Tunahan (794 Śaka)

Editors: Arlo Griffiths, Mekhola Gomes.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSIDENKTunahan.

Hand description:

Language: Old Javanese.

Repository: Nusantara Epigraphy (tfc-nusantara-epigraphy).

Version: (ac9645f), last modified (adf62d6).


⟨Page 1r⟩

⟨Page 1v⟩ ⟨1v1⟩ || ° || svasti śaka-varṣātīta 794 māgha-māsa dvādaśĭ śukla-pakṣa, mavulu Umanis· budhavāra, tatkāla rakarayan· I sirikan· ⟨1v2⟩ pu rakap·, dinmakan· dai śrī mahārāja rakai kayu vaṅi rikanaṁ sukat· kahulunan· Iṁ tunahan·, lmaḥ I mamali, maṅasəAkan· ra⟨1v3⟩karayān· pasamvaḥ I śrī mahārāja, mas· cumvi su 5 vḍihan· buAt· pinilai yu 2 gañjarpatra kban· 1 Ivak· jamvaṅan· 2 vuru-vuru va⟨1v4⟩raṅka 1 kamvaṁ vakul· 1 Anuṁ kinon· rakarayān· UmaṁsəAkna Ikanaṁ pasamvaḥ I śrī mahārāja, saṁ pamgat· tira pu bhujaṅga AsəAnya Iṁ ⟨1v5⟩ pahayu, lima vṅinikanaṁ pasamvaḥ Ann asə:, tinurus· Ikanaṁ lmaḥ dainiṁ rāma I mamali Inadagan dai saṁ hanuṁnaṁ pu śaṅkhara, ṅarannikanaṁ rāma ⟨1v6⟩ Anuṁ maturus· kalaṁ si kais·, gusti 2 ramani saṅkān·, ramani maṅarani, vinkas· ramani tan· livū, maṅatag· si (Uṅga)han·, parujar· 2 si ⟨1v7⟩ vāhu, si golo, hulair· ramani Amvarī· hulair· karamān· ramani dravya·, mapkan· si kahuripan·, makajar· si balī, tuhālas· si valā, vinai⟨1v8⟩han· saṁ hanuṁnaṁ pirak· 10 pamlyanikanaṁ rāma vayū, muAṁ mas· 2 pamlyani vadvāḍmit· saṁ hanuṁnaṁ vayū, muva(ḥ) vinaihan· Ikanaṁ rāma I mama⟨1v9⟩li pirak· (dhā) 1 Avitan· 1 saṁ tuha kalaṁ si pundaṅil· vinaihan· vḍihan· yu 1||


⟨1v8⟩ 10 1, B.


(1v1–1v2) Hail! Elapsed Śaka year 794, month of Māgha, twelfth (tithi) of the waxing fortnight, Mavulu, Umanis, Wednesday (i.e., on 14 January 873). That was when the Lord (rakarayān) of Sirikan, (named) pu Rakap, was bestowed by the Great King, the Lord of (rakai) Kayu Vaṅi with the serfdom wasteland (sukat kahulunan) (called) Tunahan, a tract (ləmah) at Mamali.

(1v3–1v4) The Lord offered as gifts to the Great King: 5 guilders (suvarṇa) of gold in grain (cumvi), 2 sets of vḍihan of pinilai manufacture, 1 kǝban of gañjarpatra, 2 tubs of fish, 1 cage of wild pigeons, 1 basket of flowers.

(1v4–1v5) The one who was ordered by the Lord to offer the gifts to the Great King was the officiant of Tira (called) pu Bhujaṅga. What he offered (asǝan-nya) was for the pahayu.1 Five nights did the gifts last, as he offered them.

(1v5–1v7) The tract was provided with a fence by the headmen of Mamali, attended by the hanuṅənaṅ (called) pu Śaṅkhara. Names of the headmen who provided [it] with a fence: the kalaṅ (called) si Kais; 2 gustis, the father of Saṅkān [and] the father of Maṅarani; the vinǝkas, father of Tan Livū; the maṅatag (called) si Uṅgahan; the 2 heralds (called) si Vāhu [and] si Golo; the hulair, father of Amvarī; the hulair of the village-community, father of Dravya; the mapǝkan (called) si Kahuripan; the makajar (called) si Bali; the tuha alas (called) si Valā.

(1v8–1v9) The hanuṅənaṅ was given 10 māṣas of silver as payment (paməli-a, or paməlyan?) by the elders of Vayū, and 2 māṣas of gold as payment by the humble laborers of the hanuṅənaṅ of Vayū. Also, the elders of Mamali were given 1 dhāraṇa of silver [and] 1 avitan; the foreman (saṅ tuha) of the kalaṅs (called) si Pundaṅil was given 1 set of vḍihan.



First edited in Boechari 1958, whose text was published again, with involuntary errors, in Machi Suhadi and Sukarto K. Atmodjo 1986. Re-edited here by Arlo Griffiths and Mekhola Gomes from photographs.


[B] Boechari. 1958. “Tembaga tulis Polengan dari djaman Rakai Kajuwangi.” Skripsi Sarjana Sastra, Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta. [URL]. Pages 15–16.


van Naerssen, Frits Herman. 1939. “Een nieuwe vondst van Oud-Javaansche oorkonden.” CI 1, pp. 157–158.

Damais, Louis-Charles. 1951. “Études d’épigraphie indonésienne, I: Méthode de réduction des dates javanaises en dates européennes.” BEFEO 45 (1), pp. 1–41. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1951.5509. [URL]. Pages 21–23.

Damais, Louis-Charles. 1952. “Études d’épigraphie indonésienne, III: Liste des principales inscriptions datées de l’Indonesie.” BEFEO 46 (1), pp. 1–105. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1952.5158. [URL]. Pages 36–37, item A. 33.

Damais, Louis-Charles. 1955. “Études d’épigraphie indonésienne, IV: Discussion de la date des inscriptions.” BEFEO 47, pp. 7–290. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1955.5406. [URL]. Page 30.

Damais, Louis-Charles. 1970. Répertoire onomastique de l'épigraphie javanaise (jusqu'à Pu Siṇḍok Śrī Īśānawikrama Dharmmotuṅgadewa): Étude d'épigraphie indonésienne. Publications de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 66. Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient. Page 48, item 76.

Sarkar, Himansu Bhusan. 1971–1972. Corpus of the inscriptions of Java (Corpus inscriptionum Javanicarum), up to 928 A. D. 2 vols. Calcutta: K.L. Mukhopadhyay. Volume I, item XXX, page 184.

Machi Suhadi and M.M. Sukarto K. Atmodjo. 1986. Laporan penelitian epigrafi Jawa Tengah. Berita penelitian arkeologi 37. Jakarta: Proyek Penelitian Purbakala Jakarta, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Pages 62–65.

Titi Surti Nastiti, Churmatin Nasoichah, Andri Restiyadi, Hedwi Prihatmoko, Arlo Griffiths, Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan, Adeline Levivier and Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti. 2024. Survei prasasti zaman Hindu-Buddha di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Provinsi Jawa Tengah, tahun 2023. Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia); Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Organisasi Riset Arkeologi, Bahasa dan Sastra; École française d'Extrême-Orient. [URL]. Page ???, section 2.1.1.


  1. 1. The meaning of pahayu is uncertain in this context.