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10 <titleStmt>
· <title>Doorjambs from Kuk Prin Crum (K. 92), 950 Śaka</title>
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15 <forename>Kunthea</forename>
· <surname>Chhom</surname>
· </persName>
· </respStmt>
· <respStmt>
20 <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
· <persName ref="http://viaf.org/viaf/66465311">
· <forename>George</forename>
· <surname>Cœdès</surname>
· </persName>
25 <persName ref="part:argr">
· <forename>Arlo</forename>
· <surname>Griffiths</surname>
· </persName>
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30 </titleStmt>
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· <authority>DHARMA</authority>
· <pubPlace>Siem Reap</pubPlace>
· <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSCIK00092</idno>
35 <availability>
· <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
· <p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.</p>
· </licence>
40 </availability>
· <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
· </publicationStmt>
· <sourceDesc>
· <msDesc>
45 <msIdentifier>
· <repository>DHARMAbase</repository>
· <idno/>
· </msIdentifier>
50 <msContents>
· <summary></summary>
· </msContents>
· <physDesc>
55 <handDesc>
· <p>The lettering is characteristic of the eleventh century CE.
· </p>
· </handDesc>
· </physDesc>
65 </msDesc>
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· <projectDesc>
70 <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
· under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
· agreement no 809994).</p>
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· ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
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85 </encodingDesc>
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· <change who="part:kuch" when="2024-12-12" status="draft">Initial encoding of the inscription</change>
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90 <text xml:space="preserve">
· <body>
· <div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn" rendition="class:83231 maturity:83213">
· <p xml:lang="okz-Latn"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="S"/><label xml:lang="eng">Southern Doorjamb</label>
· <lb n="S1"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g> siddhi</p>
95 <lg n="1" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S1"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>namāmīśam imaṁ vyoma</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>bharita-jyotiṣo rucā</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S2"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>j<choice><sic>a</sic><corr>ā</corr></choice>jval<choice><sic>a</sic><corr>ī</corr></choice>ti smr̥tir yoga</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-yujāṁ yasya raver iva<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="2" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S3"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>namaś śivāya yad-ghoṣo</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>ghaṇāpaghaṇaka-dhvaniḥ</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S4"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yogināṁ hr̥d-guhā-randhra</l>
105<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-dhagaddhagitimāndyagaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="3" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S5"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>devyai namo 'stu yat-kanthe</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sakr̥t susthe sahastakam·</l>
110<l n="c"><lb n="S6"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>gaṅgādyāpi <seg met="-++"><gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/></seg>dyāṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sthitāprekṣyanusūyayā<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="4" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S7"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>viṣṇun namāmi yo bhogi</l>
115<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>bhujo bhītyabhiśaṅkitaṁ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S8"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tat-snehād iva bhogendraṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>mahāvdhau lāpayaty aram·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="5" met="anuṣṭubh">
120<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S9"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>padmajāya namaḥ padmā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>padmalīn<choice><sic>ā</sic><corr>a</corr></choice>harīrṣayā</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S10"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>padmāntasthaḥ punardātu</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>kraṣṭ<supplied reason="lost">u</supplied>kāmatay<choice><sic>o</sic><corr>e</corr></choice>va yaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
125 <lg n="6" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S11"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g>Āsīc chrīsūryyavarmmeti</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>varmmaś śrīsūryya-vaṅśa-jaḥ<surplus>jaḥ</surplus></l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S12"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>bhūpendro bhūpati-bhūmi</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-bhūṣaṇo bhūri-bhānu-bhāḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="7" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S13"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yad-vaktra-śobhayā svāsū<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>ñ</l>
·<l n="b">jitaḥ padmo nu lajjayā</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S14"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>letukāmo harer <choice><orig>ṇ</orig><reg>n</reg></choice>ābhiṁ</l>
135<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sarobhyāśaṅkayāvasat·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="8" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S15"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>pradāne dhanado dhairyye</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>mahāvdhis taijase raviḥ viḥ</l>
140<l n="c"><lb n="S16"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>ś<choice><sic>a</sic><corr>au</corr></choice>ryye mr̥gapatiḥ kāntau</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śaśī vidyāsu yo guruḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="9" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S17"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g>Āsīt senā-patir mmantrī</l>
145<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>parameśvara-bhū-pateḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S18"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>padmanāmābhidhāno ya<supplied reason="lost">ḥ</supplied></l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>padmā-pati-parākramaḥ<surplus>maḥ</surplus><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="10" met="anuṣṭubh">
150<l n="a"><lb n="S19"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>rāja-dārā-sarasvatyā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>s</l>
·<l n="b">sa bhrātā rāja-vallabhaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S20"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>mantrinām agrato dhairyya<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>s</l>
·<l n="d">senāṇir āhave jitaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
155 <lg n="11" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S21"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>so 'nindita-pura-śreṣṭha</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-varṇa-santāna-santatiḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S22"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>vraislā-purāgato rājño</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>'nucaraḥ parameṣṭhiṇaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="12" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S23"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g>tasyāsīn naptr̥naptā ya<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>ś</l>
·<l n="b">śrīparākrama-vīrakam·</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S24"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>devādi<supplied reason="lost">ṁ</supplied> vidadhan nāma</l>
165<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yat sa-varmmāvas<choice><sic>a</sic><corr>ā</corr></choice>nakam·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="13" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S25"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīsūryyavarmmaṇo rājña<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>s</l>
·<l n="b">sa Āsīd vāhi<choice><orig>ṇ</orig><reg>n</reg></choice>īpatiḥ</l>
170<l n="c"><lb n="S26"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yodhānām agrato yuddhe</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sahya-daurda<choice><orig>nd</orig><reg>ṇḍ</reg></choice>a-vīryyakaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="14" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S27"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yāmyāśārakṣaṇe rājñā</l>
175<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>preritas sa raṇe jitaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S28"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>hema-dolā-mahāvāhī</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yātanā-pati-vīryyakaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="15" met="anuṣṭubh">
180<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S29"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>kṣānta-dāntasya yasyāpy ā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-have nirjita-vairiṇaḥ<surplus>ḥ</surplus></l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S30"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>nidayālor yyaśorāśi<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>r</l>
·<l n="d">daśāśās tanute bhr̥śam·<surplus>m·</surplus><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
185 <lg n="16" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S31"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g>Āsīd vairī mahīndrasya</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yo 'rjuṇo nāma tadvadhe</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S32"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>raṇe sa preritas tena</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śauri-śauryya-parākramaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="17" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S33"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tasya bhūmiś ca yā sarvvā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sa-kulopāya-santatiḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S34"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>rājā dadāti tat sarvvaṁ<surplus>rvvaṁ</surplus></l>
195<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>tasmai bhakti-mate patiḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="18" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="S35"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>kha-vāna-dvārakair lliṅga<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>m</l>
·<l n="b">idam īśasya yo vyadhāt·</l>
200<l n="c"><lb n="S36"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>vraivyaknāmnā pure bhaktyā</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>datte śrīsūryyavarmmaṇā<unclear><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></unclear></l>
· <lg n="19" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="S37"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tal-liṅga-miśra-bhoga-śrī</l>
205<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-śānatīrtheśvare dadau</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="S38"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>kānyādi-kalpanāṁ dakṣāṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sa bhaktyā prati-vatsaram<unclear>·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></unclear></l>
210 <lg n="20" met="anuṣṭubh"><milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="N"/><label xml:lang="eng">Northern Doorjamb</label>
·<l n="a"><lb n="N1"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N2"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="21" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N3"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N4"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
220<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="22" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N5"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
225<l n="c"><lb n="N6"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="23" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N7"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
230<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N8"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="24" met="anuṣṭubh">
235<l n="a"><lb n="N9"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>bhaktyā punyam idan dattaṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>tenaś śrīsūryyavarmmaṇe</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N10"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>pālyan tat mat-kulais sarvaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>dhārmmikaiś ca sanātana<supplied reason="lost">m·</supplied><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
240 <lg n="25" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N11"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>dattaṁ bhūmyādi yad dravyaṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>tena śambhos su-bhaktitaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N12"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>te nānā-narakaṁ yānti</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>ye haranti narādhamā<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="26" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="N13"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Upapātakipātaki</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>mahāpātakināṁ yathā</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N14"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>pāpāny uktāni pāpānāṁ</l>
250<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>pāpiṣṭhā pātayantu vai<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="27" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N15"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>haranty anye svayaṁ<surplus>svaṁ</surplus> ya<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>d</l>
·<l n="b">dhārayanty anyakān yadi</l>
255<l n="c"><lb n="N16"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>nimantrānugatāś cānye</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>niścitaṁ tal labhanti te<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="28" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N17"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>kurvantīśasvanāśaṁ ye</l>
260<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>patanty anye ca pāpinaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N18"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>kālānala-mahātejo</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>nārakaṁ rauravādikam·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="29" met="anuṣṭubh">
265<l n="a"><lb n="N19"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yāvac cādityasomau ca</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yāvac cākāśabhūmikau</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N20"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tāvat pāpāni labhyāni</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sa-kulaiḥ puruṣādhamaiḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
270 <lg n="30" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N21"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tad vākyaṁ ye vilumpanti</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>kāla-rudrāgni-tejasaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N22"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>vyatikramanti tat sarvvaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śāpāni ca labhanti te<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="31" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="N23"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>mat-kulāni śivasthānā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-vināśaṁ kurvate pidam·</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="N24"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>patantu narakaṁ ghauraṁ</l>
280<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>mano-vāk-kāya-karmmabhiḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="32" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="N25"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>ye cānye mat-kulānīdaṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>su-punyaṁ varddhayanti te</l>
285<l n="c"><lb n="N26"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Ihāmutra sukhaiśvaryyaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sarve sad-gatim āpnuyuḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· </div>
·<div type="apparatus">
290 <listApp>
·<app loc="S29">
· <lem>yasyāpy ā</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Coedes1953_01">yasyāpyā</rdg>
· </app>
295 </listApp>
· </div>
· <div type="translation" resp="part:argr">
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">I salute this lord, who charges the light, by whose flash the memory of Yogins alights, like the sky <supplied reason="subaudible">flashes with the light</supplied> of the sun.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="2">Salute to Siva, whose sound <gap reason="lost"/> of which the echo (?) is ghaṇāpaghaṇa (?) slows down as the thump-thump in the chasm of the Yogins' heart-cave.</p>
300 <p rend="stanza" n="3">Homage, with folded hands (?), be to the Goddess on whose comfortable throat once <gap reason="lost"/> even today Gaṅgā resides,</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="4">I salute Viṣṇu who fittingly causes to stick on the great ocean the king of snakes, alarmed by fear of the snake-eater, as though because of his affection for him.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5">Homage to the Lotus-Born <supplied reason="lost">god</supplied>, who, in jealousy at Hari stuck to the lotus of <supplied reason="subaudible">his wife</supplied> Padmā, resides on <supplied reason="subaudible">his own</supplied> lotus, as though because he had the wish to take it away for the sake of compensation (?).</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">There once was a Varma<supplied reason="subaudible">n</supplied> called Śrī Sūryavarman, born in the lineage of the Sun, an earth ornament among earth-lords (?), shining with many rays.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="7">By the beauty of whose face the Lotus was indeed enslaved in shame: desiring to stick to Hari's Svāsu navel, it stayed where it was, out of fear for the pond.</p>
305 <p rend="stanza" n="8">Liberal <supplied reason="subaudible">Dhanada = Kubera</supplied> in donation, a great ocean in patience, a sun in radiance, a lion in valor, a moon in beauty, a master in learning.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="9">There was a minister of defense of the sovereign Parameśvara, referred to by the name Padma, a valorous as Padmā's Husband <supplied reason="explanation">Viṣṇu</supplied>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="10">He was the brother of the king's wife Sarasvatī, dear to the king, exceeding all ministers in patience (?), a general undefeated <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>ajita</foreign>-</supplied> in battle.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">He was an offshoot of the lineage of the leading class of Aninditapura, following the supreme king, after he had come from the town of Vrai Slā.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="12">He had a great-grandchild who was bearing the name Śrī Parākramavīra, beginning with Deva- and with the ending -Varman.</p>
310 <p rend="stanza" n="13">He was the general of king Śrī Sūryavarman, a the front of the soldiers in battle, possessing a mighty <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>sahya</foreign>-</supplied> stick of an arm as well as valor.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="14">Assigned to the defense of the southern region by the king, he, undefeated in battle, with a golden palanquin as great vehicle, possessed the valor of Yātanāpati <supplied reason="explanation">= Yama</supplied>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="15">The pile of fame of him <gap reason="lost"/> patient and restrained, with his enemies defeated in battle, merciless <gap reason="lost"/> stretches greatly over the ten regions.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="16">The king had an enemy called Arjuna. He <supplied reason="explanation">Parākramavīra</supplied>, equal to Śauri <supplied reason="explanation">Viṣṇu</supplied> in heroism and daringness, was assigned by him <supplied reason="explanation">the king</supplied> to the assassination of that <supplied reason="subaudible">enemy</supplied> in battle.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="17">And all of his <supplied reason="subaudible">Arjuna's</supplied> land, together with the mass of family resources <gap reason="lost"/> the king, the lord, gives all that to that devoted <supplied reason="subaudible">Parākramavīra</supplied>.</p>
315 <p rend="stanza" n="18">He created this Liṅga of Īśa <supplied reason="subaudible">in the śaka year reckoned by</supplied> 9 <supplied reason="explanation">gates</supplied>, 5 <supplied reason="explanation">arrows, <foreign>bāṇa</foreign></supplied>, 0 <supplied reason="explanation">ether</supplied> <supplied reason="explanation">950</supplied>, in the town called Vrai Vyak that had been given out of loving care by Śrī Sūryavarman.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="19">Every year, he devotedly gave and expert (?) kānyādikalpanā (?) to Śrī Īśānatīrtheśvara who shares in bhogas with that Liṅga.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="20"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="21"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="22"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
320 <p rend="stanza" n="23"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="24">This merit has been given out of devotion by him <supplied reason="explanation">Parākramavīravarman</supplied> to Śrī Sūryavarman, and all of it is to be guarded for ever by the righteous people belonging to my <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">his</supplied> family.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="25">Those lowliest of men who steal from Śambhu the goods of land etc. given by him <supplied reason="explanation">Parākramavīravarman</supplied> out of pure devotion, go to various hells.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="26">Let the mentioned worst <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>pāpiṣṭāni</foreign></supplied> of sins cause <supplied reason="subaudible">them</supplied> to fall <supplied reason="subaudible">into hell</supplied>, as <supplied reason="subaudible">do those</supplied> of minor sinners, sinners, and great sinners.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="27">If <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>yad</foreign></supplied> some themselves steal the property <supplied reason="subaudible">of Śiva</supplied>, <supplied reason="subaudible">or</supplied> if they make others steal, or <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>ca</foreign></supplied> <supplied reason="subaudible">if</supplied> still other follow an order <supplied reason="subaudible">to steal</supplied>: they obtain that fixed <supplied reason="subaudible">punishment</supplied>.</p>
325 <p rend="stanza" n="28">And those other sinners who destroy the property of Īśa <supplied reason="explanation">Śiva</supplied>, fall into the hells such as Raurava, with the great flames of the fire of Time.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="29">As long as the sun and the moon, and as long as the sky and the earth <supplied reason="subaudible">exist</supplied>, so long will sins have to be incurred by <supplied reason="subaudible">those</supplied> lowliest of men, together with their kin.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="30">Those who violate and transgress that entire statement <supplied reason="explanation">/who destroy this statement and transgress all that</supplied> incur the curses of the flames of the fire of Kālarudra.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="31">If my kin commit any damage to <supplied reason="subaudible">this</supplied> abode of Śiva, let them fall into the Ghaura hell, as result of their acts through mind, speech, and body.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="32">And if any others, kin of mine, cause this very meritorious work to prosper, may they all reach happiness, power, and a good passage <supplied reason="subaudible">to heaven/release</supplied> both here and in yonder world.</p>
330 </div>
· <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1953_01">
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">Je salue cet Īśa : par l'éclat de sa lumière qui remplit le ciel, la traduction de ceux qui pratiquent le <foreign>yoga</foreign> resplendit comme <supplied reason="subaudible">par l'éclat</supplied> du soleil.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="2">Hommage à Śiva dont le rugissement au son grave, comme celui du tonnerre dans un ciel sans nuage, s'adoucit <supplied reason="subaudible">pour devenir le</supplied> battement du cœur des <foreign>yogin</foreign>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="3">Hommage à Devī sur le cou confortable de qui la Gaṅgā a l'adresse de se tenir encore maintenant, <gap reason="lost"/> sans regret d'être invisible.</p>
335 <p rend="stanza" n="4">Je salue Viṣṇu qui, comme par amour pour le roi des serpents, qu'alarme la crainte de <supplied reason="subaudible">Garuḍa</supplied> mangeur de serpents, prend soin de le faire coucher dans le grand océan.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5">Hommage à <supplied reason="subaudible">Brahmā</supplied> né du lotus qui, par jalousie envers Hari attaché au lotus de Padmā <supplied reason="explanation">= Śrī</supplied>, se tient au milieu d'un lotus, comme par désir de se l'approprier en représaille.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">Il y eut un roi Śrī Sūryavarman, cuirasse issue de la race du soleil, ornement de la condition royale, doué de l'éclat de plusieurs soleils.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="7">Vaincu par la beauté de son visage, le lotus honteux et désireux de se cacher, a pris résidence, par appréhension de l'eau dans le nombril de Hari.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="8">C'était un Kubera en fait de libéralité, un océan pour la stabilité, un soleil pour la splendeur, un lion pour l'héroïsme, une lune pour la beauté, un maître <supplied reason="explanation">= Br̥haspati</supplied> pour la science.</p>
340 <p rend="stanza" n="9">II y eut un ministre, conseiller du roi Parameśvara <supplied reason="explanation">Jayavarman II</supplied>, connu sous le nom de Padma qui avait le courage de <supplied reason="explanation">Viṣṇu</supplied> l'époux de Padmā.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="10">Frère de Sarasvatī, épouse du roi, il était favori du roi, à la tête des conseillers ; général plein de fermeté, il ne connaissait pas la défaite à la guerre.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">Originaire d'une famille appartenant à la meilleure caste d'Aninditapura, et venu de la ville de Vrai Slā <supplied reason="explanation">"forêt d'aréquiers"</supplied>, il fut un suivant du roi aux excellents sacrifices.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="12">II eut un arrière-petit-fils portant le nom de Śrīparakramavīra, précédé de Deva- et suivi de -varman.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="13">Celui-ci fut chef d'année du roi Śrī Sūryavarman ; il marchait à la tête des guerriers dans le combat, avec la force irrésistible de ses deux bras.</p>
345 <p rend="stanza" n="14">Chargé par le roi de la garde de la region du Sud, invaincu dans le combat, porté dans un palanquin d'or, il avait la force du roi des enfers.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="15">Patient et endurant, vainqueur des ennemis dans les combats qu'il lui fallut livrer, compatissant, sa gloire remplit complètement les dix régions de l'espace.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="16">II y eut un adversaire du roi, nommé Arjuna ; poussé par le <supplied reason="subaudible">roi</supplied> à le tuer en combat, ce <supplied reason="subaudible">Parākramavīravarman</supplied> fit preuve de la bravoure et de l'héroïsme de Śauri (= Viṣṇu).</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="17">Toutes les terres constituant les moyens de subsistance de la famille <supplied reason="subaudible">d'Arjuna</supplied>, de génération en génération, tout cela ce fidèle <supplied reason="subaudible">Parākramavīravarman</supplied> le reçut en don du roi son maître.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="18">En <supplied reason="subaudible">9</supplied> portes - <supplied reason="subaudible">5</supplied> flèches - ciel <supplied reason="subaudible">= 0</supplied>, il érigea avec dévotion ce <foreign>liṅga</foreign> d'Īśa dans la ville de Vrai Vyak qui lui avait été donnée par Śrī Sūryavarman.</p>
350 <p rend="stanza" n="19">A Śrī Īśānatīrtheśvara, coparticipant avec ce <foreign>liṅga</foreign>, il a assigné chaque année avec dévotion une fondation convenable composée de jeunes filles, etc.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="20"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="21"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="22"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="23"><gap reason="lost"/></p>
355 <p rend="stanza" n="24">Il a offert avec dévotion le mérite de cette œuvre à Śrī Sūryavarman. "Que tout ceci soit gardé à perpétuité par mes parents qui observeront le dharma".</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="25">La terre et les autres biens qu'il a donnés par dévotion envers Śambhu, que les hommes vils qui s'en empareraient aillent dans les divers enfers.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="26">Que les péchés qui sont déclarés comme étant les pires des péchés, comme ceux des petits, des moyens et des grands criminels, <supplied reason="subaudible">les</supplied> fassent tomber <supplied reason="subaudible">en enfer</supplied>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="27">Si des étrangers volent eux-mêmes ou font voler par d'autres ce qui constitue le bien <supplied reason="subaudible">de Śiva</supplied>, ou obéissent à l'ordre de voler, ceux-là sont passibles <supplied reason="subaudible">des peines</supplied> prescrites.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="28">Ceux qui volent les biens d'Īśa et les autres malfaiteurs tombent dans les enfers brûlant comme le feu de la destruction, à commencer par le Raurava.</p>
360 <p rend="stanza" n="29">Aussi longtemps que <supplied reason="subaudible">dureront</supplied> le soleil et la lune, aussi longtemps que le ciel et la terre, que ces hommes vils subissent <supplied reason="subaudible">le châtiment de</supplied> leurs péchés, avec leurs parents.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="30">Ceux qui détruisent cette parole et qui transgressent tout cela, encourent les malédictions de la brûlure de feu terrible de la destruction.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="31">Si mes parents font quelque chose qui porte préjudice au séjour de Śiva, qu'ils tombent dans l'enfer effroyable à cause de leurs actes commis en pensée, en parole et en action.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="32">Si mes parents ou des étrangers font prospérer cette bonne œuvre, que tous obtiennent ici-bas et dans l'autre monde bonheur, puissance et condition fortunée.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="bibliography">
· <p>Edited by George Cœdès (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1953_01"/><citedRange unit="page">229-234</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited here by Arlo Griffiths with an English translation.</p>
370 <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="GC">
· <ptr target="bib:Coedes1953_01"/><citedRange unit="page">229-234</citedRange>
· </bibl>
· </listBibl>
375 </div>
· </body>
· </text>