Hòn Đỏ Pillar (C. 210), 972 Śaka

Editors: Salomé Pichon, Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00210.

Hand description:

Exceptional form of virāma, in l. D4, and exceptional form of -ā on face D.

Languages: Old Cham, Sanskrit.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (0d8960e), last modified (14faddc).


⟨Face A⟩ ⟨A01⟩ |||| svasti||||

I. Śārdūlavikrīḍita

⟨A1⟩ tasya śrī parameśvarasya n¿ra?⟨r̥⟩ ⟨A2⟩ pater bbhrātrīsutas sadguṇī


nāmnā śrī yu ⟨A3⟩ varāja Eva supr̥thagbhāvādikarmmodyamaḥ


⟨A4⟩ nādānamakhotsavas tv api śive yoge śiva ⟨A5⟩ (sth)[e] padāny


apy ātmānam ayan tato dhikataras so ⟨A6⟩ śnoti sanmānase||@||

II. Anuṣṭubh

karaśelavilair yyu ⟨A7⟩ kte


śakarāje śilāmayam·


liṅgaṁ sustham araṅ kī ⟨A8⟩ rttyai


(s)thāpayām āsa so dhikaḥ||@||


⟨Face B⟩ ⟨B1⟩ [ma]dā pu lyam̃ śrī yuvarāja mahāsenāpati yam̃⟨B2⟩ṅ· kumvan· yām̃ po ku parameśvaravarmmadeva du⟨B3⟩(na)n· trā kevaladharmma dauk· rajan· puṇyadāna ṅan· ⟨B4⟩ hitāhi(ta)vastu kam̃n· bhāva ni(m̃) sadākāla dunan· tum̃ sarvvaśāstrā⟨B5⟩gama sidaḥ śaivasaugatasiddhāntakulā(vdhi)ma dunan· kevala ⟨B6⟩ d(au)k· rajan· gurubhakti ṅan· śivabhakti maddan· yogadhyānasamā⟨B7⟩dhi Upak· vela Udā(sī)na suhetu (du)nan(·) kmaiṅ· ya ⟨B8⟩ śa dauk· palavvīk· di loka (nim̃ t)ra ⟨B9⟩ dunan· makmaim̃ nīrvvāṇapada (ta/ku) yam̃ Ajarā maraṇa kaivalya⟨Face C⟩ ⟨C1⟩ nirvvikāra paramānandana niṣprapañca si jem̃ dunan· ⟨C2⟩ Utsāha dauk· di vastu nan· sadākāla Upak· vela ⟨C3⟩ Udāsīna sā nimiśamātra mam̃n· la Oḥ suhetu Urām̃ panrām̃ ⟨C4⟩ nim̃ ñu Adhama paputau Urām̃ di nagara nim̃ si jem̃ ra vā ⟨C5⟩ vala marai mak· tmuv· nagara niy· niśśeṣa Aviḥ mam̃n· ⟨C6⟩ ra pratiṣṭhā liṅga jayastambha dvā niy· di A ⟨C7⟩ jvañ· sauy· tra di huluv· glai cnyā la⟨C8⟩c· Uttarabhāga deḥ bharuv· ra vriy· ⟨C9⟩ dāna kam̃n· brāhmaṇa tapasmī bhikṣu ⟨C10⟩ ṅan· hīnadīnānātha Avista⟨Face D⟩ ⟨D1⟩ bharuv· ra vrok· nau vijai ⟨D2⟩ di huriy· sapluḥ dvā klaṁ vulān· pā⟨D3⟩k· di śakarāja 972 kāla ra prati⟨D4⟩ṣṭhā liṅga niy·||@||

nan·vvana śrī yuva⟨D5⟩rāja sāna ya mahāsenāpati kāla na[n·] ⟨D6⟩ ṅan· hr̥ rūpa sukūla tyāga karuṇā pa[1+] ⟨D7⟩ [2+] pi [1+] yogadhyānasamādhi śila⟨D8⟩paḥ | kāla ri phap· drim̃ ṅan· ⟨D9⟩ ma [ca. 2+] vyalī yaśa [1+]raive bo⟨D10⟩dhisa(t)[v]a na mam̃n· [||]||


⟨A1⟩ n¿ra?⟨r̥⟩pater ⬦ nr̥pater S.

⟨A3⟩ supr̥thagbhāvādikarmmodyamaḥ ⬦ supr̥thag bhāvādi karmmo dyamaḥ S.

⟨A4⟩ nānādānamakhotsavas ⬦ nānādānamalotsavas S • With note indicating that one would have to read mahotsavas; being based on a wrong reading, we may forget this proposal. — ⟨A4⟩ śiva(sth)[e]śiva[1+] S.

⟨A5⟩ padāny apy ātmānam ⬦ sadānyapyātmānam S. — ⟨A5⟩ ayan tato ⬦ ayantato S • With note indicating that one would have to read ayatnata, which is ungrammatical and anyhow unnecessary. — ⟨A5⟩ dhikataras ⬦ dhikat[v]aṁ S • Her proposition was unmetrical.

⟨A6⟩ karaśelavilair ⬦ karaśailavilair S • It is possible that the little stroke below the vocalization of what we read as śe is indeed intended to make it śai, in which case it would have to be noted how differently the two cases of ai-vocalization in this compound have been written. We prefer to assume the mentioned little stroke is accidental, and to observe the inconsistency of orthography rather than of the shape of signs.

⟨B1⟩ yam̃ṅ· ⬦ năṅ S.

⟨B4⟩ bhāva ni(m̃)bhāvani S.

⟨B5⟩ -kulā(vdhi)ma ⬦ (kulāgdhima) S • Read -kulāgama or -kulāvdhimada?

⟨B7⟩ Upak ⬦ ra pak S. — ⟨B7⟩ Udā(sī)na suhetu (du)nan(·) kmaiṅ· ⬦ ra rā [2+] puho ṅa [2+] kmeṅ S.

⟨B8⟩ (t)ra ⬦ trā S.

⟨B9⟩ makmaim̃ ⬦ makmĕ S. — ⟨B9⟩ nīrvvāṇapada ⬦ nīivvāṇapada S • Typing error? — ⟨B9⟩ (ta/ku) yam̃ ⬦ kaya S. — ⟨B9⟩ Ajarā maraṇa kaivalya ⬦ [1+] jārāparaṇa kevala|| S.

⟨C1⟩ nirvvikāraparamānandana ⬦ (nirvvitā ra pamo)nandana S.

⟨C3⟩ Udāsīna sā ⬦ [1+]dāsīna ha S.

⟨C9⟩ tapasmī ⬦ tapasvī S • The intended meaning is no doubt tapasvī, but the stone clearly reads tapasmī. — ⟨C9⟩ bhikṣu ⬦ bhiksu S.

⟨C10⟩ hīnadīnānātha ⬦ hinadīnānāta S.

⟨D1⟩ vijai ⬦ vije S.

⟨D3⟩ 972279 S • The fact that AVS misrepresents the order of the numbers also in her edition of C. 156 in the same article suggests this is no accident. — ⟨D3⟩ pratiṣṭhā ⬦ pratiṣṭā S.

⟨D4⟩ nan·vvana ⬦ nanvvan S • The word navvan occurs several times in the corpus. We seem to have a spelling mistake for that word.

⟨D5⟩ sāna ya ⬦ sānaya S. — ⟨D5⟩ mahāsenāpati ⬦ mahāsenāpatī S. — ⟨D5⟩ na[n·] ṅan· hr̥ rūpa sukūla ⬦ na [4+] pa su kūla S • Understand hr̥ as hrī, sukūla as sukula.

⟨D6⟩ tyāga karuṇā pa[1+]tyāga [5+] S.

⟨D7⟩ [2+] pi [1+]ra[.]i si [1+] S. — ⟨D7⟩ śilapaḥ _ | kāla ⬦ sila [3+] pa [4+] kāla S • Inspection of the stone suggests that no akṣaras were ever written where AVS supposes lacunae.

⟨D8⟩ ri phap· drim̃ ṅan· ⬦ di [1+]p· drĭ […] S.

Translation by Arlo Griffiths and Salomé Pichon


(C10) Inspection of the stone shows that no sign is missing at the beginning of this lign, but that an irregularity of the stone explains the shift of the margin.

(D9–D10) AVS has not read these lines.


First edited with translation into French by Anne-Valérie Schweyer (2009, pp. 25–33). The inscription is re-edited here by Arlo Griffiths and Salomé Pichon based on autopsy and the EFEO estampages n. 1878, n. 1879, n. 1880, n. 1881 and n. 1882.


[S] Schweyer, Anne-Valérie. 2009. “Les royaumes du pays cam dans la seconde moitié du XIe siècle.” Péninsule 59, pp. 17–48. Pages 25–33.


Jacques, Claude. 1975–1976. “Épigraphie de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud-Est.” EPHEA, pp. 945–953. Pages 948–953.

Schweyer, Anne-Valérie. 2005. “Les sources épigraphiques.” In: Trésors d’art du Vietnam : La sculpture du Champa Ve-XVe siècles. Edited by Pierre Baptiste and Thierry Zéphir. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux & Musée des arts asiatiques Guimet, pp. 36–47. Pages 36–47.