Parung II
Editor: Marine Schoettel.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_II.
Hand description:
Compare the script of this inscription with that of the Tuhanyaru (1245 Śaka) and Canggu (1280 Śaka) copperplates. Its script is shows more similarity with that of the inscription of Tuhanyaru, allowing for the hypothesis that the Parung fragments are closer in date to the former. See in particular the discontinuous shape of pasangan y, and the hook-like serifes on almost all akṣaras. However, certain akṣaras present a variant shape, as for instance the sa-kāra (for instance l. X, Y, Z, besides the more common shape), which seem to have been adopted as the standard form by the scribe of the Canggu inscription.
Languages: Old Javanese, Sanskrit.
Repository: Nusantara Epigraphy (tfc-nusantara-epigraphy).
Version: (ac9645f), last modified (f510d28).
⟨1r1⟩ mani Uṅsun·, turuṅ uṅsun· mijilakən ācāra lyan saṅke rika, maṅke ta punikaṁ karāman· ri paruṁ matuṇḍuṅi Uṅsu⟨1r2⟩n at:hər maṁrampas·,
Irika taṁ pakṣa kāliḥ, pinametakən śāstradr̥ṣṭa, deśadr̥ṣṭa, guru kaka, Udāharaṇa, ma<filler>⟨1r3⟩kataṅgvan· rasāgama ri saṁ hyaṁ kuṭ¡a!⟨ā⟩r(a)-mānavādi, maṅanukāra pravr̥ttyācāra sa[ṁ] paṇḍita vyavahāra-vicche⟨1r4⟩daka ri puhun malama, At:hər taṇḍa rakryan· motus irika(ṁ) karāman· ri paruṁ masatyakna ri pakṣanya, tumaḍaha <filler>⟨Page 1v⟩ ⟨1v1⟩ satya pāduka bhaṭāra ri paruṁ, makahetu, ri tan hananiṁ kumavruhi putusi pakṣanikaṁ vyavahāri kāliḥ,
Irika ⟨1v2⟩ yan katon sori pakṣanikaṁ karāma n· ri plaṁ, balavān· pakṣanikaṁ karāman· ri paruṁ, makahetu nirvighnatā⟨1v3⟩nya Irikaṁ kāla tripakṣa, matanyan sinuṅan· kmitana saṁ hyaṅ ājñā haji jaya soṁ, mratisubaddhakna pagəhi paṁ⟨1v4⟩rakṣa taṇḍa rakryan· ri pakṣanikaṁ karāman· ri paruṁ,
kunəṁ ri sḍəṁnyan hanaṁruddha muṅki-muṅkil·, muṅvakna mne hləm·
⟨1r2⟩ maṁrampas· ⬦ marampas CS B • The cecak is clearly present, distinctly placed above the layar. This allows us to read the correct verbal form maṅrampas.
⟨1r3⟩ rasāgama CS ⬦ rāśagama B • The somewhat unusual shape of akṣara sa which appears in this inscription alongside its standard shape can partly explain Boechari’s erroneous reading. This shape of akṣara has become standard in the inscription of Canggu (1280 Śaka).
⟨1v1⟩ paruṁ, CS ⬦ paruṁ B • Boechari omits the punctuation sign. — ⟨1v1⟩ vyavahāri CS ⬦ vyahāri B.
⟨1v3⟩ paṁ⟨1v4⟩rakṣa ⬦ paṅrakṣa B.
"(...) to us, we had not yet produced / displayed an established custom different from theirs. And so it is that the chiefs of Parung pushed us away, and also sacked [our land?]!" These were the two statements, which were examined
First edited by A.B. Cohen Stuart (1875, pp. 26–27, № 16); then re-edited by Boechari (1985–1986, pp. 94–95, № E.33). Re-edited here and translated, apparently for the first time, by Marine Schoettel on the basis of digitized estampages from the MNI.
[B] Boechari. 1985–1986. Prasasti koleksi Museum Nasional, Jilid I. Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Museum Nasional, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. [URL]. Pages 94–95, item E.33.
[CS] Cohen Stuart, A. B. 1875. Kawi oorkonden in facsimile, met inleiding en transcriptie. Leiden: Brill. [URL]. Pages 26–27, item 16.
Verbeek, Rogier Diederik Marius. 1891. Oudheden van Java: Lijst der voornaamste overblijfselen uit den Hindoetijd op Java, met eene oudheidkundige kaart. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 46. Batavia; 's-Hage: Landsdrukkerij; Nijhoff. [URL]. Page 222.
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Damais, Louis-Charles. 1952. “Études d’épigraphie indonésienne, III: Liste des principales inscriptions datées de l’Indonesie.” BEFEO 46 (1), pp. 1–105. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1952.5158. [URL]. Pages 78–79, item A.205.
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The language of this inscription