Narasinghpur grant of Devānandadeva

Editor: Amandine Wattelier-Bricout.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSNandodbhava00003.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Nandodbhava dynasty (tfb-nandodbhava-epigraphy).

Version: (b93dad9), last modified (b93dad9).


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Bibliographical references : DTC Tripathy n 4 p 137-138 Acharya 2014 n 4 p 402-403 Sircar EI27 1947-1948 p 331-334 ARIE 1944-1945 cp 5

25 lines ; twelve on the obverse and thirteen on the reverses. The half of the last line on the obverse and that of the first line on the reverse are irretrievably lost due to cutting off of the portion by the goldsmith. Acharya 2014, n. 54, p. 402: According to Sircar, “the record under discussion is not a regular and complete charter. It appears to be hopelessly defective copy of some portions of two regular charters” (p.331). “It seems that two guenine chartes of king Devānandadeva in the possession of a family became very much damaged possibly as a resuylt of having been burnt in fire. The seal of one of the plates appears to have been totally lost and the wiriting on both the plates became in most places unreadable. Owing the difficulties in getting a reissue of the charters, the family enjoying the lands granted probably managed to forge the present document” (p.331)

Acharya 2014, n. 55, p. 402: In the respect of language, the present inscription cannot be compared with any other record of the family. The conventional metrical description of the ancestors of the king and the long ornate prose passage describing him in the formal charter are absent.

line 23 suggests that the village was grabted as a kara-śāsana and the nominal rent was fixed at 5 palas of silver to be paid by the donne annually (Acharya 2014, p. 402)


Currently preserved in the Odisha State Museum, accession number 37.


Tripathy, Snigdha. 2010. Descriptive topographical catalogue of Orissan inscriptions. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers & Distributors. Item 4, pages 137–138.

Acharya, Subrata Kumar. 2014. Copper-plate inscriptions of Odisha: a descriptive catalogue (circa fourth century to sixteenth century CE). New Delhi: D. K. Printworld. Item 4, pages 402–403.