Copper plates from Kondavidu (set II) — reign of Pr̥thivīśrīmūla, year 43

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00188.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (cdf33df), last modified (35386f0).


⟨Page 1b⟩⟨marginleft: 1
I. Drutavilambita

⟨1⟩ <dextrorotatory-spiral>jayati śāsanam apratimaśriyaḥ


paramakāruṇikasya mahāmu⟨2⟩neḥ




sthitam ananyasame śamavartmani


⟨3⟩ svasti śrī vijayanandivarddhanavāsakād devadvijagurucaraṇa⟨4⟩samārādhanādhigataniratiśayapuṇyanicayasya saka⟨5⟩⟨Page 2a⟩ladiṅmaṇḍalālaṁkārabhūtayaśasaḥ śrīprabhākaravikhyāta⟨6⟩mahārājasya sūnuḥ mātāpitr̥pādānuddhyātaḥ śrutismr̥⟨7⟩tivihitapadārtthāvabodhajanitaprajñāvivekaniravagītā⟨8⟩nupālitāśeṣavarṇṇāśramadharmmaḥ parānugrahamātrapratipa⟨9⟩⟨Page 2b⟩⟨marginleft: 2nnaiśvaryagurubhāro nekacaturddantasamarasaṁghaṭṭavijayī ⟨10⟩ satatagobhūmihiraṇyakanyādānādibhis saphalikr̥tajīvitopa⟨11⟩bhoga(ḥ) paramamāheśvaraḥ paramabrahmaṇyaḥ śrīmān pr̥thivi⟨12⟩śrīmūlārājaḥ svaviṣayavāsinaḥ sarvvān evam ājñāpayati ⟨Page 3a⟩ ⟨13⟩ yathā viditam astu bhavatām· mayātmīyapriyatanayānugrahārttham· ⟨14⟩ tāṇḍikoṇḍe tatpratiṣṭhāpitaśākyabhikṣumahāvihārani⟨15⟩vāsinaḥ cāturddiśāryyavarabhikṣusaṁghasya cīvarapiṇḍapāta⟨16⟩śayyāsanaglānapratyayabhaiṣajyapariṣkāropabhogāya ⟨Page 3b⟩⟨marginleft: 3 ⟨17⟩ tāḻupākaviṣaye tāṇḍikoṇḍacurppāḍuppuḷavelkoṇḍa⟨18⟩kuriki°arṭṭaluvuḷakaṁsāryyanāmadheyagrāmāṇāṁ maddhye ⟨19⟩ taṁgodunaruvakṣetraṁ °aparaśailanivāsinan navakarmmikam adhiṣṭhāya sarvvabādhapari⟨20⟩hāreṇa mayā dattaṁ punaś ca tāṇḍikoṇḍe hastivāryyāḥ pūrvvadigbhāge catvariṁśat· nivartta⟨21⟩⟨Page 4a⟩nā bhūmir ddattā punaś ca peruntoṭṭasahitā daśanivarttanā bhūmir ⟨22⟩ ddattā tatra na kena cit paribādhā karaṇīyā bhavanti cātra manu⟨23⟩gītā ślokāḥ

II. Anuṣṭubh

nighnatām bhartr̥govipra




⟨24⟩ yā gatis (s)ā bhavet tasya


harataś śāsanāṁkitām·

III. Anuṣṭubh

tām eva rakṣato ⟨Page 4b⟩⟨marginleft: 4 ⟨25⟩ yatnāt·


nibodha kr̥tinaḥ phalam·




divi ⟨26⟩ devais saha dīvyati

IV. Anuṣṭubh

bhūmidānāt paran dānaṁn


na bhūtan na ⟨27⟩ bhaviṣyati


tasyaiva haraṇāt pāpaṁn


na bhūtān na bhaviṣyati

V. Anuṣṭubh

⟨28⟩ ṣaṣṭhiṁ varṣasahasāṇi


svargge tiṣṭhati bhūmidaḥ


°akṣeptā cānuma⟨29⟩⟨Page 5a⟩ntā ca


tāny eva narake vaset· <symbol>

VI. Anuṣṭubh

bahubhir vvasudhā dattā


bahubhi⟨30⟩ś cānupālitā


yasya yasya yadā bhūmis


tasya tasya tadā phalam·


⟨31⟩ vijayasaṁvatsare 403śāsanam aṁkitam· <symbol>

VII. Anuṣṭubh

candrārkodadhayo yāvat·


⟨32⟩ yāvac ceyaṁ vasundharā


°ājñā śrīmūlarājasya


tāvat pātu mahīm imām·



⟨8⟩ -mātraprati- • The word -prayojana- has been forgotten between -mātra and prati-.

⟨9⟩ -bhāro neka- ⬦ -bhārāneka- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨10⟩ -dānādibhis ⬦ -dānābhis Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨10⟩ saphalikr̥ta- • Correct saphalīkr̥ta-, as indicated by Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨11⟩ pr̥thivi- • Correct pr̥thivī-, as indicated by Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨12⟩ -mūlārājaḥ • Correct -mūlarājaḥ, which is simply what Krishna_Sastry1990 reads, ignoring the engraver’s error.

⟨13⟩ yathā ⬦ yadhā Krishna_Sastry1990Krishna_Sastry1990 corrects to yathā. — ⟨13⟩ yadhā • Correct yathā. — ⟨13⟩ -grahārttham· ⬦ -grahārttam Krishna_Sastry1990Krishna_Sastry1990 corrects to -grahārthaṁ. The plate rather clearly shows rtth.

⟨14⟩ tāṇḍikoṇḍe ⬦ tāṇḍikoṇḍa Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨15⟩ cātur- ⬦ catur- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨16⟩ -bhaiṣajya- ⬦ -bheṣajya- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨17⟩ tāḻupākaviṣaye ⬦ tāḷupākaviṣaye Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨17⟩ -velkoṇḍa- • Has the engraver rather written -velkāṇḍa-? This seems likely, the more so as Kondavidu III, l. 18, reads -veḷkaṇḍa- for what was obviously the same toponym. — ⟨17⟩ -curppāḍuppuḷa- ⬦ -curppāṭuppuḍu- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨18⟩ -°arṭṭaluvuḷa- ⬦ -°aṭṭaluvuḍu- Krishna_Sastry1990 • Cf. Kondavidu III, l. 19. — ⟨18⟩ -kaṁsāryya- ⬦ -kāṁsāryya- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨18⟩ -maddhye ⬦ -madhya(gataḥ*) Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨19⟩ taṁgodu- ⬦ taṁgoḍu- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨19⟩ -śaila- ⬦ -śila- Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨19⟩ -nivāsinan ⬦ -nivāsinān Krishna_Sastry1990 • With ‘correction’ to nivāsināṁ. — ⟨19⟩ -bādhapari- • According to Krishna Sastry, this must be corrected to -bādhāpari-. But the reading -bādhāpari- is not attested anywhere in these inscriptions.

⟨20⟩ tāṇḍikoṇḍe ⬦ tāṇḍikoṇḍa Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨20⟩ hastivāryyāḥ ⬦ hastivaryyaḥ Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨20⟩ catvariṁśat ⬦ catvāriṁśat Krishna_Sastry1990 • Emend catvāriṁśat.

⟨21⟩ ddattā ⬦ dattā Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨21⟩ peruntoṭṭasahitā ⬦ peruttoṭṭāsahita Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨23⟩ bhartr̥- ⬦ bhatru- Krishna_Sastry1990Krishna_Sastry1990 ‘corrected’ to bhatr̥°. — ⟨23⟩ -bāla- ⬦ -bala- Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨24⟩ gatis (s)ā ⬦ gatis sa Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨25⟩ yatnāt· ⬦ yatnād Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨25⟩ kr̥tinaḥ ⬦ kr̥tinaḥ Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨25⟩ neka- • Emend naika-, as indicated by Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨26⟩ saha • Emend sa. — ⟨26⟩ dānaṁn na ⬦ dānān va Krishna_Sastry1990Krishna_Sastry1990 corrects to dānaṁ na.

⟨27⟩ pāpaṁn ⬦ pāpan Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨28⟩ ṣaṣṭhiṁ ⬦ ṣaṣṭiṁ Krishna_Sastry1990 • Correct ṣaṣṭiṁ. — ⟨28⟩ °akṣeptā ⬦ °ākṣeptā Krishna_Sastry1990 • Correct °ākṣeptā.

⟨31⟩ 40 3 śāsanam ⬦ puṇyaśāsanam Krishna_Sastry1990. — ⟨31⟩ candrārkodadhayo ⬦ candrārkkodadhi yo Krishna_Sastry1990.

⟨32⟩ yāvac ceyaṁ ⬦ yāvadc chreyaṁ Krishna_Sastry1990 • Sic.


Victorious is the Doctrine of the Great Sage, whose luster is incomparable, whose compassion is supreme, that is placed on the unequalled path of tranquillization (i.e. nirvāṇa), which effects benefit for the entire world!

(3–13) Hail! Fortune! From the victorious camp of Nandivardhana, the illustrious king Pr̥thivīśrīmūla, blessed by the feet of his parents; upholder of all laws on class and stage of life, in impeccable manner, through [his] intelligence and discrimination produced by [his] perception of the meanings of the words enjoined in revelation and tradition; who had undertaken the heavy burden of sovereignty with the sole purpose of favoring others; conqueror on numerous occasions of battle-collision with elephants; who had brought fruit to his enjoyment of life by incessant grants of cows, lands, golds and maidens, etc.; devout worshiper of Maheśvara; extremely devout; son of the celebrated great king Śrī Prabhākara, whose fame was the ornament of all quarters of space, whose unsurpassed store of merit had been obtained by the veneration of the feet of gods, brahmins and masters — he commands all residents of his (?) own district, as follows:

(13–23) ‘Be it known to you that, in order to favor my dear son (i.e., Harivarman), having endorsed (adhiṣṭhāya) the officer in charge of constructions and renovations residing on the Aparaśaila (to oversee the gift), the field Taṁgodunaruva, in the middle of the villages Tāṇḍikoṇḍa, Curppāḍuppuḷa, Velkoṇḍa, Kuriki, Arṭṭaluvuḷ and Kaṁsāryya, in the Tāḻupāka district, has been given by me—with complete exemption of taxes—for the purpose of the requisites consisting in robe, almsfood, lodgings (lit. bed and seat), as well as medicine to cure the sick, of the community of noble excellent monks of the four quarters, residing in the mahāvihāra of śākyabhikṣus that had been established by him (i.e., my son) in Tāṇḍikoṇḍa. Moreover, at Tāṇḍikoṇḍa has been given land of forty nivartanas to the east of the elephant grove. Moreover, land of ten nivartanas has been given together with the Big Grove (peruntoṭṭam). No-one may make any trouble in this connection. And there are verses pronounced by Manu on this matter:

The destiny of those who slay their master, a cow, a brahmin, a child, a woman or an ascetic, will be the one of him who seizes [the land/livelihood] that is marked by a (royal) charter.
Hear the fruit of the virtuous man who protects it scrupulously: during numerous thousands of aeons he plays in heaven with the gods.
There is not and will not be any higher gift than the gift of land. There is not and will not be any worse sin than the theft of the same.
The giver of land stays in heaven for sixty thousand years; the one who seizes [land] as well as the one who approves (of the seizing) will reside as many [years] in hell.
By numerous [kings], land has been given; and by many it has been protected. Whoever holds land at a given moment, to him does the fruit then belong.

(31) The charter has been dated in the forty-third victorious year.

As long as moon, sun and oceans [last], and as long as this earth [lasts], so long may the command of Śrī Mūlarāja protect this land!


First described and edited by Krishna_Sastry1990. Re-edited here from the estampages published by Krishna Sastry and after autopsy of the plates.



No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1995–96: 3, no. A.6.
