Triplicane, time of Dantivarman, year 12

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00105.

Summary: Donation of land by Pukaḻ Tuṇai for feeding the god (tiruvaṭikaḷ) of the temple at Tivallikkēṇi, that is Viṣṇu.

Hand description:

The puḷḷi is used. In line 2, the ki of Tamil ākiya is written in Grantha. Further details in Venkayya 1905–1906, pp. 291–292.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (350e545), last modified (1e3f6d8).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

pa(l)lava-kula-tilata-(bh)āra⟨2⟩dvāja-gotrālaṁkāra-pati-y-ākiya śrī⟨3⟩-danti-va(rm)ma-mahārājar(k)ku varṣa-varddhana⟨4⟩m yāṇṭu pa(ṉ)ṉiraṇṭ-āvat(u)

(t)iruvalli⟨5⟩-k-kēṇi kulaṅ-ki(ḻ)ārkaḷ (ka)rumāra-c-cēri-p-pula(m) ⟨6⟩ oṟ(ṟ)i-Iṭṭu nāṟ-patt-(aiṅ-k)āṭi n(el po)li-Ūṭ(ṭa) tiru⟨7⟩vaṭikaṭku tiruvamṛtu muṭṭa-p pukaḻ-t-tuṇai vic(ai)⟨8⟩yarayaṉ muppatiṉ kāṭi nellum ¿añ?⟨aiṅ⟩-kaḻañcu ⟨9⟩ poṉṉuṅ kuṭuttu mīṭṭ’ uttaṉat-ākki nāṟ-pa(t)⟨10⟩t-(ai)ṅ-kāṭiyun nicati ¿Añ-ñ?⟨Ain-n⟩āḻi nellāl iru-¡nn!⟨n⟩ā⟨11⟩ḻi tū-k-kuttal-arici(y)āl irā-p-pōṉakañ (ja)ṅka-(śa)⟨12⟩rmmaṉuñ caṭṭi-śarmmaṉum Iḷaiya-caṭṭi-śarmmaṉuṅ kā⟨13⟩ṭṭuvār-āṉarkaḷ

muṭṭil(l av)vi-p-pulattun tattaṉ-pula⟨14⟩ttuṅ kā(rai)-kiḻā(ṉ-pu)la(t)tum svāmi-bhogatt’ uṭṭ’ iruva⟨15⟩(m)tu kāṭṭuvōm āṉōm

Id-dharmmatt-uḷḷā(r) yāva⟨16⟩rēṉuṅ kō-c-cēvatu ce¡yi!⟨y⟩tu celutta-v oṭṭi kuṭut⟨17⟩tōm

(Īḻa)-viḷakkum vaṭṭi(l) lo(ha)-p-pāṉaiyum ra¡ṭ!⟨ṣ⟩ṣippa⟨18⟩tu

pukaḻ-t-tuṇai vic(ai)yaraiyaṉ {n}dharmmam itu

Itaṉai ra⟨19⟩¡ṭ!⟨k⟩ṣittār aṭi Iraṇṭum en muṭi mēliṉa


⟨10⟩ -kāṭiyun • Venkayya 1905–1906 notes that kāṭiyun is apparently used here in the sens of kātiyiṉ.

⟨11⟩ (ja)ṅka- ⬦ (ja)ṅka- EI; (ca)ṅka- IPIP’s reading could also be interpreted as (śa)ṅka-. The name could indeed be understood as Sanskrit Śaṅkhaśarman, appropriate in the context of a Viṣnu temple.

⟨13⟩ -āṉarkaḷ ⬦ -āṉā⟨r⟩kaḷ EIEI’s reading is aligned to the reading -uḷḷā(r) (line 15).

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1–4) Twelfth year of ...


The non-availability of visual documentation prevents a faithfull representation of the spelling, due to the inprecise extant editions. Some Grantha characters and initial vowels might be unmarked.

(1) The word tilata is a tadbhava of the Sanskrit tilaka.

(13) avippulam. Venkayya 1905–1906 notes that this word “means literally "oblation field"” and that “[t]he produce from this field was evidently used for oblations”.

(17) īḻa-viḷakku. Venkayya 1905–1906 refers to EI 7, p. 134, for the explanation of this word.


Reported in Venkayya 1904 (ARIE/1903-1904/A/1903/234).

Edited in Venkayya 1905–1906 (EI 8.29). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 105).

This digital edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on previous edition(s).


[EI] Venkayya, V. 1905–1906. “Triplicane inscription of Dantivarman.” EI 8 (1905-1906), pp. 290–296. Volume 1, page 23, item 18.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Pages 346–347, item 105.


[ARIE] Venkayya, V. 1904. G.O., etc., Nos. 678, 679, 12th August 1904. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1903-1904. Copy to the Government of India, Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 22, appendix A/1903, item 234.