Copper plates from Kondavidu (set III) — reign of Pr̥thivīśrīmūla, year 43

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00189.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (cdf33df), last modified (35386f0).


⟨Page 1b⟩ ⟨1⟩ svasti <dextrorotatory-spiral>śrīvijayanandivarddhanavāsakād devadvijagurucaraṇāravinda⟨2⟩samārādhanādhigatavipulaniratiśayapuṇyanicayasya sakala⟨3⟩diṅmaṇḍalālaṁkārabhūtayaśasaḥ śrīprabhākaravikhyātamahārāja⟨4⟩sya sūnuḥ mātāpitr̥pādānuddhyātaḥ śrutismr̥tivihitapadārtthāvabodha⟨5⟩⟨Page 2a⟩janitaprajñāvivekaniravagītānupālitāśeṣavarṇṇāśramadha⟨6⟩rmmaḥ prajāparirakṣaṇopajanitapuṇyopacayaprayojanāvāptarā⟨7⟩jyagurubhāraḥ pūrvvarājarṣimaryyādānatikramaṇīyadharmmaḥ °asakr̥⟨8⟩danekaniśitanistriṁśasahasrasaṁkulātibhīmasaṁgrāmabhūmiprati⟨9⟩⟨Page 2b⟩⟨marginleft: 2labdhavijayī śaśīva prajānandakaraḥ udadhir iva gabhīras⟦v⟧atvaḥ ⟨10⟩ °aharahas trisandhyām iṣṭadevatārādhanena gobhūmihiraṇyakanyā⟨11⟩pradānādibhiś ca saphalīkr̥takāyacittopakaraṇaḥ paramamā⟨12⟩heśvaraḥ paramabrahmaṇyaḥ śrīman· prithiviśrīmūlarājaḥ svaviṣayani⟨13⟩⟨Page 3a⟩vāsinaḥ sarvvān evam ājñāpayati yathā viditam astu bhavatām· bhuvanavi⟨14⟩dite śrīguṇapāśapure śailendrapūrvvadigbhāganitambe matpratiṣṭhāpita⟨15⟩śrīlokavikhyātamahāvihāranivāsinaḥ °aṣṭādaśanikāyacātu⟨16⟩rddiśāryyavarabhikṣusaṁghasya cīvarapiṇḍapātaśaiyyāsanaglānapra⟨17⟩⟨Page 3b⟩⟨marginleft: 3{pra}tyayabhaiṣajyapariṣkaropabhogāya tāḻupākkaviṣaye karakuṇḍakaṁ⟨18⟩sāryyaveḷkaṇḍakurikimaṇimarddipallaveñcanāmadheyagrāmamaddhyagataḥ °aparaśailanivāsinan navakarmmika⟨19⟩m adhiṣṭhāya °arṭṭaluvuḷ· nāma grāmas sarvvabādhaparihāreṇa mayā dattaḥ tatra na ke⟨20⟩na cit paribādhā karaṇīyā bhavatti cātra manugītā ślokāḥ

I. Anuṣṭubh

nighnatāṁ bhartr̥govipra⟨21⟩

⟨Page 4a⟩



yā gatis sā bhavet tasya


harataś śāsanāṁkitām·

II. Anuṣṭubh

⟨22⟩ tām eva rakṣato yatnāt·


nibodha kr̥tinaḫḫ phalam·




divi ⟨23⟩ devais saha dīvyati <symbol>

III. Anuṣṭubh

bhūmidānāt paran dānan


na bhūtan na bhaviṣyati


⟨24⟩ tasyaiva haraṇāt pāpam·


na bhūtan na bhaviṣyati <symbol>

IV. Anuṣṭubh

ṣaṣṭiṁ varṣasaha⟨25⟩⟨Page 4b⟩⟨marginleft: 4srāṇi


svargge tiṣṭhati bhūmidaḥ


°ākṣeptā cānumantā ca


tāny eva ⟨26⟩ narake vaset·

V. Anuṣṭubh

svadattāṁ paradattāṁ vā


yo hareta vasundharām·


⟨27⟩ sa viṣṭhāyāṁ kr̥mir bhūtvā


pitr̥bhis saha pacyate <symbol>

VI. Anuṣṭubh

bahubhi⟨28⟩r vvasudhā dattā


bahubhi(ś) (cā)nupālitā


yasya yasya yadā bhūmi


⟨Page 5a⟩ ⟨29⟩ tasya tasya tadā phalaṁ


pravarddhamānavijayarājyasaṁvatsare ⟨30⟩ tracatvāriṁśati varttamāne phālguṇamāsaśuklapakṣasya ⟨31⟩ tr̥tiyāyām· varttamānāyāṁ śāsanam aṁkitam· <symbol>

VII. Anuṣṭubh

candrārkodadhayo yāvat·


⟨32⟩ yāvac ceyaṁ vasundharā


°ājñā śrīmūlarājasya


tāvat pātu mahīm imām·



⟨1⟩ svasti <dextrorotatory-spiral>svasti [||*] siddham Krishna_Sastry1990 • The first word is engraved in the left margin. — ⟨1⟩ -varddhana- ⬦ -vardhana- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨1⟩ caraṇāravinda- ⬦ cārṇāravinda- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨3-4⟩ vikhyātamahārājasya ⬦ vikhyātasya Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨5⟩ -niravagitānu- • Correct -niravagītānu-⟨5⟩ -pāli- ⬦ -pūli- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨7⟩ -maryyādānati- ⬦ -maryādānati- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨7-8⟩ asakr̥d- ⬦ °asakra(kr̥)d- Krishna_Sastry1990 • There is no kra to correct to kr̥ . See a clear example of kr̥ in l. 10.

⟨8⟩ -kulātibhīma- ⬦ -kulāni bhīma- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨9⟩ gabhīra- ⬦ gaṁbhīra- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨9⟩ -s⟦v⟧atvaḥ • Krishna Sastry does not note the scribal deletion.

⟨10⟩ -hiraṇya- ⬦ -hiraṇyo- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨12⟩ prithivi- • Correct pr̥thivī-.

⟨13-14⟩ bhuvanavidite śrīguṇapāśapure ⬦ bhuvanaviditaḥ śrīguṇapāśapurāt Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨15⟩ °aṣṭādaśa- • A kākapāda is marked above the śa, but no correction or insertion seems to be made nor is any expected.

⟨15–16⟩ cāturddiśāryya- ⬦ caturddaśāryya- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨16⟩ -śaiyyāsana- • Correct -śayyāsana-.

⟨16-17⟩ -prapratyaya- ⬦ -prapatyāya- Krishna_Sastry1990 • Correct -pratyaya-.

⟨17⟩ -pariṣkaropa- • Correct -pariṣkāropa-. — ⟨17⟩ -pākka- ⬦ -pāka- Krishna_Sastry1990 • Correct -pāka. — ⟨17⟩ -kuṇḍa- ⬦ -kunda- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨18⟩ -veḷkaṇḍa- ⬦ -velkoṇḍa- Krishna_Sastry1990 • Cf. Kondavidu II, l. 17. — ⟨18⟩ -maṇimarddi- ⬦ -maṇivarddha- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨18⟩ -vāsinan ⬦ -vāsinān Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨19⟩ °arṭṭaluvuḷ· ⬦ °aṭṭaluvuṭu Krishna_Sastry1990 • Cf. Kondavidu II, l. 18. — ⟨19⟩ -bādhapari- • According to Krishna Sastry, this must be corrected to -bādhāpari-. But the reading -bādhāpari- is not attested anywhere in these inscriptions. — ⟨19⟩ tatra ⬦ tattra Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨20⟩ bhavatti • Correct bhavanti. — ⟨20⟩ bhartr̥ ⬦ bhartur- Krishna_Sastry1990 • Krishna Sastry emends to bhatr̥-. Neither Krishna Sastry’ reading nor his emendation is correct.

⟨21⟩ -bāla- ⬦ bala- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨21⟩ sā bhavet ⬦ sābhavat Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨22⟩ kr̥tinaḫh ⬦ kr̥tinaḥ Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨22⟩ neka° • Correct naika°.

⟨23⟩ saha • Emend sa. — ⟨23⟩ bhūmidānāt ⬦ bhūmidānān Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨23⟩ na bhūtan ⬦ nu bhūtan Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨24⟩ haraṇāt ⬦ haraṇān Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨26⟩ vasundharām· ⬦ vasundharā Krishna_Sastry1990 • Krishna Sastry corrected to vasundharām.

⟨28-9⟩ bhūmi tasya • Correct bhūmis tasya.

⟨30⟩ tracatvāriṁśati ⬦ tra catvāriṁśati Krishna_Sastry1990 • Despite the reading, the interpretation of Krishna Sastry and his contemporaries must have been that this must be emended to tricatvāriṁśati, and this is indeed what must be done. — ⟨30⟩ phālguṇa- ⬦ phālguna- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨31⟩ tr̥tiyāyām ⬦ tritīyāyām Krishna_Sastry1990 • Correct tr̥tīyāyām. — ⟨31⟩ candrārkodadhayo ⬦ candrārkkodadhayo Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨32⟩ yāvac ceyaṁ ⬦ yāvac ch(re*)yaṁ Krishna_Sastry1990.


(1–13) Hail! From the victorious camp of Nandivardhana, the illustrious king Pr̥thivīśrīmūla, blessed by the feet of his parents; upholder of all laws on class and stage of life, in impeccable manner, through [his] intelligence and discrimination produced by [his] perception of the meanings of the words enjoined in revelation and tradition; who had attained the heavy burden of sovereignty with the purpose of accumulating merit produced by protecting his subjects; for whom the rules of the Old Royal Sage (i.e. Manu) were an unbreakable law; who had won victory more than once on battle grounds that were excessively terrifying, dense with thousands of swords sharpened many times; who, like the moon, brought pleasure to his subjects; who, like the ocean, was of profound nature; who had brought fruit to his bodily and mental activities by daily worship of his preferred deity at the three junctures and by grants of cows, lands, gold and maidens, etc.; devout worshiper of Maheśvara; extremely devout; son of the celebrated great king Śrī Prabhākara, whose fame was the ornament of all quarters of space, whose unsurpassed store of merit had been obtained by the veneration of the feet of gods, brahmins and masters — he commands all residents of his (?) own district, as follows:

(13–23) ‘Be it known to you that, having endorsed (adhiṣṭhāya) the officer in charge of constructions and renovations residing on the Aparaśaila (to oversee the gift), the village named Arṭṭaluvuḷ, being in the middle of the villages called Karakuṇḍa, Kaṁsāryya, Veḷkaṇḍa, Kuriki, Maṇimarddi and Pallaveñca, in the Tāḻupāka district, has been given by me—with complete exemption of taxes—for the purpose of the requisites consisting in robe, alms-food, lodging, as well as medicine to cure the sick, of the community of noble excellent monks of the four quarters and eighteen schools, residing in the great monastery called Śrī-Loka, that had been established by myself on the eastern slope of the eminent mountain at the world-renowned Śrī-Guṇapāśapura. No one may make any trouble in this connection. And there are verses pronounced by Manu on this matter:

The destiny of those who slay their master, a cow, a brahmin, a child, a woman or an ascetic, will be the one of him who seizes [the land/livelihood] that is marked by a (royal) charter.
Hear the fruit of the virtuous man who protects it scrupulously: during numerous thousands of aeons he plays in heaven with the gods.
There is not and will not be any higher gift than the gift of land. There is not and will not be any worse sin than the theft of the same.
The giver of land stays in heaven for sixty thousand years; the one who seizes [land] as well as the one who approves (of the seizing) will reside as many [years] in hell.
He who would seize land given by himself or by someone else becomes a worm in excrement and is cooked together with his ancestors.
By numerous [kings], land has been given; and by many it has been protected. Whoever holds land at a given moment, to him does the fruit then belong.

(29–31) The charter has been dated in the forty-third year, current, of the victorious and prosperous reign, on the third [day], current, of the waxing fortnight of the month of Phālguṇa.

As long as moon, sun and oceans [last], and as long as this earth [lasts], so long may the command of Śrī Mūlarāja protect this land!


First described and edited by Krishna_Sastry1990. Re-edited here from the estampages published by Krishna Sastry and after autopsy of the plates.



No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1995–96: 3, no. A.5.
