Statue of a Śivācārya on the Nhơn Hải Peninsula (C. 214), 15th cenrury CE

Editor: Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00214.

Hand description:

Language: Old Cham.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (934784c), last modified (43df809).


⟨01⟩ (Om̐)

⟨1⟩ […]pu pa[…] ⟨2⟩ […][p]u-pom̃ tana rayā ya dr̥[m̃][…] ⟨3⟩ […][da](da)[m̃]n· dadam̃n· varṇna Urām̃ Aviḥ

⟨4⟩ [|] (s)vast(i) | yām̃ pom̃ ku śrī vr̥ṣu viṣṇujātti vīrabhadrava[rm](m)[ade]⟨5⟩va | br̥ṣuvaṅṣa Ādi pūra ṅgauk· glaum̃ vijaya | prathamāviśeka ⟨6⟩ di śaka Eka-loka-naya-rāma tam̃l· śaka rāja-Ag¿g?⟨n⟩i-vānu-ca⟨7⟩kṣu pu-pom̃ ku kā rijan· dhvajakalpa paṇcākṣara klāḥ di pancedri⟨8⟩ya klāḥ di paṇcatāppa ṅan· rijan· śattayañña paṇcamakutta ⟨9⟩ pu-pom̃ ku kā Imyam̃ mvoḥ vākya yām̃ pom̃ ku śrī jayasiṅghavarmma⟨10⟩deva mayvā di rāja dudim̃ pu pom̃ ku kā mapunaḥ vumvom̃ pavvak· Anva⟨11⟩k(·) vrim̃ Adhyā vuḥ […] vuḥ (haI)n· humā […] ⟨12⟩ mram̃m̃k· yām̃ nī ||


⟨01⟩ (Om̐) • the trace of a sign above line 1 is likely to have been the descending part of this invocation.

⟨3⟩ [da](da)[m̃]n· dadam̃n· ⬦ (na/n·) dadam̃n· ECIC.

⟨4⟩ [|] • space does not seem sufficient for a more substantial liminal sign, and comparison with the lay-out of C. 128 suggests that only a daṇḍa originally preceded svasti here.

⟨5⟩ pūra ṅgauk· glaum̃ vijaya • cf. C. 43, face A, l. 3 pūra ṅauk glaum̃ vijaya. — ⟨5⟩ prathamāviśeka • understand prathamābhiṣeka (cf. C. 43, face A, l. 1-2 for the same spelling). Or pratimābhiṣeka (cf C. 42, l. 11)?

⟨6⟩ -Ag¿g?⟨n⟩i- • Or is the subscript n not different in shape from subscript g in this script variety?

⟨7-8⟩ pancedriya • I suppose that we must understand pañcendriya.

⟨10⟩ kā mapunaḥ • or analyze kāma punaḥ? Cf. C. 43, face A, l. 15 kā ma°udyāna (or kāma udyāna?).

⟨12⟩ mram̃m̃k· ⬦ (m)ram̃k· ECIC.

Translation by Arlo Griffiths

... P.P.T.R. has assumed kingship ... various classes of all men.

Hail! His majesty Śrī Vr̥ṣu Viṣṇujāti Vīrabhadravarmadeva, [whose name] begins with Vr̥ṣuvaṁśa, [who hails from] the capital of Ṅauk Glauṅ Vijaya, who had his first royal consecration in Śaka one, (three) worlds, (four) policies, (three) Rāmas, (one) king (i.e. in 1343 Śaka): it came to pass (tam̃l) in Śaka (one) king, (three) fires, (five) arrows, (two) eyes (i.e. in 1352 Śaka) that milord performed a banner-ritual (?, dhvajakalpa) of the five-syllable (mantra) without the five senses, without the five penances and he performed a hundredfold-offering of five crowns. Milord then saw and realized (?, imyam̃ mvoḥ) the instruction (?, vākya) of his majesty Śrī Jayasiṁhavarmadeva to give protection to future kings. Milord then restored the sanctuary, pavvak an anvak, gave adhyā, offered ... this god.


With lines 4-5, cf. C. 57 l. 1-2: śrī vr̥ṣuvaṅśa viṣṇujātti vīrabhadravarmmadeva pu pom̃ ku ya ādināmma. In l. 9-10, it seems attractive to understand the sentence in the sense ’instruction to future kings to give protection’. On the expression pavvak anvak, which must denote some action with regard to some kind of strcuture, see Griffiths et al. 2012, p. 214, n. 55, on C. 43, face B, l. 3-4.


First published by Arlo Griffiths (2019). Re-edited here based on renewed study of the available estampages as well as new photographs.


[ECIC] Griffiths, Arlo. 2019. “Études du corpus des inscriptions du Campā, VI: Epigraphical Texts and Sculptural Steles Produced under the Vīrabhadravarmadevas of 15th-Century Campā.” In: Champa: Territories and Networks of a Southeast Asian Kingdom. Edited by Arlo Griffiths, Andrew Hardy and Geoff Wade. Etudes thématiques 31. Paris: École française d’Extrême-Orient, pp. 193–219. [URL]. Pages 204–206.


Griffiths, Arlo, Amandine Lepoutre, William Aelred Southworth and Thành Phần. 2008–2009. “Études du corpus des inscriptions du Campā, III: Épigraphie du Campa 2009-2010: prospection sur le terrain, production d'estampages, supplément à l'inventaire.” BEFEO 95, pp. 435–497. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.2008.6118. [URL]. Page 486.