South and North doorjambs of East door of the Southern tower of the second row of Prasat Lolei (K. 331), 815 Śaka

Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Saveros Pou, Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, Dominique Soutif.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK00331.

Hand description:

The lettering is characteristic of the ninth century CE.

Languages: Old Khmer, Sanskrit.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (71863cc), last modified (e71eaed).


⟨Item S: Southern Doorjamb⟩

⟨01⟩ || śrī siddhi svasti jaya ||

I. Upajāti

⟨S1⟩ sa śrī yaśovarmma-mahī-mahendro


dvi⟨S2⟩jendra candrāṣṭabhir āpta-rājyaḥ


svasthāpitāyān nr̥-varāṅganādi


de⟨S3⟩vyāṁ vyatārīd ihatat samastam ||

II. Upajāti

sa cāgra-yāyī dadatāṁ ⟨S4⟩ samastāṁs


tān bhāvinaḥ kambuja-bhū-patīndrān·


punaḥ punar yyācata I⟨S5⟩ty ayaṁ vas


svadharmma-setuḥ paripālanīyaḥ ||

III. Upajāti

Avaimi ye ⟨S6⟩ sthāsnu-yaśaś-śarīrā


jihāsavo sūn api dharmma-hetoḥ


⟨S7⟩ bhavanta Uccaiśśirasāṁ variṣṭhā


devasvam iccheyur apīdr̥śās te ||

IV. Upajāti

⟨S8⟩ prāyas sthite goptari sanmukhā ye


chidre sura-dravya-harās tu ⟨S9⟩ santi


Idan tato rakṣata sad-yuge ’pi


rāhur (jj)ahāraiva su⟨S10⟩dhāṁ surābhaḥ ||

V. Upajāti

yathā ca rāhu-pramukhān vijitya


rarakṣa devān amr̥⟨S11⟩tañ ca viṣnuḥ


tathā bhavanto ’pi nihatya caurān


suraṁ surasvaṁ pari⟨S12⟩pālayantu ||

VI. Upajāti

jñātañ ca satyaṁ mr̥t(i)r eva yācñā


rājño viśe⟨S13⟩ṣeṇa tathāpi sāstu


dharmmasya hetor mmaraṇaṁ hi śastaṁ


⟨S14⟩ satām atas tyāgina Eva yāce ||

VII. Upajāti

kumāra-mantri-pramukhaiś ca ⟨S15⟩ punyan


nivedanādyena tad eva rakṣyam·


yuṣmāsu ⟨S16⟩ bhāraḥ paripālanādis


snigdheṣu vidvatsu kr̥to hi rājñā


⟨S17⟩ 815 śaka pañcamī roc· Āṣāḍha vyar· Antvaṅ· dikka ⟨S18⟩ sracti Arddharātra Āy· vnek· Ādityavāra Uttarabhadrana⟨S19⟩kṣatra nu dhūlī jeṅ vraḥ kamrateṅ· Añ· śrī ya⟨S20⟩śovarmmadeva ta svey· vraḥ rājya ta gi 811 śaka sthāpa ⟨S21⟩ nā vraḥ Ājñā kanloṅ· kamrateṅ· Añ· śrī rājendradevī ⟨S22⟩ vraḥ jaṁnvan· qnak· paṁre toy· knetta taṁrvac· tai kanlak· I rmmāṁ ⟨S23⟩ tai kan·In· I tai kes· I tai coṁ I caṁryyāṅ· tay myaṅ· I tai kaṁ⟨S24⟩paṅ· I tai candan· I tai gar· I tai kanlak· I tai saubhāgya I tai can·roḥ I ⟨S25⟩ tai hat· I tai vasanta I tai taṁlut· I tai kansū I tai kanlak· sot· I tai ⟨S26⟩ praman· I tai smaṅ· van· I tai śubhaśrī I tai kanteṅ· I tai harī I tai rvin· I ⟨S27⟩ tai Āṁ I tai medhā I tmoṅ tai Anaṅga I tai kaṁvī I tai tmo I chmāp· ⟨S28⟩ cheṅ· tai dev· I gandharvva tai pnos· I tmiṅ· kinnara tai paṇdan· I tai ka⟨S29⟩ñjā I tai rajanāvatī I tmiṅ· vīṇa tai mutai hatai I tai yāk·ba I tai ⟨S30⟩ hāra I tmiṅ· lāv· I tai chlac· I tmiṅ· trisarī tai raśmī I caṁryyaṅ· stutī tai mā⟨S31⟩I sī vaṁṅā I kloñ· sruk· sī kanteṅ· I varī sī saṁAp· I ⟨S32⟩ pamek· sī kañcū I pīle gvāl· kaṁpit· I cmāṁ pjuḥ sī kansat· I cmāṁ mās· ⟨S33⟩ prak· sī sucandra I Ābhaṣa gvāl· campa I tai kañcit· I lap· Anāya I ⟨S34⟩ smañ· gvāl· thgap· I mālākāra gvāl·kanleṅ· I gvāl· kañjan· I tai pan·heṁ I ⟨S35⟩ lap· kaṁvaḥ I qmuḥ dik· sroṅ· gvāl· thgap· I gvāl· thgap· sot· I chattradhāra sī ⟨S36⟩ krau I sī kañjā I sī kantvah· I gvāl· vrahey· I gvāl· kañjaṁ I lmāṁ vraḥ pitai ⟨S37⟩ gvāl· paṇdan· I caṁryyāṅ· śikharā gvāl· saṁAp· I gandharvva gvāl· kaṁpur· I cmāṁ vraḥ ⟨S38⟩ vleṅ· sī śāsanodbhava I cmāṁ kanloṅ· sī kanloñ· I pratīhāra gvāl· kante⟨S39⟩ṅ· I pamos· I gvāl· kanlaṅ· I mahānasa sī paṅ·hā· I sī kañcū I sī vidyābhā⟨S40⟩va I pattrakāra sī kaṁvrau I tai pan·heṁ I tai Aṅ· oṅ· I cmāṁ dvār· I gvāl· kan·Ū I ⟨S41⟩ turyya gvāl· thmāt· I gvāl· taṅker· I gvāl· kan·Añ· I gvāl· panlas· I gvāl· ⟨S42⟩ kan·As· I vannāra sī siddhivara I cmāṁ śālā gvāl· kandās· I rmmes· raṅko ⟨S43⟩ lap· kañcit· I lap· kanses· I lap· thleṁ I mahāvrīhi tai smau I tai kaṁpat· I ⟨S44⟩ tai kañjuṅ· I tai rat· laṅgāy· I tai Aṅ· Oṅ· I tai pau kañjuṅ· I sī rat· pa⟨S45⟩nlas· I tai rat· pandan· I tai kanlaṅ· I tai pau kañcan· I (t)ai (kaṁ)vaḥ I tai rat· kaṁ⟨S46⟩vrau I tai kaṁprvat· I sī pau thgap· I tai kañjan· I (t)ai [.][.][4+] (hari) I lap· ⟨S47⟩ krau I tai kan·hyaṅ· I sī ra(t)· [.][.][.]· [9+] (laṅvā)I tai ra⟨S48⟩t· laṅgāy· I cmāṁ haja(ya) […] ⟨S49⟩ [2+] mālikā I[…] ⟨S50⟩ [2+]I tai [.][.] […] ⟨S51⟩ [3+] ya I [t]ai […] ⟨S52⟩ [3+] tai […]

⟨Item N: Northern Doorjamb⟩

⟨01⟩ || śrī siddhi svasti jaya

VI. Śārdūlavikrīḍita

⟨N1⟩ vāṇaikāṣṭa-śake śuceś śitidi⟨N2⟩ne ṣaṣṭhe jhaṣārddhaṁ vidhau


siṅhañ candra-sute vr̥ṣaṁ sabhr̥gu⟨N3⟩je lagne kulīraṁ ravau


cāpan deva-gurau tulāṁ saravi⟨N4⟩je bhaume gate sthāpitā


gaurīśa-pratimās samaṁ svaraci⟨N5⟩tās tāś śrīyaśovarmmaṇā || ||


⟨N5⟩ qnak· paṁre toy· rṇnocca rmmāṁ tai ga⟨N6⟩rbhā I tai khyāk· I tai naṁ I caṁryyāṅ· tai cpoṅ· I tai kañ·yvān· I tai su⟨N7⟩kha I tai śraddhā I tai cradit· I tai kañ·yas· I tai tmo I tai rāja I tai ⟨N8⟩ Utpala I tai kanlak· I tai kansun· I tai Amara I tai suras· I tai dli I tai pradhā⟨N9⟩na I tai malla I tai dmut· I tai kan·In· I tai cradit· sot· I tai smaṅ· I tmoṅ· ⟨N10⟩ tai śyāmāvatī I tai canroḥ I tai kaṁvrau I cmap· cheṅ· tai sujā⟨N11⟩I tmiṅ· kinnara tai jmas· I tai Utpala I tai ratnaśrī I tmiṅ· vīṇa tai ⟨N12⟩ panheṁ I tai bhāva I tai hiran· I tmiṅ· lāv· tai kāntī I tmiṅ· cko tai ⟨N13⟩ rambhāvatī I caṁryyāṅ· stutī tai vraḥ qme I kloñ· sruk sī kanrā⟨N14⟩I varī sī kaṁpañ· I pīle gvāl· pnos· I cmāṁ pjuḥ sī panlas· I pame⟨N15⟩k· sī kañjā I cmāṁ mās· prak· sī cpoṅ· I Ābhaṣa gvāl· kanlo⟨N16⟩ñ· I tai kaṁpit· I tai raṁnoc· I smañ· gvāl· śaśibhāva I mālākā⟨N17⟩ra tai kañcan· I tai krau I gvāl· cke I gvāl· prāṇa I qmuḥ dik· sro⟨N18⟩ṅ· gvāl· Aṅgāra I gvāl· tkan· I chattradhāra sī kañ·yeṅ· I sī ka⟨N19⟩ntiṅ· I gvāl· cakcok· I gvāl· kanteṅ· I lmāṁ vraḥ pitai sī kañjai I ⟨N20⟩ caṁryyāṅ· śikharā gvāl· Aṁvau I gandharvva sī kanteṅ· I cmāṁ vraḥ vle⟨N21⟩ṅ· sī kañcū I cmāṁ kanloṅ· sī sundaravikhyāta I pratīhāra ⟨N22⟩ gvāl· kaṁpas· pamos· gvāl· kanloñ· I mahānasa sī ⟨N23⟩ laṁvī I sī śāsanodbhava I sī kanlān· I pattrakāra sī cpoṅ· I ⟨N24⟩ tai knāṅ· I tai krau I cmāṁ dvār· sī jayavallabha I turyya sī ⟨N25⟩ kañcū I gvāl· raṁnoc· I gvāl· panlas· I gvāl· kañjā I gvāl· dhī⟨N26⟩ra I vannāra sī saṁAp· I cmāṁ śālā gvāl· kañcū I rmmes· raṅko la⟨N27⟩p· kaṁvrau I lap· kaṁvr̥k· I lap· kan·Aṁ I mahāvrīhi tai kha⟨N28⟩jjū I sī rat· kantur· I tai qnin· I tai rat· paṁnaṅ· I tai kañcū I ⟨N29⟩ tai rat· kan·sat· I tai saṁAp· I tai Antis· I tai pau ⟨N30⟩ mahārgha I tai rat· kañjā I tai śucī I tai rat· knap· I tai pta⟨N31⟩I sī pau kaṁpas· I cmāṁ hajayaṁ tai panheṁ I sī pau pravāt· I sī rat· ta⟨N32⟩ṅker· I tai rat· raṁnoc· I tai saṁAp· I lap· ptal· I sī kandhī I dmu⟨N33⟩k· varṣā tai kan·Ū I tai kaṁvai I tai kan·As· I tai kañcū I ⟨N34⟩ tai kaṁpit· I tai kemau I tai kansat· I tai pau krau I tai knā⟨N35⟩ṅ· I tai ka(ñ)ai I tai (p)anlas· I tai tkyap· I c(m)āṁ cpar· sī kandhī I tai ta⟨N36⟩rka I tai (kaṁ) [2+]· (tai vraḥ prasāda) I tai pau krau I cmāṁ t(p)al· ⟨N37⟩ sī kaṁ [10+] da I tai vraḥ qgat· I[…] ⟨N38⟩ […] [.]· (ye)


⟨S25⟩ kansū ⬦ kansa SP.

⟨S26⟩ van· ⬦ vau I SP.

⟨S28⟩ paṇdan· ⬦ pandan· SP.

⟨S29⟩ yāk·ba ⬦ yāk· SP.

⟨S30⟩ stutī ⬦ stuti SP.

⟨S34⟩ pan·heṁ ⬦ pan·he SP.

⟨S36⟩ kañjaṁ ⬦ kañjāṁ SP.

⟨S37⟩ paṇdan· ⬦ pandan· SP. — ⟨S37⟩ kaṁpur· ⬦ kapur· SP.

⟨S39⟩ kanlaṅ· ⬦ tanlaṅ· SP.

⟨S42⟩ rmmes· ⬦ rmes· SP.

⟨S47⟩ [.][.][.]· ⬦ lap· SP.

⟨N6⟩ kañ·yvān· ⬦ kañyān· SP.

⟨N8⟩ kansun· ⬦ kansem· SP.

⟨N12⟩ panheṁ ⬦ pansoṁ SP.

⟨N15⟩ kanlo ⬦ kañla SP.

⟨N23⟩ śāsanodbhava ⬦ śāsanodbhāva SP.

⟨N26⟩ rmmes· ⬦ rmes· SP.

⟨N31⟩ panheṁ ⬦ pansoṁ SP. — ⟨N31⟩ hajayaṁ ⬦ hajaya SP.

⟨N34⟩ kemau ⬦ […]man I SP.

⟨S35⟩ kandhī ⬦ kandhi SP.

Translation by Bhattacharya and Golzio 2009

(S1) Fortune! Success! Hail! Victory!

Śrī Yaśovarman, great king of the earth, who became king in the year denoted by moon [1], moon [1] and eight [811], gave all this, men and beautiful women, etc., to the Devī established by himself.
And he, the foremost among givers, implorers all those future kings of kings of the Kambujas again and again: ’You should protect this bridge of merit for yourself!’
You, who have a permanent body of glory, who are ready to sacrifice even your lives for the sake of merit, and are the best of those who carry their heads high, could you, being like this, covet the property of the gods? I understand this.
Defend this against people who usually appear to be good in the presence of guardians, but who plunder the property of the gods in case there is a breach. Even in the good age (sadyuge) Rāhu in the guise of a god stole the nectar of immortality!
And, as Viṣṇu, having subdued Rāhu and others, protected the gods and the nectar of immortality, so you should protect the god and the property of the god, having killed the plunderers.
And I know, indeed, that entreaty is but death, especially for a king. Nevertheless, let it be; for dying for the sake of merit is right for the good. So I implore (you) who are liberal indeed.
And this meritorious deed should be protected by princes, ministers, etc., through ordinances and so on, for the burden of protecting, etc., is laid by the king upon you, who are devoted and wise.

(N1) Fortune! Success! Hail! Victory!

In the Śaka year denoted by arrow [5], one [1] and eight [8], on the sixth white (or black, śiti) day of the month of Śuci, the moon in the middle of Pisces, the son of the moon (Mercury) in Leo, the horoscope together with the son of Bhṛgu (Venus) in Taurus, the sin in Cancer, the Guru of the gods (Jupiter) in Sagittarius, the son of the Earth (Mars) together with the son of the sun (Saturn) in Libra, the images of Śiva and Gaurī, made by himself, were erected together by Śrī Yaśovarman.


(34) La lecture de kemau est incertaine : la première syllabe semble être ke ou te, la deuxième mau ou ṣau. Cependant, la lecture de l’envers de l’estampage permet de retenir plus particulièrement la lecture kemau.


The Khmer part is first edited by Saveros Pou (2001, p. 82); reedited by Dominique Soutif (2009, p. 488) without translation; reedited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the estampage EFEO n. 598, n. 599 and n. 1264. The Sanskrit part is edited by Kamaleswar Bhattacharya (2009, pp. 69–71, 73, 81) with an English translation of the preliminary benedictory formula and the 8 verses.


[KB] Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar. 2009. A Selection of Sanskrit Inscriptions from Cambodia. Phnom Penh: Center for Khmer Studies. [URL]. Pages 69–71, 73, 81.

[DS] Soutif, Dominique. 2009. “Organisation rituelle et profane du temple khmer du viième au xiiième siècle.” PhD Thesis, Paris III - Sorbonne nouvelle. No place. [URL]. Page 488.

[SP] Pou, Saveros. 2001. Nouvelles inscriptions du Cambodge, volumes II et III. Paris: École française d’Extrême-Orient. [URL]. Page 82.