Pillar from site 126 at Nagarjunakonda — reign of Siri-Ehavalacāntamūla

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00056.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


sidhaṁ <symbol> ⟨1⟩ na(mo) bhagavato savalokamah(i)tasa no(ḍhagī)saras(ā)misa (ma)[hā]rājasa °asa(me)dha(yājisa) [°a](ne)kahira[ṇakoṭi]pa[dāyi](sa) (sirica)tamū(lasa) (putasa) [3×](r)[.] [2×] ⟨2⟩ sirivirapurisadātasa putasa raṁño vasiṭhiputasa (°ikhā)kuna s(i)ri°ehavalacatam(ū)lasa savacharaṁ v(i)ja[yaṁ] (gi)pa (2)diva 1(raṁño) veja(yika) °āyuvadha(ṇika) ca °apa(no) [1×] ⟨3⟩ (°i)hām[u]t(ikaṁ) seyatha °at(e)puramahatarikāya bhagava [2×]seṭhibāl(i)kāya ra(ta)visaya (v)i(ḍ)aya [8×]paraha [11×](ka) [2×] ⟨4⟩ bhagavato (noḍhagī)saras(ā)misa devakulaṁ thali(ṁ) (ca) (kāri)tā °akhayanīvi(ṁ) ca kat(ū)ṇa mas(anu)mas(ika)sa (vi)dhi [12×]dh(i)kaseni(ya) (dināri) [10×](dinā)ri dasa 10 ⟨5⟩ panikaseniye dināri dasa 10puvikasen(i)ye dināri dasa 10°eva(ṁ) senis(u) catusu [3×]dinarisa(ta) [14×]par[.] [7×]ta [1×][se]niy(e) (ca) [1×] ⟨6⟩ [2×]sen(iye) [2×](na)sa dakhiṇa(sa) se [1×](ra)chaya (pu) [6×]para(hu)ta [16×](seṭhi) [4×]dinari [1×][.]i(ya) [2×]dha(na) [4×](be) (nana) (vakāye) sadh(ā)tu(ne) ⟨7⟩ (kuvāni)las(i) [2×]va (°ā)gaṁ(tu)k(a)vathavehi [2×]g[.] [1×](ka)ma(ra)t(e)h(i) ca [3×]seṭhipamukha [4×]ni [2×]no(ḍha) [1×](de)va(sa) (te)thikanakhati(k)āpa(hā)raḍhikā bhagaphulasa(ṁ)ṭhapa °apanā ca citanaṁ katavaṁ °eva ca °akaraṁta seṭhipam⟨u⟩kha nigama karayaṁti <flourish>


⟨1⟩ bhagavat(o)bhagavate Sircara. — ⟨1⟩ saval(o)kamah(i)tasa Sircara • Cf. EIAD 20, l. 1: savalokacitamahitasa. — ⟨1⟩ (noḍhagīsa)ras(ā)misa ⬦ (noḍagī?)sarasāmisa Sircara • One could also read to-. Is there a connection with the place name Toḍatūra in the Jaggayyapeta inscriptions? — ⟨1⟩ (sirica)tamūla(sa)(siricatamulasa) Sircara. — ⟨1⟩ (putasa)[3×](r)[.][2×](putasa) ..... SircaraSircara notes: “The word raño and Māḍharīputasa may have been engraved here”.

⟨2⟩ sirivirapurisadātasa _ p(ū)tasa raṁño (s)i(r)i ⬦ sirivirapurisadatasa putasa raṁño Sircara. — ⟨2⟩ °ehavalacatamūlasa ⬦ °ehavalacatamulasa Sircara. — ⟨2⟩ v(i)ja[yaṁ]_(gi)pa (2)vija[yaṁ gi](mha)pa (2) Sircara • For the numeral sign, whose reading is very uncertain, cf. perhaps the strangely formed sign read as 2 in EIAD 53, l. 2. — ⟨2⟩ °āyuvadhaṇi(ka) ca °apan(o)°ayuvadhani(ka) ca °apana Sircara.

⟨3⟩ (°i)hām[u]t(ikaṁ)sahamati(ṇa) Sircara. — ⟨3⟩ bhagava [2×]bhagava(tāya) Sircara. — ⟨3⟩ ra(ta)visaya ⬦ ra(tava)saya Sircara.

⟨4⟩ (noḍhagī)saras(ā)misa ⬦ (noḍagī?)sarasāmisa Sircara. — ⟨4⟩ devakulaṁ thali(ṁ ca kāri)tā ⬦ devakula thala (ca kāri) Sircara • In support of our reading thaliṁ, cf. Kāmasūtra 6.5.28 devakulataḍāgārāmāṇām karaṇam | sthalīnām agnicaityānāṁ nibandhanam. — ⟨4⟩ °akhayanīvi(ṁ) ca kat(ū)ṇa ⬦ °akhayanīvi ca katāṇa Sircara. — ⟨4⟩ mas(anu)mas(ika)sa (vi)dhi [1×]masanumasi(ka)sa vadhisa Sircara • Sircar must have presumed, and we presume with him, that a stroke which can be interpreted to make -e (masenu-) is in fact an accidental scratch. — ⟨4⟩ dh(i)kaseni(ya dināri)Sircara affirms that “the context suggests that 70 dināris were deposited in the śrēṇi in question”. We think too much is lost of the surrounding words to be confident about such a calculation.

⟨6⟩ [2×] sen(iye)[2×](na)sa dakhiṇa(sa) se [1×](ra)chaya ⬦ ……………. sara chaya … Sircara. — ⟨6⟩ (pu)[6×] para(hu)ta ⬦ ……… paraputa Sircara. — ⟨6⟩ (seṭhi)[4×] dinari [1×][.]i(ya)[2×] dha(na)[4×](be nana vakāye)_ sadh(ā)tu(ne)……………. ni ……………. vakāye sadha Sircara • Sircar’s reading ignores the clear presence of two more akṣaras at the end of the line.

⟨7⟩ (kuvāni)las(i)[2+] va (°ā)gaṁ(tu)k(a)vathavehi [2+] g[.][1+](ka)ma(ra)t(e)h(i)_ ca [3+] seṭhipamukha [4+] ni [2+] no(ḍha)[1+](de)va(sa). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sircara. — ⟨7⟩ (te)thikanakhati(k)āpa(hā)raḍhikā ⬦ . . . . . thika . . . . . . . . . . tarapa (pa)raḍika Sircara • Cf. EIAD 60, l. 1 and 139, l. 3–4. — ⟨7⟩ bhagaphulasa(ṁ)ṭhapa ⬦ bhagaphula saṭhapa Sircara • Cf. EIAD 60, l. 2 and 139, l. 4. — ⟨7⟩ seṭhipam⟨u⟩kha nigama ⬦ seṭhipamakha nigam(o) Sircara. — ⟨7⟩ karayaṁti <flourish>karayaṁti || Sircara • The final flourish is unrecognizable, but certainly not a double daṇḍa.


(1–2) Success! Homage to the Bhagavant Noḍhagīsarasāmi, who is honoured by all people! In the Victory year of the King Siri-Vāsiṭṭhīputta Siri-Ehavalacāntamūla of the Ikṣvākus, son of ... Siri-Vīrapurisadatta ... grandson (putasa = potasa?) of Great King Siri-Cāntamūla, sacrificer of the Aśvamedha, giver of numerous tens of millions of (pieces of) gold, in the 2nd fortnight of summer, on the 1st day.

(2–7) For the victory and to increase the lifespan of the king, and for (a positive outcome) in this and in the other world for himself/themselves (the donors) — namely: Bhagava..., wife of the chamberlain of the female appartments; Ratavisā, daughter of the Guild’s Chief; Viḍā... — had a temple and a platform (thali) made for the Bhagavant Noḍhagīsarasāmi. And having made a permanent endowment ... month after month ... dināris (are to be deposited ?) in the ...dhika guild, ten — 10 — dināris ... ten — 10 — dināris in the betel-leaf guild, ten — 10 — dināris in the betel-nut guild. Thus, in four guilds ... hundred dināris ... the ... guild and the ... guild ... of the reward ... sacrificed to others ... dināris (in the) ... guild ... sadhātune kuvānilasi ... by those devoted to ritual acts, who (will) arrive and who (presently) reside ... headed by the guilds ... the taithika, nākṣatrika as well as prāharika rites and so forth (are to be performed) for the god Noḍha...; the repair of what is damaged and dilapidated and the embellishment are to be made by themselves. And thus, the townsmen (nigama = Skt. naigama ?) headed by the members of the guild cause to act (accordingly) those who do not act accordingly (?).


(7) citanaṁ1


First edited by Sircara. Re-edited here from our photos of the ASI estampages and after autopsy of the stone.


No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1958–59: no. B.78.





  1. 1. For citana ‘embellishment’, see Tsukamoto1996, l. 11: °etasa ca leṇasa citaṇanimita ‘and for the sake of the embellishment of that cave’.