.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Pages 386–387, item 125.


[ARIE] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898. G.O. Nos. 1093-1096, 29th August 1898. Epigraphy. Directing that the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for 1897-98 be forwarded to the Government of India, approving provisionally his programme of work for the next fields season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 23, appendix B/1899, item 11.


  1. 1. This is most probably the regnal year of tellāṟṟ’ eṟinta nanti-pōttaraiyar mentioned in lines 4-9.