Doorjamb at Preah Theat Kvan Pir (K. 121), 638 Śaka

Editor: Kunthea Chhom.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK00121.

Hand description:

Language: Old Khmer.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (71863cc), last modified (25c6f3e).


I. Sragdharā

⟨1⟩ āvirbhūte śakendre vasu-dahana-rasai¿r?⟨ḥ⟩⟨ẖ⟩ kāmin¿i?⟨ī⟩-madhya-candre _


siṁhe lagne tulāyāṁ dinakara-tanaye ghāṭike jīva-śukre


⟨2⟩ m¿i?⟨ī⟩nendrendvātmajāte kṣiti-suta-sahite bhūri-tīkṣṇāṅśu-jāle _


devaś śrīpuṣkareśo dvija-vara-munibhis sthāpita(ḥ) puṣkareṇa



⟨1⟩ jīva • The loop of the va of the term jīva is not apparently closed at the bottom (see the remarks by L. de Lajonquière on the carving); therefore the akṣara looks like a bh. ⟨2⟩ m¿i?⟨ī⟩nendrendvātmajāte • Le i présente une très légère boucle sur le bas, pas suffisante pour le lire ī. ⟨2⟩ bhūritīkṣnāṅśujāle ⬦ bhūritīkṣṇāṅśujāle LF.

Translation by Kunthea Chhom

When the king of the Śakas having manifested by the (6) flavors, (3)fires and (8)Vasus (638), the Moon being in the center of the Vierge (kāminī), the horoscope in the Lion, the Saturn in the Balance, the Jupiter and Venus in the Aquarius, the Mercure in the Pisces, the Sun being associated with the Mars, Puṣkara had the God Śrī Puṣkareśa installed by the most eminent sages (munis) and the brahmins.

Translation into French by Finot 1904

Le roi des Śakas étant manifesté par les saveurs, les feux et les Vasus (638), la lune étant au milieu de la Vierge (kāminī), l’horoscope dans le Lion, Saturne dans la Balance, Jupiter et Vénus dans le Verseau, Mercure dans les Poissons, le soleil étant associé à Mars, Puṣkara a fait ériger le dieu Śrī Puṣkareśa par les munis et les plus éminents des brahmanes.



Edited by Louis Finot (1904, pp. 675–676) with a French translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the estampage EFEO n. 749.


[LF] Finot, Louis. 1904. “Notes d’épigraphie, VIII : Inscription de Práḥ That Kvan Pir.” BEFEO 4, pp. 675–676. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1904.1361. [URL]. Pages 675–676.