Stela of Udong on the Stupa of royal family (K. 1384), 1917 CE

Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Rath Sambath Men.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK01384.

Hand description:

The lettering is characteristic of the modern period.

Language: Modern Khmer.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (71863cc), last modified (40f8890).


⟨1⟩ braḥ ba ° 2460 ¿p?⟨m⟩a ° 1839 ca ° 1279 chnāṁ pārāṁṅa 1917 ⟨2⟩ thṅai buddha 2 roja khae Āsuca chnāṁ msāña’ nabva sakkha 3 Uktūpa ⟨3⟩ chnāṁ pārāṁṅa 1917 braḥ pāda saṁmteca braḥ ^sīsūvatta cama cakra ⟨4⟩ baṅsa braḥ cau kruṅa kambujādhiptī draṅa sāṅa braḥ cettīya pandāpa’ ⟨5⟩ loe bhnaṁma braḥ rāja drābbha khaeta saṁroṅa daṅa dhvoe punya pancuḥ braḥ ⟨6⟩ Aṭṭiḥ braḥ rāja vaṅsānuvaṅsa ⟨7⟩ 1 saṁmteca braḥ Āṇuja caṅkulaṇī braḥ jansa 66 chnāṁ braḥ rāja putrī ⟨8⟩ saṁmteca braḥ harirākkha niṅa saṁmteca braḥ varājjanī paena ⟨9⟩ 2 braḥ Aṅga mcāsa vaḍhaṇāvaṅsa 45 chnāṁ braḥ rāja putrā braḥ pāda ⟨10⟩ saṁmteca braḥ ^sīsuvāta niṅa braḥ marisa buya ⟨11⟩ 3 Issarāvaṅsa <ddandaSmall> 48 chnāṁ <ddandaSmall> niṅa saṁmteca braḥ Āṇuja caṅkulṇī ⟨12⟩ 4 baṅsa Issarā <ddandaSmall> 4 chnāṁ <ddandaSmall> niṅa saṁmteca braḥ Agga mhaesī saṁ Ora ⟨13⟩ 5 khsatrī (sanda kessī?) <ddandaSmall> 28 chnāṁ <ddandaSmall> […] ⟨14⟩ 6 qnaka Aṅga (mcāsa’) khatti baṅsa <ddandaSmall> 26 chnāṁ rāja putrā braḥ Aṅga mcāsa Issa⟨⟨rā⟩⟩vaṅsa ⟨15⟩ niṅa qnaka nuana ⟨16⟩ 7 qnaka Aṅga mcāsa baṅsa nareta <ddandaSmall> 86 chnāṁ <ddandaSmall> braḥ Aṅga mcāsa baṅsa [Issana] ⟨17⟩ niṅa qnaka bhuoka || <gomutraFinial>


⟨5⟩ drābbha ⬦ drābba RM.

⟨6⟩ Aṭṭiḥ ⬦ Aṭṭi RM.

⟨8⟩ niṅa ⬦ nina RM.

⟨12⟩ bhuoka || <gomutraFinial>bhuoka RM.

Translation into French by Men 2007

(1) En 2460 de l’ère bouddhique, 1839 de la grande ère, 1279 de la petite ère, 1917 de l’ère chrétienne

(2) le mercredi deuxième de la quinzaine décroissante, du mois d’asoch, en l’année du Serpent neuvième de la décade, c’est-à-dire le 3 octobre

(3) 1917 de l’ère chrétienne, Sa Majesté Sisowath Châm Chakra

(4) pong, roi du Cambodge, [ordonna] d’ériger ce stoupa de taille moyenne

(5) sur la colline de Preah Reach Troap, dans la province de Sâmroang Tong pour déposer les cendres

(6) des membres de la famille royale [suivants]:

(7) 1- Samdach, sœur cadette nommée Chongkolanei âgée de 66 ans, fille de

(8) Sa Majesté Hariheak et de la Reine Pèn.

(9) 2- Le Preah Ang Mchah Vatthanavung, âgé de 45 ans, fils de

(10) Sa Majesté Sisowath et de la Marih Puy.

(11) 3- Le prince Issaravung, âgé de 48 ans, fils du roi Sisowath et de la princesse Chângkolanei, sa sœur cadette.

(12) 4- Le prince Lumpungsa Issara, âgé de 45 ans, fils du roi Sisowath et de Sa Majesté la reine Sâm Ao;

(13) 5- La princesse (Sanda kessei?), âgée de 28 ans, fille du roi Sisowath et de Sa Majesté la reine Sâm Ao;

(14) 6- Le Neak Ang [Mchah] Khattépung, âgé de 26 ans, fils du Preah Ang Mchah Issaravung

(15) et de la Neak Nuan;

(16) 7- Le Neak Ang Mchah Pungsa Naret, âgé de 86 ans, fils de Preah Ang Mchah Pungsa [Issana]

(17) et de la Neak Phuak.


In lines 13-16, the symbols "circleSmall" is used to mean "braḥ Aṅga mcāsa’ (prince)" and "ddandaSmall" is used to mean either "braḥ jansa (aged)" or "braḥ rāja putrā braḥ pāda saṁmteca braḥ ^sīsuvāta (son of His Majesty Sisowath)".

(2) There is a diacritic sign on the letter sa of the term sakkha.

(3) There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter rāṁ of the term pārāṁṅa.

(8) There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter pae of the term paena.

(10) There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter of the term ^sīsuvāta.

(11) There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter of the term Issarāvaṅsa.


First edited by Rath Sambath Men (2007, pp. 68–72) with a French translation in roman and Khmer script; the variants of reading are taken from the roman script. Re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the figure in Rath Sambath Men’s thesis on p. 139.


[RM] Men, Rath Sambath. 2007. “Les stoupas et les temples de la colline d'Oudong.” Thesis, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. No place. [URL]. Pages 68–72.