
Editors: Marine Schoettel, Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSIDENKKusmala.

Languages: Old Javanese, Sanskrit.

Repository: Nusantara Epigraphy (tfc-nusantara-epigraphy).

Version: (0daa6bf), last modified (f510d28).


⟨1⟩ // svast[i] śakava[r]ṣăt[ĭ]ta, 1272, mă[r]gaś[i]ra-māsa, tithi pañcadaś(i), śukla-pakṣ(ā), ⟨2⟩ ma, va, Ă, vāra, pahaṁ,

Irikā divaśanika sampu⟨r⟩(ṇna)nikana(ṁ) ravuhan· śĭlama(t)· i ⟨3⟩ (ku)śmala de rakryan· dəmuṁ, saṁ martabun· raṅgaḥ (sa)p(u), makamaṅgalā rakak iṅ amūrvva⟨4⟩bumi, maparivāra raṅgah avar-avar·, juru saṅ apañji pupon·

ma⟨ṁ⟩(ka)na saṅ (ā)jñā ⟨5⟩ păduka ba(ṭāre) matahun· śrĭ baṭāra vijayarājasănantavikramottuṅga⟨6⟩deva, j(ā)gaddhitahetu, magavaya sukani para s(a)mya sakahavat· luraḥ ⟨7⟩ (I) vetan i daha, ¿ma?⟨sa⟩maṅkanā bilāsa pāduka baṭāre mātahun a(ma)⟨8⟩ṅun kĭrttyanurāgātmaka kas(u)kaniṁ rāt·, raṅga sapu karo viku pakṣa sampŭrṇna⟨9⟩ni ravuhan· || siddhir astu ||

(A)mānuṣa kadarśanĭyanikanaṁ yaśa ra⟨10⟩vuhan hatītadurggamahaLp·, tlas maparipŭrṇna de rasika raṅ⟨g⟩a sapu tu⟨11⟩hu vidagdha tiṅkahiṅ ula(ḥ), ndatan· sah aṅaran· pupon rasika pa⟨12⟩ñji pinuji-puji sădhu śakti guṇavăn· vnaṁ gumavaya, I saṁ prabu tama⟨13⟩n· paL̥paL̥h inutusnira narapati ||

yaśātiśaya śobitāhaL̥⟨14⟩p asusaṁrama sukanikaṁ janāsiṅ umulat·, si⟨ra⟩ ra(kv)a tikaṁ rakṣa ni⟨15⟩tya pamul(i)ḥ kali maravuhan arddhapaL̥ mapagəḥ ||

mav(i)prakṣa⟨16⟩(t)i śevadharmma ri ⟨⟨nară⟩⟩dhipa haṅuhaṁṅune panon· saṅ ¿u?⟨a⟩hulun· ⟨17⟩ ndatan (p)avkasan·, huvus makaṅaran· kĕta śĭlamat i kuśmala pra⟨18⟩kăśita


⟨2⟩ ĂĀ vStC. — ⟨2⟩ pahaṁ ⬦ pahāṁ vStC. — ⟨2⟩ divaśanika sampu(ṇna)nikana(ṁ)divaśa (ni) kasampurnnanikanaṅ vStC.

⟨3⟩ rakak iṅ amūrvva⟨4⟩bumi ⬦ rakaki ṅamurvva bumi vStC.

⟨4⟩ jur(u)(ju/mu)[1*] vStC.

⟨7⟩ (I) vetan ⬦ vetan vStC. — ⟨7⟩ ¿ma?⟨sa⟩maṅkanā vStC⟨7⟩ pāduka baṭāre mātahun ⬦ pādukā baṭare matahun vStC.

⟨8⟩ kas(u)kaniṁ rāt ⬦ kas¿a?⟨u⟩kanirat vStC • The emendation adopted by van Stein Callenfels was suggested by Brandes. — ⟨8⟩ sampŭrṇna ⬦ sampurnna vStC.

⟨10⟩ hatītadurggamahaLp ⬦ atita durgga mahaləp vStC. — ⟨10⟩ maparipŭrṇna ⬦ maparipurnna vStC.

⟨11⟩ sah aṅaran ⬦ sah aṅāran vStC • It is not clear why van Stein Callenfels felt the need to emend to aṅāran (following Poerbatjaraka), while he correctly read sa haṅaran.

⟨14⟩ asusaṁrama ⬦ asuṅ paramasukanikaṅ vStC • This passage is difficult. Van Stein Callenfels read asu saṁ rama but emended following Poerbatjaraka, whose reconstruction does not convince us. Other possibilities would be to emend asusaṅgrāma (see OJED 1665), asusaṅkrama or asusambrahma (OJED 1636.5). — ⟨14⟩ ¿si⟨ra⟩ ra(kv)a?⟨sira rakva⟩ • We concur with the correction proposed by van Stein Callenfels.

⟨15-16⟩ mav(i)prakṣa⟨16⟩(t)i ⬦ mavipraksati vStCmapviprakṣati seems to be a hapax. In the OJED corpus, we find the reading kaviprakṣati, which seems to be an emendation of Zoetmulder.

⟨16⟩ ⟨⟨nară⟩⟩dhipa • The interlinear insertion is marked by a kākapāda. — ⟨16⟩ haṅuhaṁṅune ⬦ haṅuhaṅune vStC. — ⟨16⟩ saṅ ¿uhulun?⟨ahulun⟩ • We follow van Stein Callenfels’ emendation.

⟨17⟩ makaṅaran ⬦ makaṅāran vStC.

Translation by Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel

Hail! The elapsed śaka year 1272, month of Mārgaśira, fifteenth day of the waxing fortnight, Mavulu, Vagai, Tuesday (aṅgāra), [in the vuku of] Pahaṅ. That was the time of the completion of the stone-made dam at Kuśmala by the rakryan Dəmuṅ, saṅ Martabun Raṅgah Sapu, under the auspices of (makamaṅgala) the elder brother Amūrvabhūmi, having as attendants the Raṅgah Avar-avar and the juru with the byname Pupon. Such is the order of his Highness the Lord of Matahun, Śrī Bhaṭāra Vijayarājasānantavikramottuṅgadeva, the cause of welfare of the world, [namely] to bring about the happiness of the commoners/vassals coming under the territory of the chiefs to the east of Daha; likewise is the grace of his Eminence the Lord of Matahun, whose nature is to have affection for [the Goddess] Fame, who causes the happiness of the world: “[i.e. that] Raṅgah Sapu with the priests should be determined about making every effort for the restoration of the dam. May it be perfectly accomplished!” Supernatural was the beauty of this pious work in the form of a dam of an extremely rare perfection, it was already perfect thanks to Raṅgah Sapu. Truly skilful was his manner of acting, the one named Puponwas inseparable, - as his byname -, constantly praised as good, strong, virtuous and able to act. He was ordered by the king not to be careless towards the king: [A construction] superior in glory, splendid and excellent, very hospitable and the pleasure of whomever saw it, it was, so to say, the perpetual protection restoring the dammed river to its complete charm, being strong [again]. Announcing his duty of paying homage to the ruler, ever eager for a means to see his Majesty: the [dam] at the renowned [place] Kuśmala was at last using the name “śilamat” (could be called).



First edited by van Stein Callenfels (1919).


[vStC] van Stein Callenfels, Pieter Vincent. 1919. “De inscriptie van Kandangan.” TBG 58, pp. 337–347.


Damais, Louis-Charles. 1952. “Études d’épigraphie indonésienne, III: Liste des principales inscriptions datées de l’Indonesie.” BEFEO 46 (1), pp. 1–105. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1952.5158. [URL]. Pages 76–77, item A.186.

Damais, Louis-Charles. 1955. “Études d’épigraphie indonésienne, IV: Discussion de la date des inscriptions.” BEFEO 47, pp. 7–290. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1955.5406. [URL]. Pages 82–83, item A.186.