Block at Mỹ Sơn (C. 75), 913 Śaka

Editor: Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00075.

Hand description:

Language: Old Cham.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (a18300e), last modified (e48e1eb).


⟨1⟩ ||| di śaka-rāja 913 huriy· 5 vaṅun· vulān· 4 vr̥haspati-vāra (ma)⟨2⟩gha-nakṣatra vr̥ścika-lagna kāla yāṅ· po ku vijaya śrī harivarmmadeva ⟨3⟩ punaḥ yāṅ· po ku śrī jaya Īśānabhadreśvara karaṇa kīrtti yaśa di bhūmi-ma⟨4⟩ṇḍala niy·


⟨1⟩ 913 CIC917 KHG; 713 LF • The reading 7 for the units that Golzio proposes is impossible, as inspection of the estampage shows. See our discussion in Griffiths et al. 2008–2009, p. 486. — ⟨1⟩ vulān· 4 CICvulān· (8?) LF • Finot first hesitantly read the month number as 8. We adopt the reading that he later proposed with confidence (Finot 1904, p. 933).

Translation by Arlo Griffiths

In the [year of the] Śaka-king 913, day 5 of the waxing [fortnight] of month 4, Thursday, lunar mansion Magha, Scorpio in the ascendant. [This was] the time that Y.P.K. the victorious Śrī Harivarmadeva re-established (the image of) Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Īśānabhadreśvara, for the sake of fame and glory in this earthly domain.

Translation into French by Griffiths et al. 2008–2009

En [l’année] 913 [du] roi des Śaka, jour 5 de la [quinzaine] croissante du mois 4, un jeudi, mansion lunaire de Maghā, l’ascendant en Scorpion. [Ceci fut] le temps où Y. P. K. le victorieux Śrī Harivarmadeva rétablit (l’image de) Y. P. K. Śrī Jaya Īśānabhadreśvara, en vue de la gloire et de la renommée dans ce domaine terrestre.


On the issue of the correct reading and interpretation of the dating formula in this inscription, see Griffiths et al. 2008–2009, p. 457.


First edited by Louis Finot (1904) with French translation. The text re-redited and retranslated here by Arlo Griffiths, based on EFEO estampage n. 332, was published in Griffiths et al. 2008–2009.


[LF] Finot, Louis. 1904. “Notes d’épigraphie, VI : Inscriptions du Quang Nam.” BEFEO 4, pp. 83–115. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1904.1296. [URL]. Pages 113–115.

[KHG] Golzio, Karl-Heinz. 2004. Inscriptions of Campā: Based on the editions and translations of Abel Bergaigne, Étienne Aymonier, Louis Finot, Édouard Huber and other French scholars and of the work of R. C. Majumdar; newly presented, with minor corrections of texts and translations, together with calculations of given dates. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. Page 122.

[CIC] Griffiths, Arlo, Amandine Lepoutre, William Aelred Southworth and Thành Phần. 2008–2009. “Études du corpus des inscriptions du Campā, III: Épigraphie du Campa 2009-2010: prospection sur le terrain, production d'estampages, supplément à l'inventaire.” BEFEO 95, pp. 435–497. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.2008.6118. [URL]. Page 457.


Parmentier, Henri. 1909. Inventaire descriptif des monuments čams de l’Annam. Tome premier: Description des monuments. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. [URL]. Page 382, item XI.

Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra. 1927. Ancient Indian colonies in the Far East, Vol. I: Champa. Punjab Oriental (Sanskrit) Series 16. Lahore: The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot. [URL]. Book III, page 145, item 51.