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Documents 51–100 of 249 matching.

Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Two verses in praise of Paruvūrnāṭṭu-Nambi as a devotee of Śiva and a patron of poets.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Begins with the historical introduction Samastajagadādhāra, etc. Records a royal order making a tax-free dēvadāna endowment of the village Nallūr to the temple of Nalla-Nāyaṉār for the maintenance of a service in the name of the king and for the [expenses of] the festival in the month of Tai.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Records a similar royal order issued to the tānattār of the temple making a tax-free gift of the village Vaṇṇāttūr in the proportion of three shares to one for the expenses of a festival called after prince Sundara-Pāṇḍya and of a service in the name of the king and for the worship of the images of Vīra-pāṇḍīśvaram-uṭaiya-Nāyaṉār and Dēśamikka-Perumāṇāc-ciyār consecrated by the same prince in the temple Sundara-Pāṇḍya is called in the inscriptions Ubhaiyadaḷa-kumāraśārdūla.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Unfinished. Seems to record sale of rights [prob. of singing] to the dēvaraḍiyāḷ named Mādu[mai] alias Kōvaṇavarkulā

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Records the construction of a shrine for and consecration of the image of Kṣētrapāla in the temple of Nalla-Nāyaṉār at Nallūr by Āḍavalla-Nambi of Koṭumpuṉam, who is stated also to have endowed a quarter vēli of wet land for offerings and lamps to the deity.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Highly damaged and fragmentary. Mention the nāṭṭavar of Cittiramēḻi-Inaṇṭukarai of Iruṅkōḷapāṭi and of Rāja-rājapāṭi.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Damaged. Records an endowment of 7 of land after purchasing it from the temple itself by Tappili Tāḻviyāḻvi alias Tirukkaḷiṟṟuppaṭi-Naṅkai, a dēvaraḍiyāḷ of the temple for special worship on festival days..

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Gift of millet received in specified quantity on each vēli of land in the tēvatāṉam village from the tenants as the pāṭikāval fee by Rājarājadēvaṉ Poṉparappiṉān Vāṇakōvaraiyaṉ for offerings to god Poṉ-parappīśvaraṃ-uṭaiya-Nāyaṉār set up as an āśrayaliṅga in the temple by Tillaināyaka-vēḷāṉ.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Registers the sale of the right of singing the Tiruvembā[vai] kaṭai-k-kāppu in the temple of Nalla-Nāyaṉār to the dēvaraṭiyāḷ by name Uḍaiyanāchchi alias Kulōttuṅgaśōḻa-māṇikkam by the tānattār of the temple.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Registers the gift of the whole village of Nallūr consisting of 360 vēli of land and of other pieces elsewhere amounting to ten vēli and odd with their income in taxes like mākkalam, āyam and kīḻiṟaipāṭṭam for the requirements of the temple of Nallanāyaṉār at Nallūr by Āḷappiṟandāṉ Mōgaṉ alias Kāḍavarāyaṉ.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Records the gift, with its income in taxes like pāḍikāval, taṟiyiṟai, etc., of 5 of land other than those mentioned in No. 145 above by Irumuḍiśōḻa-Mūvaraiyaṉ Amattai of Karuppūr.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: In characters of about the 12th century A.D. Records the consecration of the image of Dakśiṇāmūrtti and an endowment of wet lands for worship to the deity by a certain Maṇḍai Ponnaṉ alias .... śōḻa-Malaiyamāṉ of [the village of] Śāttiyakkam.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Registers an endowment of the village Kācccuvakkuṭi in Kīḻārāṟṟūr-kūṟṟam, a subdivision of Milāṭu alias Jananātha-vaḷanāṭu, as dēvadāṉa to the temple of Nalla-Nāyaṉār by Rājarājadēvaṉ alias Vāṇakōvaraiyaṉ of Ārakalūr. This is signed at the end by Makadaināṭāḻvāṉ alias Vāṇakōvaraiyaṉ who was perhaps the donor himself or the officer who issued the order.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Records an endowment of land for singing of tiruccāḻal and for offerings to the goddess in the temple of Nalla-Nāyaṉār by Kōvaṉ Vaḷaiya-maḷagiyāṉ alias Vāṇarāyappēraiyaṉ.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Incomplete. Seems to record a gift of land to the temple of Kaiyilāsamuṭaiya-Nāyaṉār [at Vaṇṇattūr].

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: A late inscription mentioning that Cīraṅkarāyaṉ performed or sponsored a pūja.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


K.V. Subrahmanya Aiyer, G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Fragment.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Label of a sculpture.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).


G. Vijayavenugopal, Emmanuel Francis.

Summary: Label of a sculpture.

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Tamil Nadu (varia) (tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy).
