Acri, Andrea (anac)
Total texts: 5
Repositories: tfd-nusantara-philology (4), tfd-sanskrit-philology (1)
Languages: Undetermined (4), Sanskrit (1)
Aditia Gunawan (adgu)
Total texts: 33
Repositories: tfd-nusantara-philology (19), tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (14)
Languages: Undetermined (19), Old Sundanese (14)
Agustijanto Indrajaya (agin)
A. Moise Irudayaraj (moir)
Anjaneya Sarma (ansa)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (1)
Language: Sanskrit (1)
Balogh, Dániel (daba)
Total texts: 553
Repositories: siddham (427), tfb-vengicalukya-epigraphy (104), tfb-bengalcharters-epigraphy (10), tfb-badamicalukya-epigraphy (9), tfc-campa-epigraphy (2), tfb-parivrajaka-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Sanskrit (553), Telugu (29), Old Cham (2), Kannada (1)
Bosma, Natasja (nabo)
Total texts: 47
Repository: tfb-daksinakosala-epigraphy (47)
Language: Sanskrit (47)
Buriola, Giulia (gibu)
Cane, Nicolas (nica)
Total texts: 57
Repository: tfa-cempiyan-mahadevi-epigraphy (57)
Languages: Tamil (57), Sanskrit (50)
Chhom, Kunthea (kuch)
Total texts: 651
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (651)
Languages: Old Khmer (464), Sanskrit (237), Modern Khmer (21), Middle Khmer (3), Undetermined (2), Pali (2), Prakrit (1)
Chollet, Chloé (chch)
Total texts: 165
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (165)
Languages: Old Khmer (101), Sanskrit (92), Modern Khmer (2)
Dávalos, Renato (reda)
Total texts: 69
Repositories: tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy (32), tfa-sii-epigraphy (30), tfa-tiruvavatuturai-TN-epigraphy (4), tfa-tamil-outside-TN-epigraphy (3)
Languages: Tamil (69), Sanskrit (51)
De Simini, Florinda (flde)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfb-karnataka-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Sanskrit (1), Kannada (1)
Dewa Ayu Carma Citrawati (dacc)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (1)
Dezsö, Csaba (csde)
Total texts: 2
Repositories: tfb-vengicalukya-epigraphy (1), tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Sanskrit (2), Old Javanese (1)
Eko Bastiawan (ekba)
Total texts: 46
Repositories: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (42), tfd-nusantara-philology (4)
Languages: Old Javanese (40), Sanskrit (10), Undetermined (4), Old Malay (1)
Elliot, Tom (toel)
Estève, Julia (jues)
Total texts: 11
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (11)
Languages: Old Khmer (9), Sanskrit (3)
Francis, Emmanuel (emfr)
Centre for South Asia and India studies (CESAH, EHESS & CNRS)
Total texts: 995
Repositories: tfa-pallava-epigraphy (423), tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy (249), tfa-sii-epigraphy (116), tfa-cempiyan-mahadevi-epigraphy (60), tfa-cirkali-epigraphy (55), tfa-tiruvavatuturai-TN-epigraphy (23), tfa-tamil-outside-TN-epigraphy (17), tfa-uttiramerur-epigraphy (16), tfa-kotumpalur-epigraphy (15), tfa-pandya-epigraphy (9), tfb-ec-epigraphy (8), tfc-khmer-epigraphy (2), tfb-karnataka-epigraphy (1), tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Tamil (933), Sanskrit (616), Undetermined (8), Prakrit (4), Pali (1), Kannada (1)
Furui, Ryosuke (ryfu)
Total texts: 32
Repository: tfb-bengalcharters-epigraphy (32)
Language: Sanskrit (32)
Gerschheimer, Gerdi (gege)
Total texts: 50
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (50)
Languages: Sanskrit (36), Old Khmer (22), Prakrit (1)
Gillet, Valérie (vagi)
Total texts: 17
Repositories: tfa-melappaluvur-kilappaluvur-epigraphy (12), tfa-pandya-epigraphy (2), tfa-sii-epigraphy (2), tfa-pallava-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Tamil (17), Sanskrit (16)
Gomes, Mekhola (mego)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (1)
Language: Old Javanese (1)
Goodall, Dominic (dogo)
Total texts: 64
Repositories: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (63), tfc-campa-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Sanskrit (63), Old Khmer (18), Prakrit (1)
Griffiths, Arlo (argr)
Total texts: 371
Repositories: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (172), tfc-campa-epigraphy (107), tfc-khmer-epigraphy (45), tfd-nusantara-philology (22), tfb-bengalcharters-epigraphy (19), tfd-sanskrit-philology (3), tfb-arakan-epigraphy (1), tfb-eiad-epigraphy (1), tfb-parivrajaka-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Sanskrit (147), Old Javanese (130), Old Cham (80), Undetermined (39), Old Khmer (20), Old Sundanese (10), Old Malay (5), Prakrit (4), Pali (2)
Gururaja, Samana (sagu)
Total texts: 21
Repositories: tfb-kalyanacalukya-epigraphy (20), tfb-karnataka-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Kannada (18), Sanskrit (5)
G. Vijayavenugopal (vija)
Total texts: 162
Repository: tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy (162)
Languages: Tamil (162), Sanskrit (94)
Hun, Chhunteng (chhu)
Total texts: 13
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (13)
Languages: Old Khmer (11), Sanskrit (4)
Ida Bagus Komang Sudarma (ibks)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (1)
I Gde Agus Darma Putra (dapu)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (1)
Ijuin, Shiori (shij)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfd-sanskrit-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (1)
Ilham Nurwansah (ilnu)
Total texts: 4
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (4)
Language: Undetermined (4)
Janiak, Axelle (axja)
Total texts: 3
Repositories: tfd-nusantara-philology (2), tfd-sanskrit-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (3)
Lua Swee Yang, Nicholas (nlsy)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (1)
Lubin, Timothy (tilu)
Total texts: 10
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (10)
Language: Undetermined (10)
Manuel, Indra (inma)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Tamil (1), Sanskrit (1)
Meyer, Michaël (mime)
Total texts: 9
Repositories: repo-test (8), tfd-nusantara-philology (1)
Languages: Undetermined (6), Sanskrit (3)
Mirnig, Nina (nimi)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (1)
Language: Sanskrit (1)
N. Ramaswamy (rama)
Total texts: 3
Repository: tfa-tiruvavatuturai-TN-epigraphy (3)
Languages: Tamil (3), Sanskrit (2)
Nurmalia Habibah (nuha)
Total texts: 4
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (4)
Language: Undetermined (4)
Ollett, Andrew (anol)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (1)
Language: Undetermined (1)
Operato, Dorotea (doop)
Centre for South Asian and Himalayan Studies (CESAH, EHESS & CNRS)
Total texts: 5
Repository: tfa-sii-epigraphy (5)
Languages: Tamil (5), Sanskrit (5)
Pasedach, Peter (pepa)
Pichon, Salomé (sapi)
Total texts: 117
Repositories: tfc-campa-epigraphy (77), tfc-khmer-epigraphy (40)
Languages: Old Cham (60), Old Khmer (40), Sanskrit (39)
Premukumar S. (prem)
Putu Eka Guna Yasa (pegy)
Santoro, Antonella (ants)
Total texts: 5
Repository: tfb-karnataka-epigraphy (5)
Languages: Sanskrit (5), Kannada (5)
S.A.S. Sarma (sass)
Total texts: 3
Repository: tfa-tamil-outside-TN-epigraphy (3)
Languages: Tamil (3), Sanskrit (1)
Sastrawan, Wayan Jarrah (wjsa)
Total texts: 49
Repository: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (49)
Languages: Old Javanese (27), Undetermined (19), Sanskrit (4)
Schmiedchen, Annette (ansc)
Total texts: 83
Repositories: tfb-maitraka-epigraphy (82), tfb-bhaumakara-epigraphy (1)
Language: Sanskrit (83)
Schoettel, Marine (masc)
Total texts: 35
Repositories: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (31), tfd-nusantara-philology (4)
Languages: Old Javanese (31), Sanskrit (9), Undetermined (4)
S. Kavitha (kavi)
Soutif, Dominique (doso)
Total texts: 144
Repository: tfc-khmer-epigraphy (144)
Languages: Old Khmer (110), Sanskrit (48)
Stoyanova, Simona (sist)
Tanemura, Ryugen (ryta)
Total texts: 2
Repository: tfd-sanskrit-philology (2)
Language: Undetermined (2)
Thomas, Jens (jeth)
Total texts: 101
Repository: tfb-telugu-epigraphy (101)
Languages: Telugu (101), Sanskrit (6)
Titi Surti Nastiti (tisn)
Total texts: 1
Repository: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (1)
Language: Old Javanese (1)
Tournier, Vincent (vito)
Total texts: 2
Repositories: tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy (1), tfb-eiad-epigraphy (1)
Languages: Prakrit (1), Pali (1)
Trento, Margherita (matr)
Total texts: 15
Repositories: tfa-tiruvavatuturai-TN-epigraphy (12), tfa-tamil-outside-TN-epigraphy (3)
Languages: Tamil (15), Sanskrit (4)
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti (tykd)
Total texts: 10
Repository: tfc-nusantara-epigraphy (10)
Languages: Old Javanese (10), Sanskrit (2)
Veluppillai, Uthaya (utve)
Total texts: 55
Repository: tfa-cirkali-epigraphy (55)
Languages: Tamil (55), Sanskrit (17)
Vigneshwaran Muralidaran (vimu)
Total texts: 3
Repository: tfa-tamil-outside-TN-epigraphy (3)
Languages: Tamil (3), Sanskrit (1)
Wattelier-Bricout, Amandine (amwb)
Total texts: 85
Repositories: tfb-somavamsin-epigraphy (37), BESTOW (21), tfb-bengalcharters-epigraphy (17), tfb-tunga-epigraphy (10)
Language: Sanskrit (85)
Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah (zapa)
Total texts: 6
Repository: tfd-nusantara-philology (6)
Language: Undetermined (6)
Zollo, Roberta (rozo)